Current Events 09-19-2017

The People Who Ban White Supremacists Today Will Wield the Same Power Against You Tomorrow Free Speech Social Network ‘Gab’ Threatened with Termination from Domain Provider

Do We Really Want to be Peasants on Google/Facebook’s Plantation? Are Facebook and Google the New Colonial Powers?

Black Lives Matter are #AltLeft Brownshirts As St. Louis Erupts, Democrats Own It

RacistDemocrats are Guilty of Insurrection St. Louis Young Democrats Caught Organizing the Anti-Police Protest-Riots in St. Louis City

RacistDemocrats Murdered the Working Class The day that destroyed the working class and sowed the seeds of Trump

“White Privilege” is Bigotry Against Whites “White Privilege” Is A Racist Concept

The Barbarians Are At the Gates Who Truly Imperils Our Free Society?

Trump Proven Right, Yet Again Trump Vindicated: Report Says Obama Government Wiretapped Trump Campaign

Speed Limits, Traffic Cams are Government Thievery The New Gotcha Game of Variable Speed Limits


Patriotic dude Follower of Christ Keeper of the Truth