Current Events 08-17-2012


Global Warming Junk “Science” Is Killing People How “Policy By Panic” Can Backfire for Environmentalists


Clear Choices. Finally. Political Fog Finally Lifts


The Libs Have Lost the Argument Touré Invokes Nazi Term ‘Niggardize’ To Demonize Romney


It’s Only a Hate Crime When It’s Politically Useful to Libs White House Dodges Question of Whether FRC Shooting Was Hate Crime


Ironic Romney’s Bain saved site of Obamas’ first kiss


I’m For That Elon Musk Pledges To Support Nikola Tesla Museum Project


Wow Awesome Chinese Iron Man Built Himself Bionic Arms After His Homemade Bomb Blew Up His Real Arms


Triumphant Capitalism Walmart’s Master Plan to Sell China to Itself


Current Events 08-15-2012


We Already Have a Zombie Virus, And It’s Still a Death Sentence Undead: The Rabies Virus Remains a Medical Mystery


Do We Really Need More Toxic Industrial Chemicals In Our Life? Chemical in many antibacterial soaps linked with impaired muscle function


It Ain’t Candy – It’s MEDICINE!! Dark chocolate ‘may lower blood pressure’


The Biofuel Boondoggle Is Starving Millions Obama’s Hungry Children


It’s Time For the Children to Go to Bed and Let the Grownups Talk The Childishness of the American Left


Current Events 08-14-2012


2012 Will Be Historic. It’s 1980 All Over Again, Baby! Paul Ryan 2012: Republicans’ plan for success; Pick puts focus on Obama’s record


The 1980 election proved a candidate could run on issues and ideas and win. It’s high time we stopped electing personalities and carefully groomed PR images. 


And It’s Only Going to Get Worse. I’m Thinking Landslide. New Obama panic: Romney crowd sizes


I Think We All Know What This Means (*cough*Mothra*cough*) ‘Severe abnormalities’ found in Fukushima butterflies


Not Cool Executive branch porn problem


Current Events 08-07-2012


Wow. 28,000. That’s. Amazing. Gay activists counter Chick-fil-A with Starbucks appreciation day


One more reason not to drink Starbuck’s, besides the principal reason of it being overpriced, noxious swill. Seriously people! Why drink Starbuck’s when you can get Dunkin Donuts coffee!? 🙂


Caution How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking


This is why it is critical that you DO NOT use one email for everything. I have several emails for different things. That way, if one gets hacked, they don’t get carte blanche access to everything else. 


Current Events 08-06-2012


Much Ado About Nothing Liberals’ war on Boy Scouts, Chick-fil-A; Good works by traditional marriage backers don’t soften left’s hatred


Because the feminist/homofacists hate, HATE, men.


Class. All Class. Another Chick-Fil-A Vandalized


Why All This Matters Sandusky Case: Silence Of The ‘Gays’; Vocal homosexual advocates absent from assault dialogue




Current Events 07-31-2012


Proof. Positive. Take That Tin-Foil-Hat Nutters! US flags from the 1970s SEEN ON MOON Lunar probe confirms one blown down by Apollo liftoff


Mmmmmmmm…. Soylent Green….. Future foods: What will we be eating in 20 years’ time?


It’s Time to Stop the Racial Profiling in Elections. Just Elect the Best Person For the Job. What Role Will White Guilt Play in the 2012 Election?


Current Events 07-22-2012


Cool. And Scary. And Also Really, Really Cool. Darpa Funds Hack Machine You’d Never Notice


Seriously? Out of All the Legions of Liberal, Anti-American, Pro-Everything-Evil Businesses in the US, This Is the One People Are Upset About?! EAT SOME WAFFLE FRIES AND SHUT YOUR HOLE! In Defense of Eating at Chick-fil-A


Do Foodies Care About ANYTHING That Isn’t Pretentious and Snobbish? Do foodies care about workers?