Current Events 10-05-2024

There are not words for the devastation I have witnessed in those areas impacted by Hurricane Helene. My heart goes out to all those destroyed communities, and the survivors. They have a long hard road in front of them. I have only contempt and hatred for a government that would withhold aid from its own citizens, while there seems to be unlimited funding available for Ukraine, Israel, and illegal aliens. This government, this illegal regime of traitors, must go. One way or another, it must go.

The Reprehensible Audacity Of FEMA Being Broke; We don’t even have the decency to fake as though we care about our own citizens anymore.

The Democrats’ War on Western North Carolina

Every time they mention the destruction of Hurricane Helene, they talk about climate change. Every time. What do they mean when they say this? I’ll tell you. They mean YOU PEOPLE DESERVE TO DIE BECAUSE YOU BROUGHT THIS ON YOURSELVES BY NOT SUPPORTING DEMOCRATS AND THE GREEN NEW DEAL. That’s what they mean.

However much you hate your government and the media, it isn’t enough.

I Cannot Believe It is Even Necessary to Answer These Retards LincolnGBTQ

Current Events 09-17-2024

The Dems and their Mouthpiece the MSM Are the Proximal Cause After Surviving Second Assassination Attempt – President Trump Outlines Details of Leftist and Media Rhetoric Toward Violence

They Won’t Rest Until Trump is Dead Media Will Speed Past Second Democrat Assassination Attempt On Trump Because They Helped Inspire It

The reaction to this, the SECOND attempt on Trump’s life, reveals some things about the Violent Left.

1) The Violent Left is blaming the victim.

2) The Violent Left is guilty of terror (stop speaking, running for office, disagreeing with us, and maybe we won’t kill you).

3) The Violent Left is projecting (they accuse us of violence, they are the violent ones).

4) The Violent Left has no faith in the electoral process, so when it seems they are likely going to lose and everything else has failed, they resort to murder.

These people are violent, dangerous, and mentally deranged. Prepare yourselves accordingly. We ARE going to win, but not peaceably.

When Democrats lose, they cause Civil Wars and assassinate Presidents. 


Never Again Can A Republican Be Allowed With a Mandate Like Reagan Got Ronald Reagan Was The Catalyst For The Democrat Cheating Machine

Ministry of Truth With Fact-Checks Like These, How Does Truth Stand a Chance?

Current Events 08-22-2024

Their Only Name is Communist From Now On Who Is ‘Destroying Democracy in Darkness?’ Have those who lectured us about democracy in danger now decided to save it by destroying it?

It Won’t Be Enough Kamala Can’t Win Without Extreme Election Interference And That’s Exactly What’s Happening

Excellent Advice Exclusive The 75-Day Sprint: The Tactics That Will Win Donald Trump the Election

It Ain’t All Roses and Unicorns He’s seen internal polling that isn’t available to the public, and he’s worried…

I Think It’s Clear By Now

You cannot vote Democrat and claim to be a Christian. These people have long since ceased to be anything resembling the party of Truman, or Kennedy, or FDR. If you are still voting Democrat, then you’re no better and no different than the so-called Christians who voted Hitler into power in 1933. Yes, I just drew moral equivalence between the German National Socialist party, and our current Communist / Democrat party in America. 

The Democrat Party hates America. It hates men, it hates women, it hates unborn babies, it hates children, it hates mothers, it hates fathers, it hates Christians, it hates white people – it is the party of Hate. They are not interested in persuading anybody of their positions. We’re past that. They intend to compel with the jackboot of federal authority.

The Democrats represent everything degenerate, pagan, godless, wicked and vile. They have no policy positions other than hating Trump, and by extension all of us, and destroying the American system of government to put a Communist system in its place.

You cannot be neutral in this. If you love Jesus Christ, and also love America, believe in the rule of law and hard work and fair play, and all the regular things that used to define Americans, Republican AND Democrat, you are the enemy. And they want you dead. Dead or in jail. There is no coexisting with the Left. They are hellbent on destroying America and us with it if they get the chance. You must not give them that chance.

I do not care what you think of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is not the problem here – he is the solution. You have to vote Trump, because if you do nothing, or worse, vote for this wicked regime, you have chosen a side. It is not the side of the angels.

Choose wisely, or stop pretending.

Do You Want to Remain Free?

I cannot conceive of a starker contrast in candidates than we have before us this election (if you can really call it that). By rights, Trump should be President fair and square. The 2020 election was stolen in the most brazen case of election fraud in modern history, worthy of any 3rd world dictatorship. You can view the evidence on this here: Whenever people say “There is no proof” there is in fact PLENTY of proof, PILES of proof, but the courts refused to see the evidence. And then the corrupt regime attempted to jail Trump and his supporters for merely asserting fraud and demanding an investigation. When that didn’t work, they tried to kill him.

On our side, you have Trump, who has kept every campaign promise he ever made. He has enacted policies of great benefit to all Americans. He has defended religious freedom. His Supreme Court justices overturned Roe v. Wade. The economy was doing well on his watch, booming in fact, until the Chinese bioweapon was unleashed. Trump represents freedom, justice, and the rule of law. He is the clear candidate to choose if you want a free Republic, governed by a Constitution at the consent of the governed. In other words, if you want to remain a free citizen and not be under threat of America’s current two tiered injustice system, Trump is your guy.

On the other hand you have Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris got where she is today by sleeping to the top. She has never earned anything in her life. She is the poster child of all diversity hires, who only got the job because she is somewhat brown. I am not making this up. Biden stated publicly that he would choose a “Woman of Color” to be his Vice President. For the record, Kamala is not actually black. She likes people to think she is. She has an Indian mother, and a Jamaican father. Her father is a descendent of the infamous Irish slaveholder Hamilton Brown, who owned at least 1,200 slaves and fought to stop the abolition of slavery in England. Kamala didn’t earn it.

Her running mate Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota is guilty of stolen valor. That means he lied about his military service. He abandoned his National Guard unit before he could be deployed to Iraq. This is the guy who did nothing while cities across Minnesota were burned by BLM terrorists in the wake of George Floyd dying of a drug overdose in police custody. The 2020 Summer of Love is squarely on Tim Walz’s shoulders. He is a radical Leftist who wants to end parental rights, so the state can forcibly transition minor children. He also believes in abortion right up to the moment of birth, and even after. He is the pro-infanticide candidate.

Neither one of these people were chosen by a vote of the people. They were selected by the wealthy elites of the Democrat party, and simply placed at the top of the ticket when Biden was unceremoniously dumped as the ELECTED DEMOCRAT NOMINEE, thus cancelling the Primary votes of over 14 million Americans. Democrats have a major problem with elections. They only believe in elections when the results can be manipulated in their favor. Most of the time, they ignore them, and hope to eliminate them entirely.

If you vote for these people, or refuse to back Trump this Fall with your vote (in effect, giving the vote to the Democrat “candidates”), you will be helping elect full blown Marxists to power in the United States. These radical Leftists will make sure that America becomes a one party system under the permanent rule of Democrat extremists forever, like California. They will follow the Democrat playbook and enact a totalitarian regime that simply ignores the voice of the American citizen and does whatever it pleases. You will not recognize your country anymore if these people somehow cheat their way into power again.

I cannot state this any plainer than to say this: “Vote for Trump, or lose the Republic for good.” This is our last chance. I say this without exaggeration or hyperbole. It is simply the stark reality of where we are.

Do you want to remain free? I think the choice is clear.

Current Events 08-09-2024

The Democrat Party Didn’t Want Josh Shapiro to Be Veep Because Josh Shapiro is a Jew Americans Must Reject Kamala Harris’s Cave to the Darker Parts of the Democratic Party; A party that is so broken that it would reject a vice presidential candidate who could substantially increase its chances of winning the election because of his religion deserves to lose decisively.

Is there any level of depravity to which these racist, bigoted, deviant, evil, heathen, unAmerican, Jew hating, Christ hating, babykilling, child butchering, lawless, Marxist / Fascist bastards will not stoop in their pursuit of ever more power?

Do You Want a Free Country? A Reality Check for American Voters

These are the last days of the Weimar Republic. And yes, I am absolutely equating electing the Democrats to giving the Fascists a majority in the Reichstag and electing Hitler chancellor. That’s exactly who these people are. That the future you want?

Okay. If There’s No Such Thing as Late Term Abortion, You Won’t Mind If We Outlaw It. Corporate Media Claim There’s No Such Thing As Late-Term Abortion But Cry When It Is Paused

The CIA and the DOJ Have Weaponized Capitalism Against Us World Federation of Advertisers shuts down GARM project after Elon Musk, Rumble sue over ad boycott

If they can form an unlawful monopoly, control ad revenue, starve out dissenting voices, then they have effectively cancelled free speech on the internet.

However Much You Hate Your Government, It Isn’t Enough Watergate-era “reforms” made the federal government even stronger

CNN Effectively Worthless – Fixed It For You CNN Effectively Worthless After Parent Warner Bros Takes $9.1 Billion Writedown

As He Does Trump Just Said Out Loud What Everybody in Washington Is Afraid To

Of course they did.

Current Events 08-08-2024

They Are Literally the Party of Childless Cat Ladies Hating Men Is Now The Democrats’ Campaign Strategy

Pretty sure this outcome is not what Susan B. Anthony had in mind…

They Are Also the Party of Cancelling Women The Erasure of Women in Sports

Musk is Out “Impossible To Operate”: Musk Confirms Report X Closing San Francisco Office

Serves ‘em right.

Tim Walz Backed By Racism Inc. 2024 Reminder – Why Tim Walz, Minneapolis, Democrats in 2024, Chicago and the Connection to The Clyburn Network

That’s Because Nobody Has And Few Will. Vote For Her. Kamala Harris Can’t Articulate The Case For Voting For Her

I have no doubt she’ll still get plenty of ballots, though.

Current Events 08-06-2024

The Globalists Hate Us, Want Us Replaced Or Dead Or Both UK PM and cops are targeting ‘right-wing’ protesters and social media users instead of addressing mass third-world migration…

Nobody Seriously Wants President Harris The Final GirlBoss

Draw a Stark Contrast How Trump Can Win—or Lose—the Election; Moving forward, Donald Trump needs to focus his attack on the disastrous Biden governance of the last four years. Make Harris own it. And contrast it with 2017-21 and what will follow in 2025.

Current Events 07-30-2024

This Is Tyranny, Not Democracy So Much for Democracy; The installation of Kamala Harris by a committee of donors and party big shots is anti-democratic, elitist, and disrespectful to voters.

And tyrants get the rope.

The Left is the Only Threat Here The Biden-Harris plan to wreck the Supreme Court is the REAL threat to America’s democratic system

We Aren’t Only At War With The Uniparty US Elections: The Third Party Isn’t on the Ticket

They Aren’t Liberals – THEY ARE PAGANS Anti-Christian Olympic Opening Ceremony Heralds The Rise Of A Neopagan West