Current Events 07-13-2020
The Coming Cultural Revolution Remember The Red Guards Before You Cheer The Woke Mobs; Today statues, tomorrow mass firings—or even worse. There’s a history here.
Even if we win in November, and I think we will, these people aren’t going to go away. They are going to become more strident, more violent, more aggressive in their tactics. Their hegemony in academia, in woke corporate boardrooms, in Hollywood and in Democrat city-states across America cannot remain unchallenged. These people are not Americans – they are Bolsheviks.
Protect Your Daughters Why Do So Many White Women Hate Themselves? Amid societal unrest, woke white women are proving to be a brainwashed force to be reckoned with.
It’s Time to Wise Up Americans – Homeschooling is No Longer an Option If You Love Your Kids and Care How They Turn Out I’d Rather Homeschool Than Put My Kids In A Coronavirus Prison School
Public schools and secular universities are not places of learning – they are Leftist indoctrination centers.
You Must LOVE Big Brother Georgetown senate publicly condemns student for rejecting Black Lives Matter movement
If You Have Backed BLM (Bolshevik Lives Matter) You Don’t Deserve Our Money Companies Must Answer For Their Support Of The Radical Black Lives Matter Org
NeverTrumpers are Tories NeverTrumpers Out of the Closet as Liberal Democrats in Drag
They clearly think they can throw this election like they did in 2018, and remain unaffected. That’s what Robespierre thought during the Terror. And they beheaded him too.
The Love Of Many Has Grown Cold Anti-Natalists: The Dead Enders of Cultural Self-Hatred
We Aren’t Going to Get Anymore of Those Superhero Movies: An American Invention; They’re accessible, dependable, and fun — what’s not to like?
Marvel has made it clear – they are going woke. So we won’t get American superhero movies from here on out. They will spoil that genre like Leftists spoil everything.