Entries by CptNemo

Current Events 03-24-2011

Ever Notice How Klansmen Never Run As a Republican? Former KKK leader, mayoral candidate speaks There’s a reason for this: the Democrats were the pro-slavery party. They were the pro-segregation party. They were the Jim Crow party. They were the unstoppable political machine in the South that institutionalized racism for a century after the Civil […]

Current Events 03-20-2011

Eminently Reasonable  The Reasonableness of Christianity We're not the ones advocating the complete abolition of all religions. Nope. You want unreasonable? Just listen to some of those wackjob Dawkinists. Far Out  Denver dispensary trading pot for food

Current Events 03-17-2011

Gee Lady, Maybe You Could Get Some Dogs That Are Like, BIGGER, Than Cats?  Gang Of Feral Cats 'The Size Of Dogs' Terrorizes Australian Neighborhood Besides, I have yet to encounter a problem with cats that cannot be solved with an aluminum baseball bat. Hopelessness and No Change in Sight  Obama's First Two Years a […]