Current Events 01-14-2013


People Suffering From Gender Disassociation Are Not Interested in Civil Unions – They Want to Redefine Society Utterly Ten Non-Religious Reasons to Keep Marriage Traditional


It has never been about coexistence, not since the 70’s. The end game has always been upending existence, and replacing it with something else. Social upheavals like the radical homosexual movement desires always end in blood.


Wash Deserved Better; And FOX Sucks Firefly Fan Tries to Retroactively Save Dead Character With NASA Data


Current Events 12-17-2012


Here Comes Santa Clause, Here Comes Santa Clause! Obama Sandy aid bill filled with holiday goodies unrelated to storm damage


Coming Soon to a Lame Action-Adventure Movie Near You! How to bring down mission-critical GPS networks with $2,500


Our Country Has a Serious Mental Health Problem (Not Just Because They Voted Obama) Thinking the Unthinkable


We don’t have a homeless problem. We kick our mentally ill out on the street, which is where they end up living, because they cannot function in society. This causes a parallel drug problem. We don’t have a gun problem. We won’t deal with the mentally ill, so they end up dealing with us. Take the guns away, you only increase the inability of sane, lawful people to defend themselves. Had even one teacher been armed at Sandy Hook, there would have been no massacre, and a lot of children would still be alive. It will be politicized, however, and nothing will change, except our Constitutional rights.


Current Events 12-07-2012


And Best of All, the FTC Says They Can Keep Them My Mom Ordered One iPad And Best Buy Sent Five


Let’s Make a Man Into a ‘Racist’ Just to Boost Ratings. Nice. And So Very Typical of Today’s ‘Press’ George Zimmerman sues NBC over Trayvon Martin reports


Honey, We Don’t Have One Toilet Tattoo At Our House! Dave Barry’s Gift Guide


Current Events 12-05-2012


Yeah. That’s What THEY Want You to Think. The Mystery Behind the Disappearing Island That Existed on Google Maps Has Been Solved


And Nothing Washes It Down Better Than an Ice Cold Nuka-Cola HOT STUFF: Take a look at the UK’s most lethal Burger – The Fallout Burger


No More Gun Control The first open-source 3D-printed gun


It’s Time. Bozell: ‘Time for Conservatives to Start Looking for a New Home’


Current Events 12-03-2012


They ARE the Whigs. It’s Time For the Whole Party to Be Scrapped. Can The Republican Party Avoid The Fate Of The Whigs?


This last election proves it. They no longer represent those of us commonly called “Conservative” (I think the term Constitutional is more accurate). They have demonstrated over and over that, when given power, all they truly care about is their own self-interests. They pay lip service to Constitutional ideals, but deep down, they don’t really believe them. It’s time for them to go. I am done with them as a party. This was their last chance, and they bungled it.


Dealing With Sinful, Addictive Behavior Biblically and Lovingly is Not a Crime The Biblical Case for Reparative Therapy



Current Events 11-29-2012


Sick. And They Want National Health Care in America, Also. You Don’t Think Patient Care and Often Patients Themselves Will Be Sacrificed For the Bottom Line? Now sick babies go on death pathway: Doctor’s haunting testimony reveals how children are put on end-of-life plan


Current Events 11-13-2012


But Is It Better Than The Milliard Gargantubrain? Titan Crowned World’s Most Awesome Supercomputer


How Many Millions? James Buchanan Duke: Father of the modern cigarette


Fake American ‘Wins’ Fake Election – Some People Have a Problem With This White House website deluged with secession petitions from 20 states


I do not acknowledge the authority of this despot to rule me. I will not pay taxes to a government that uses them to fund abortions or sex changes for perverts. I suppose if it comes to it, we could always emigrate to the Republic of Texas.


Not One Vote!? Riiiiiggggghhhhhttttt…. In 59 Philadelphia voting divisions, Mitt Romney got zero votes