Current Events 10-16-2018
Elite Schools Are Bigots Harvard’s racism cannot stand — Elite universities have protected the diversity sham for too long
Do You Seriously Want to Return the Party of Evil to Power? Why Vote for Democrats?
We Have to Keep Winning The Second Most Important Election
Bamboozled Black Conservatives Aren’t Sellouts, Black Liberals Are Just Duped
Leaving the Plantation Trump Has Inspired A Red Wave — Of Black Candidates And Voters
We Got a Runaway! The Dems Lose it Over Kanye
Democrats Are a Cult How San Francisco’s Democrats made Jim Jones, and then made his memory vanish
Jim Jones, Down the Memory Hole Drinking the Kool-Aid: Remember When Jim Jones Was a Hero to Democrats?
Fauxcahontas Cherokee Nation Blasts Elizabeth Warren’s DNA Test as ‘Mockery’ and ‘Inappropriate
Abortion is Murder 5 Epic Pro-Life Smackdowns That Speak Truth To Abortion Power
Guns Made America Great How Guns Made America; And made her great, Mr. Cuomo.