Current Events 12-03-2024
There’s Lots of Money to Be Made in Sex Trafficking Children Through Mexico Profits in Child-Trafficking
This is why politicians are so pro Open Borders. And yes, the CIA is involved.
The SBC Is Woke, Among Their Other Many Doctrinal Deficiencies How Trump’s Victory Affects The Civil War In Evangelicalism
Deport Them ALL – Whole Families Birthright Citizenship: The 14th Amendment Does Not Apply to Illegal Aliens
Anybody who is determined to support the Invasion can be deported too. Everybody goes.
Cannibal Hillbilly Clans Violently Opposed to Plan FCC approves Starlink plan for cellular phone service, with some limits; Starlink can provide cell service but FCC defers action on waiver of power limits.
Only Natural Rights Need Apply How To Get Conservative Judges To Do Conservative Things