Current Events 08-09-2024

The Democrat Party Didn’t Want Josh Shapiro to Be Veep Because Josh Shapiro is a Jew Americans Must Reject Kamala Harris’s Cave to the Darker Parts of the Democratic Party; A party that is so broken that it would reject a vice presidential candidate who could substantially increase its chances of winning the election because of his religion deserves to lose decisively.

Is there any level of depravity to which these racist, bigoted, deviant, evil, heathen, unAmerican, Jew hating, Christ hating, babykilling, child butchering, lawless, Marxist / Fascist bastards will not stoop in their pursuit of ever more power?

Do You Want a Free Country? A Reality Check for American Voters

These are the last days of the Weimar Republic. And yes, I am absolutely equating electing the Democrats to giving the Fascists a majority in the Reichstag and electing Hitler chancellor. That’s exactly who these people are. That the future you want?

Okay. If There’s No Such Thing as Late Term Abortion, You Won’t Mind If We Outlaw It. Corporate Media Claim There’s No Such Thing As Late-Term Abortion But Cry When It Is Paused

The CIA and the DOJ Have Weaponized Capitalism Against Us World Federation of Advertisers shuts down GARM project after Elon Musk, Rumble sue over ad boycott

If they can form an unlawful monopoly, control ad revenue, starve out dissenting voices, then they have effectively cancelled free speech on the internet.

However Much You Hate Your Government, It Isn’t Enough Watergate-era “reforms” made the federal government even stronger

CNN Effectively Worthless – Fixed It For You CNN Effectively Worthless After Parent Warner Bros Takes $9.1 Billion Writedown

As He Does Trump Just Said Out Loud What Everybody in Washington Is Afraid To

Of course they did.


Patriotic dude Follower of Christ Keeper of the Truth