Current Events 06-30-2017
Way to Go, Sarah Huckabee Sanders Sarah H. Sanders Takes No Crap From Virtue Signaling WH Press Corps
Lies and Lying Liars Tuning Out the Fake News Media
The Whupped Dog Always Hollers States Resist Handing Over Voter Information To Trump’s Election Commission
1st Amendment Primarily Protects RELIGIOUS Freedom, Not the Perversion of Perverts Masterpiece Cakeshop Is Fighting for the First Amendment, Not Against Gay Marriage
Guarantee He Voted Trump, and This Would Be Why A Blue-Collar, Middle-Class Truck Driver’s Rant On America’s Health Care Mess
You Know, I Don’t Believe I’ve Ever Had a 218 Day Vacation Congress Useless? Maybe Lawmakers Shouldn’t Take 218 Days Off.
America For Americans The End of Embracing America?
BWA HA HA Mad genius of Trump drives schoolmarms of political press crazy
And yet, there’s no shame when they call for his wife to be raped, or his assassination, or mock his 11 year old son. Was it Un-Presidential when Bill Clinton the Rapist molested an intern in the Oval Office? Was it Un-Presidential when LBJ pulled his willy wag out of his pants and waved it at White House visitors? Was it Un-Presidential when JFK had multiple affairs with various women? Was it Un-Presidential when FDR and the FLOTUS both had separate affairs with different people, and then FDR had his wife’s lover killed? These miserable liars and corporate shills are finally getting called on the carpet for their evil behavior, and now the mean girls are complaining because the President is guilty of hitting back for a change!? Gimme’ a break!