I Didn’t Understand Back Then

I didn’t understand back then what God was doing. I knew that He had a plan in letting the evil ones seem to triumph for a season, but what could it possibly be?

I and and so many others cried out to God for justice, for the truth to come out, for an end to the gross violations of the law we were seeing in the months after the Steal back in 2020. I remember how terrible it was. It was worse even than when Obama won re-election. I honestly thought, “This is the end. God has decided to destroy America.”

How could I argue with that choice? Let’s face it. We are guilty of monstrous evils as a nation. Abortion. Homosexual deviancy. Now the transgender cult and all its depredations. God would be fully justified in destroying this nation completely. We deserve the wrath of God.

But as we headed into January 6, and the terrible actions of that day unfolded, as the inevitability of the Inauguration of the Fake President became clear, I felt only grim and terrible resolve. Either God was preparing to judge us, or perhaps, just maybe, He had something else in mind as yet unseen.

I prayed then that every secret thing would be revealed, and boy has He ever answered that prayer. 

Biden had to happen, so that everybody could finally be forced to see every secret thing to the full. They had to be forced to see the Steal. They had to be forced to see the collusion between media and the Regime. They had to be forced to see the injustice of the lawfare, not only against Trump but against all his backers. They had to be forced to see the censorship, and the absolute failure of Democrat policies, and the corruption, and the spiraling descent into poverty and ruin we have witnessed during these four years in the wilderness. There needed to be a long train of abuses, so Americans of all kinds and political philosophies could finally open their eyes and see what we have all known for so long, then as one repudiate the wicked ones and tear down their wicked system once and for all.

When they tried to kill Trump, as we knew they probably would, and God so plainly saved his life, that’s what clinched it. I knew it with certainty then – God intends to save my country. We are not abandoned. We are not going to be destroyed. This is going to be the beginning of a great awakening, not only politically, but very possibly spiritually too.

I think that had Donald Trump actually been allowed to win, in spite of the Steal, we would not be where we are now. He would not have the moral high ground he now does, nor the mandate, nor the broad support he needs, nor the grim resolve that can only come when you have been so relentlessly attacked as he has, dodged a bullet, as he has, and survived it all to emerge triumphant. He would not be in the position that he is now to finally and fully dismantle the Deep State and the Communist / Fascist Left.

We are witnessing a new birth of freedom, a turning point in history that few people ever get to witness.

I am humbled and very grateful to God to be alive to see it unfold. Bow the knee, folks, if you haven’t already. Petition the throne of grace. Repent where repentance is needed. Stand ready. Your God and your country need you for such a time as this. 

The end is coming at last, and victory is near.

God bless America.


Patriotic dude Follower of Christ Keeper of the Truth