I Think It’s Clear By Now

You cannot vote Democrat and claim to be a Christian. These people have long since ceased to be anything resembling the party of Truman, or Kennedy, or FDR. If you are still voting Democrat, then you’re no better and no different than the so-called Christians who voted Hitler into power in 1933. Yes, I just drew moral equivalence between the German National Socialist party, and our current Communist / Democrat party in America. 

The Democrat Party hates America. It hates men, it hates women, it hates unborn babies, it hates children, it hates mothers, it hates fathers, it hates Christians, it hates white people – it is the party of Hate. They are not interested in persuading anybody of their positions. We’re past that. They intend to compel with the jackboot of federal authority.

The Democrats represent everything degenerate, pagan, godless, wicked and vile. They have no policy positions other than hating Trump, and by extension all of us, and destroying the American system of government to put a Communist system in its place.

You cannot be neutral in this. If you love Jesus Christ, and also love America, believe in the rule of law and hard work and fair play, and all the regular things that used to define Americans, Republican AND Democrat, you are the enemy. And they want you dead. Dead or in jail. There is no coexisting with the Left. They are hellbent on destroying America and us with it if they get the chance. You must not give them that chance.

I do not care what you think of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is not the problem here – he is the solution. You have to vote Trump, because if you do nothing, or worse, vote for this wicked regime, you have chosen a side. It is not the side of the angels.

Choose wisely, or stop pretending.


Patriotic dude Follower of Christ Keeper of the Truth