Entries by CptNemo

I Didn’t Understand Back Then

I didn’t understand back then what God was doing. I knew that He had a plan in letting the evil ones seem to triumph for a season, but what could it possibly be? I and and so many others cried out to God for justice, for the truth to come out, for an end to […]

Current Events 07-15-2024

Believe It When People Say They Want to Kill You Flashback to Years of Incitement by Democrats, Media Against Donald Trump; “We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” — Joe Biden They Want Us All Dead, Starting With Trump Dangerous Dems have been fueling violent political rhetoric for […]

If You Try to Kill the King, You Better Not Miss

This is what Democrats do. When it looks like they’re losing, they kill the Republican. They almost killed Reagan too. Every journalist, every media personality, who has PUBLICLY CALLED FOR HIS DEATH IS CULPABLE. The Secret Service is culpable. The FBI is culpable. And of course, they conveniently killed the patsy so he can’t talk. […]

Current Events 07-09-2024

They Are Chained to the Galley, And It’s Going Down Bidengate and the Doom Loop; The more Biden avoids the media, the more the public considers him an inadequate president. Yet the more he might welcome more exposure, the more his ensuing dementia becomes apparent. They Deserve Everything That is Coming The Democrats Deserve Biden, […]

Current Events 07-05-2024

Heads We Win, Tails You Lose The ‘insurance policy’ makes her move… They Are the Enemy It’s Never Joever; Things just morph and change. They aren’t the opposition. They aren’t another point of view. They aren’t a misguided opinion, or a mistaken conclusion, or a person voting out of tradition. If you support the Democrat […]

Current Events 07-02-2024

Six Months Trump is Going to Win; Liberals, get those passports ready. You have six months.  China Has Bought Our Government, and is Going For the Killshot The Diminishing Likelihood of a Fair Election As Do ALL Presidents Supreme Court Rules President Trump Has Absolute Immunity for Official Actions Within Constitutional Authority In Which They […]

If You Are Anti-Human, I Am Anti-YOU

I am against any policies or practices that are anti-human. The people running the world are ANTI-HUMAN. They want as high as 95% of the world population dead and gone. They get to pick who. I am against any policies or practices that are anti-American. If you are a native born American, you have a […]

Biden Is Not President – We Are Under a Dictatorship

So. The deep state has succeeded in convicting Trump on phony, dare-I-say, TRUMPED up charges. This is not a republic. It’s not even a democracy. It’s a dictatorship.  I am still voting Trump. And if I am forced, I will fight to defend my freedom against tyrants. This will not stand. We will not rest […]

Current Events 05-22-2024

It’s All About the Sodomites Civil Rights Stay Gay We Made a Grave Error as a Nation Being “Tolerant” of Deviants – Taboos Exist For a Reason Germany’s Decriminalization Of Child Porn Reminds Us Why We Need Societal Taboos The Censorship Industrial Complex Is Much Bigger Than We Realized Note to Readers: That Eerie Silence; […]

Sorry For the Hiatus

Every once in awhile, I get sick and tired of all the bovine excrement. I get weary of all the lies. So I check out and ignore all of it. But inevitably, I come back because of my deep belief that you have to stay informed so you know which way the attacks on your […]