Current Events 07-15-2024

Believe It When People Say They Want to Kill You Flashback to Years of Incitement by Democrats, Media Against Donald Trump; “We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” — Joe Biden

They Want Us All Dead, Starting With Trump Dangerous Dems have been fueling violent political rhetoric for the last eight years — Americans deserve better

YES Do Democrats, Corporate Media Have Blood On Their Hands In Trump Attack?

It Was An Inside Job Secret Service under major fire…

They Have Been Planning This For Years The Left Spent Years Running An ‘Assassination Prep’ Campaign

That is Incitement – Jail Them All Report: FBI Employee In Gun Background Check Unit Expressed Disappointment That Trump Lived

They Aren’t Going to Stop This Won’t Be The Last Time Democrats Attempt To Assassinate Trump

NO UNITY There Can Be No Unity With The Violent Democrat-Media Industrial Complex

“They are our enemies, they wish us real harm, and they are prepared to plunge the nation into violence and civil strife before they relinquish power. There’s no unity to be had with such people.”


Patriotic dude Follower of Christ Keeper of the Truth