Current Events 08-21-2014

This Is Why Racist or Racial Interpretations of Events Are Always Foolish 6 Times Black Americans Jumped To Racial Conclusions


I know it’s hard, but we REALLY have to stop letting the melanin concentration of our skin determine our views on reality. It’s wrong when “White” people do it. It is equally wrong when “Black” people do it.


Another Thug Apotheosized By Race Hustlers Looking for a Martyr Trayvon’s Death Taught Liberals Nothing


Trayvon was a thug who tried to beat a Hispanic man to death and got shot. Michael Brown was a thug who tried to beat a cop to death and got shot. The facts do not lie and are not racially biased. Maybe the real question we should be asking is “How has “black” society failed to raise her sons any better than this, and what do we need to do to change it?” America has failed the black community, and instead of offering solutions, liberals seem to prefer more enslavement.


Again, the Similarities to the Trayvon Shooting Are Striking Just What Is an Unarmed Man?


In both cases the “boy” who was shot was huge, violent, and combative. The victim was armed and defended himself. It’s time to call a thug a thug. Where were these boys’ Fathers when they were growing up? Probably absent, or present and abusive. The results are the same.


Wow. That’s Harsh, Even For Dawkins Atheist Richard Dawkins: ‘Abort’ Down’s Syndrome Baby, ‘Immoral To Bring It Into The World’


I’ve said it before. Atheism, and it’s related religion Evolutionism, inevitably leads to these immoral conclusions.


Current Events 08-19-2014

Racism is Always Wrong, No Matter Who Does It Black Racism is Politically Correct


Michael Brown got shot because he had robbed a convenience store earlier, and when a cop tried to stop him on the street to verify the suspicion he was in possession of stolen goods (he was), he bumsrushed the policeman and attacked him and attempted to take his gun. It wasn’t racism – it was self-defense. Racism is assuming that every time a black thug gets shot by police, it must be racially motivated. Then, what began as a peaceful protest was co-opted by out-of-town looters and thieves looking to cash in on the chaos. On top of all that, you have a militarized police response overstepping it’s power. I’m seeing a lot of blame to go around, and little accountability. Everyone needs to calm down. Stop making a martyr out of a punk. 


King Obama, Ruling From His D.C. Palace Behind Closed Doors, Obama Crafts Executive Actions


And With It, Global Warming Hundred-year period of increased solar activity coming to end


And Here Comes the Fascism Baker on Not Providing Wedding Cake to Lesbians: ‘I Have to Stand True’ to God


Current Events 08-08-2014

Well !? Ben Carson: We Call ‘Ancient Civilizations Heathen Because of Human Sacrifice, But…’


I Believe This Would Be An Example of Rear-Facing Anatomy That Can Be Deployed as Headgear Coulter’s ‘Idiotic’ Response to Christian Missions


IBM Invents Skynet IBM Chip Processes Data Similar to the Way Your Brain Does