Current Events 02-22-2021
The Republic Is Lost Once Upon a Presidency
The Maoists Are Winning A Fifty-Year History of Anti-Patriotism in the United States
They have already shown their willingness to ignore the Constitution and their total disrespect for the rule of law. What is stopping them? Soon, they’ll decide we have do be re-educated, maybe even die, and they will have the political power to make that happen. They think so, too, which is why they are so emboldened. They don’t think they need to keep their dark plans for this country secret anymore.
If Only The Guy Who Could Save Our Republic: Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich
SCOTUS is compromised. They won’t be ruling on anything that could be useful to freedom or liberty.
Anti-Discrimination is Just Code For Outright Discrimination Why The ‘Equality Act’ Democrats Want To Pass This Week Should Really Be Called The ‘Destroy Our Daughters Act’; While Democrats present the Equality Act as legislation designed to protect LGTBQ people from discrimination, if passed the law would prove devasting to girls and women.
There are only two genders. It’s okay to be female.