Events. Of a current nature.

Current Events 11-26-2016

This Is in No Way Suspicious <rolls eyes> The Mysterious Case Of Jill Stein’s Surging Recount Costs

George Soros is still trying to steal this election.

The Ministry of Truth Using fake news against opposing views

If They Attempt to Wrest Control of Information From the People, Then Their Dinosaur News Empires Will Fall Faster Than Hillary’s Campaign The War on ‘Fake News’

Conservative news sites, like Breitbart and ZeroHedge only became a thing because the MSM refuse, REFUSE, to report actual news. They won’t say anything or print anything that is damaging to their pet causes and pet candidates. They have been proven to be lying, cheating scoundrels who manipulate reality to deceive the public. If anybody is #FakeNews, it would be CNN/NBC/MSNBC/ABC/CBS and the AP, who are so in lockstep with each other, that it becomes apparent that they are reading talking points from a script. They are NOT journalists. They are apparatchik.

I Wanted to Burn Down the GOP. Trump Has Done Exactly That. Welcome to the Party of Trump; Why the GOP is now officially a Trump working class party.

Current Events 11-22-2016

Spoiled, Brainwashed, Hoodlums Watching the Snowflakes Melt

Where To Go After The Zombie Apocalypse Tesla powers an entire U.S. island with solar energy

They Live In Their Elitist Bubble And Never Come Out The Tsunami the Media Never Saw Coming; How can they be mainstream if they’re stuck in New York or Washington?

Current Events 11-18-2016

Groupthink Does Not Allow Dissent Your Filter Bubble is Destroying Democracy

The Liberal Death Cult is Guilty of Doublethink Dems Done In by the Politics of Hate

It’s easy to understand when you know the code. When Democrats say love or tolerance, they mean hate and intolerance towards those who do not agree with them. When they talk about “stop the hate”, they mean control, bully, and demean those who disagree, because their speech, their thought is “righteous”, and all those who disagree are “racists, misogynists, and homophobic”. When they talk about “equality”, then mean denying equality to those they deem to be less worthy of 1st amendment rights to speech and religion, and granting imaginary rights to ever smaller splinter groups they favor. They are a religion founded on hate and intolerance, and they are no longer deserving of any influence or power in this country.

Current Events 11-10-2016

I Believe That Was the Whole Point Donald Trump’s Victory Promises to Upend the International Order

How Would This Nearly Bankrupt State Pay For All Its Illegals Without the Federal Government? #Calexit: California want to leave the US after Donald Trump’s election win

Not Really. They Just Needed to Hang Out at /r/The_Donald. Trump’s win reveals social media’s blind spot

Nate Silver, You Preeing Pretentious Jackass. Pollsters suffer huge embarrassment

And With Any Justice, Has a Bright Future in America’s Penal System The Clinton dynasty has come to an end

This Was Inevitable. The Math: Trump 2016 Would’ve Beaten Obama 2012

I Hope So. And For Pity’s Sake Let Snowden Come Home! Is Trump about to help pardon Assange? Shock calls after WikiLeaks release Clinton e-mails

The Market Knows What’s What Trump Election ‘Market Panic’ Ends with All-Time Dow Jones High

This is Why a Republican Can’t Hardly Get a Fair Shake in This Country These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America

Awesome Paralysed people could walk again instantly after scientists prove brain implant works in primates

Current Events 11-01-2016

They Own This. The Democrats CREATED the Clintons. They Deserve No Access to Power Ever Again. Hold Democrats Strictly Accountable for the Clintons

Nixon Was a Saint Compared to This Hillary’s Watergate?

Better Late Than Never The Clintons — At the End of All Things

Only SOME Black Lives Matter Black Leaders Decry Hillary Clinton’s ‘Unconscionable Silence’ over Black Abortion

Burn It All Down Forget the FBI cache; the Podesta emails show how America is run

Never Was Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia

Current Events 10-30-2016

Indeed Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside

We Don’t Need No Thought Control Social Media Blackout? FBI Emails Are Not ‘Trending’ On Twitter, Facebook, Buzzfeed, Or Snapchat

It’s Not Polling – It’s Voter Manipulation ABC/Wapo Effectively Admit To Poll Tampering As Hillary’s “Lead” Shrinks To 2-Points

Current Events 10-21-2016

We Are The New Counter-Culture An Establishment in Panic

The Visigoths are coming. It’s time to burn it all down.

This Is All You Need to Know About Hillary Partial-Birth Murder Is What Truly Disqualifies Hillary

Trump Is Not Exaggerating – This Is Our Last Chance Hillary’s Plot Against America

Current Events 10-18-2016

Of Course It’s Rigged. Finally We Have a Candidate Who Says as Much and Fights Back. Is the System Rigged? You Betcha.

No Political Free Speech in Silicon Valley Peter Thiel is at the center of a Silicon Valley storm after backing Donald Trump with $1.25 million

Fools Hillary’s Enablers

We Won’t Get Another Chance Like This in Our Lifetimes Trump’s Invisible Shield

If you don’t vote, or you vote for somebody else, and Clinton wins this, you are responsible for everything that follows, and I will never let you forget it.