Do Not Presume to Lecture Me on My Christianity, Globohomo Heathens Christian Morality, Migration, And The Good Samaritan
First, the wounded man, the bandits who nearly killed him, and the all the people who passed him by, were all Jews. Argument could be made that maybe the bandits were outsiders, but that wouldn’t help the pro-immigration case, now would it?
Second, the Samaritan is a half-breed Jew, the result of intermarriage between the scattered northern tribes and the pagan tribes of the region. They were not purebreed Jews, but they were COUSINS.
Third, none of these people are illegal invaders streaming across a border at the encouragement of neo-pagan pseudo-Christian (not Christian) NGOs and other shady non-profits getting millions of dollars (until recently) from USAID.
This parable has jack all to do with the globalist push for destroying the nation state and reducing all of us to undifferentiated human meat and cogs in the globalist world economy.
If I encounter a wounded illegal, I am going to assist him with his wounds. Then I’m calling ICE. He’s only in this mess because he paid a trafficker to sneak him into our country.
Americans have a right to a nation distinct from all other nations, with secure borders, enforced immigration laws, and a merit based system of LIMITED immigration that gives every advantage to AMERICANS.
We are past the point of gradual reform. Due to the rampant abuse of our borders by globalist interests and neo-pagan faux Christians, we have no choice but to halt ALL immigration for a period of time until all the corruption has been extirpated. I also think a total moratorium on immigration of at least 50 years is merited, to force the remaining LEGAL immigrants we allow to remain in America to fully integrate into our culture.
People ARE Stupid, Aren’t They? Educating the Stupid on How Audits Work In Real Life
So Basically, Homeschooling In a ‘boy-friendly’ school, boys get more time to play, socialize, choose activities
Wow. So what you’re suggesting is that boys do better when they aren’t treated like little monsters that need to be tamed by women until they learn to better reflect feminine characteristics?
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