Current Events 07-27-2011
Not Only Did We Save It From The Decay It Experienced in England, But We Made English Cool Viewpoint: American English is getting on well, thanks
Not Only Did We Save It From The Decay It Experienced in England, But We Made English Cool Viewpoint: American English is getting on well, thanks
Don’t Mess With the Bears Get off my patch! How two tigers left with their tails between their legs after being scared off by a protective mother bear
How Many Other Scams Have We Bought in the Same Way? The Global Warming Hoax: How Soon We Forget
President Carter Re-Elected Welcome to Jimmy Carter’s 2nd term
Stupid, Stupid, Stupid; We Elect People, Not “Races” The Black Code: Why Obama Still Owns The Black Vote
No “Minority” Has the Right to Be Racist The Knockout Game: Racial Violence and the Conspicuous Silence of the Media
Hear, Hear! Being a Gentleman in the Age of the Internet: 6 Ways to Bring Civility Online
Well I’m For That American Made In Your Hometown
Brother Eye One Brain, Hundreds of Eyes: Darpa Plots Manhunt Master Controller
I, For One, Welcome Our New Fire Ant Overlords Self-assembling rafts: how fire ants survive floods
RETRACTION: Sorry, No Titanium Seal Dogs (Sounds Like the Name of a Grunge Band, Doesn’t It?) No, Navy SEAL Dogs Don’t Have Titanium Teeth
When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, “This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know,” the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything – you can’t conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him. Robert Heinlein
Gator’s Gon’ Gitchya! Nine-foot alligator loose in Arkansas
It’s the Constitution, Stupid ObamaCare: The 28th Amendment?
What A Crooked Dirty Business The Stoner Arms Dealers: How two American kids became big-time weapons traders — until the Pentagon turned on them
Spiders Are Our Friends Why are these trees completely wrapped in spider webs?
Overuse of Antibiotics. Want to Remain Healthy? Stay Out of Hospitals… Drug-Resistant ‘Super Bug’ Hits LA County Hospitals, Nursing Homes
We Ruined Them By “Helping” Them Stossel: No Group Has Had More Gov’t Help Than American Indians
Ethanol Doesn’t Work As a Fuel Alternative, And We’re Starving the World Through Our Stupid Environmental Policies The Energy Myth That Won’t Die
Islamofacist Revolution And Where it Stops, Nobody Knows
How have I lived this long without reading Robert Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land? Check this out. He puts in words precisely what is wrong with today's 'art'.
"Because the world has gone nutty and contemporary art always paints the spirit of its times. Rodin did his major work in the tail end of the nineteenth century and Hans Christian Andersen antedated him by only a few years. Rodin died early in the twentieth century, about the time the world started flipping its lid … and art along with it."
"Rodin’s successors noted the amazing things he had done with light and shadow and mass and composition – whether you see it or not – and they copied that much. Oh, how they copied it! And extended it. What they failed to see was that every major work of the master told a story and laid bare the human heart. Instead, they got involved with ‘design’ and became contemptuous of any painting or sculpture that told a story – sneering, they dubbed such work ‘literary’ – a dirty word. They went all out for abstractions, not deigning to paint or carve any thing that resembled the human world."
Jubal shrugged. “Abstract design is all right – for wallpaper or linoleum. But art is the process of evoking pity and terror, which is not abstract at all but very human. What the self styled modern artists are doing is a sort of unemotional pseudo-intellectual masturbation … whereas creative art is more like intercourse, in which the artist must seduce – render emotional – his audience, each time. These laddies who won’t deign to do that – and perhaps can’t – of course lost the public. If they hadn’t lobbied for endless subsidies, they would have starved or been forced to go to work long ago. Because the ordinary bloke will not voluntarily pay for ‘art’ that leaves him unmoved – if he does pay for it, the money has to be conned out of him, by taxes or such."
"You know, Jubal, I’ve always wondered why I didn’t give a hoot for paintings or statues – but I thought it was something missing in me, like color blindness."
"Mmm, one does have to learn to look at art, just as you must know French to read a story printed in French. But in general it’s up to the artist to use language that can be understood, not hide it in some private code like Pepys and his diary. Most of these jokers don’t even want to use language you and I know or can learn … they would rather sneer at us and be smug, because we ‘fail’ to see what they are driving at. If indeed they are driving at anything – obscurity is usually the refuge of incompetence."
This is why most 'art' is offensive, incomprehensible, or outright pornographic. Consequently, most people are trained to think that art is inaccessible to anyone but the 'educated' elite. They never get to see real art, so they never know what they are missing. In the end, we gain a desensitized culture that is accustomed to never being moved by anything, for which life is cheap, and nothing is sacred except meaningless 'sacred cows'.