Events. Of a current nature.

Current Events 07-05-2023

This Is It. It’s Our Last Chance. It’s the General Election, Stupid

We lose this election, we lose the Republic. It’s that simple.

You Think This Country Can’t Go Fascist? Think Again. How Governments Create Inhumane Bureaucracies 

If It Seems They May Lose, They Will Find a Reason To Suspend Elections The U.N. Is Planning To Seize Global ‘Emergency’ Powers With Biden’s Support

So we can do this easy, or REAL EASY. Get me?

They Aren’t Immigrants. They are INVADERS. France May Not Have Fallen – But It Is On The Edge

DeSantis is Jeb Bush 2.0 Team DeSantis Starting to Feel the Pressure of Unrealized Billionaire Expectations

Yes. Let’s Improve the Intelligence of Apes. What Could Happen? One shot of a kidney protein gave monkeys a brain boost; An early experiment suggests that an injection of klotho improves working memory.


Current Events 07-03-2023

Democrats Sure Love Slavery US Lawmakers Divided Over Supreme Court’s 2 Major Rulings

So basically, you cannot force somebody to provide you with goods and services if in doing so you are forcing them to violate their deeply held religious convictions. If Christians won’t bake you a cake or make a website for your fake deviant civil union (it’s not a wedding because it’s not marriage), then go buy that product from somebody who will. Nobody is stopping you. You don’t get special rights to force a business to serve you against their will, as forced servitude is, you guessed it, slavery.

In the same way, elite universities are no longer allowed to discriminate against whites and Asians in their admissions. Meaning, Mexicans and blacks are going to have to actually EARN their positions at those schools. Corporate America is next. If blacks and Mexicans want elite educations, then they are going to have to work to get them, just like everybody else. This also means that everybody who got one of those educations that happens to belong to one of the protected victim groups needs to prove they actually earned it. Diversity hires are useless. 

You are not OWED a position anywhere because you are black, or because you are a deviant, or because you are a woman. You get a position because you earned it – worked hard, made the grades, have the aptitude. That’s it. So if this means white dudes and Asians get all the jobs, oh well. WORK HARDER YOU LAZY IDIOTS. EARN IT. Or go home.

Hero ‘White Hat Hacker’ Uses Cyber Skills to Dismantle Child Predator Network, Bring Sickos to Justice

Now go after the federal government.

Diversity is Simply Code for “We Hate White People” France Burns While Media Demand We Pretend Not to See the Origin of the “Crisis”…

France has a right to remain French. Germany has a right to remain German. Britain has a right to remain British. IT IS OKAY TO BE WHITE (of European ancestry). Importing migrants from North Africa will only serve to make these FORMER civilizations look like Africa. And we all know how broke down, poor, and full of crime Africa IS, because of the culture of various African tribes who think that 1) lying / cheating and getting away with it is a sign of cleverness 2) what the group wants is more important than individual rights or personal property 3) if you have it and I want it, that makes it okay to steal it. 4) white people are bad, we envy what they have (worked for) so that makes raping their women, and burning and looting their businesses okay.

The hatred for whites is being whipped up. These people are being imported to start color revolutions and destroy Western Civilization. Then no one will be left to stop it.

Don’t Believe Me? Ask an African. A Black Pastor Speaks Truth to Power in Berkeley

The persecution of Christians worldwide is at all time high. You never hear about it, because crimes against Christians, or against whites, is not considered criminal by our racist, anti-American news media.

Spitting Fire Republican Voters Won’t Settle For a Pale Imitation of Donald Trump

No. We will not. I will never again be forced to vote for a RINO, lesser of two evils, non-choice of a handpicked GOPe candidate.

Current Events 06-27-2023

This Is All South Africa — The First Country Built on “Critical Race Theory” — Officially Implodes

Controlled Demolition Naked Men Freely Expose Themselves To Kids At Pride Because The Right Bought The Left’s ‘Tolerance’ Lie

Of the West What the Left Has Left for America; What the Left now fears most is the revolutionary model it has bequeathed to America—and what might happen if its monstrous creation falls into politically incorrect hands.

It will end in genocide, as all Marxist regimes do.

Current Events 06-26-2023

So Much For Importing North African Muslims, Eh? The Left Can Have Islam or LGBTQA+. Not Both; The Democrat coalition is falling apart.

It’s a Pagan Theocracy Pride Is The Flag Of American Occupation

Which Men Do You Want? The Masculinity Vacuum

Genital Mutilation. Medical Malpractice. Transgender Lawsuits Reveal Horrors of Procedures

Anti-Natalism is the Death of Any Nation In country with world’s lowest fertility rate, doubts creep in about wisdom of ‘no-kids zones’

Free Assange Why Julian Assange Must Be Freed; Speaking in London, on behalf of the jailed Wikileaks founder

We Must Do This, Or Perish 2024: How to Out-Compute the Left

No Surgery For You, Whitey New Zealand has been using a “race-based” surgery waitlist since 2020, and people are only now finding out about it

Current Events 06-20-2023

Maybe It’s Time to Treat It As a War The War on Trump Is a War on Millions; Biden’s Justice Department views Trump as a traitor. It views Trump’s supporters the same way.

Our Government Views Us as the Enemy Part I – Targeting Americans; An insider’s view on Crossfire Hurricane and Brennan and company outsourcing their spying and dirty deeds to overseas intelligence services.

No Matter How Huge the Pile of Proof, Nothing Is Ever Done – It’s a Banana Republic The Swamp Strikes Back

The FBI is Grooming Mentally Ill / Vulnerable People for False Flags FBI Groomed Developmentally Challenged 16-Year-Old To Become A Terrorist, Then Arrested Him

In A Word: Deviancy Why Gen Z prefers dogs to babies; Tinder is now selling a childless dream

And the little rat dogs will inherit the Earth. Have babies – not dogs.

That’s a Lot of Bling NASA to voyage to ‘golden asteroid’ worth $10,000 quadrillion this fall; Scientists hope studying the rare asteroid will provide new insights into our own planet. 

Good Riddance Hollywood just realized they committed “woke suicide” and there’s nothing they can do about it…

RUH ROH ABC Host Can Barely Get Words Out as He Reads Post-Trump Indictment Poll

Current Events 06-14-2023

The Republic Has Fallen On Trump And Everything Else, The Regime Has Gaslighted America Into Oblivion

This Is a Pagan Cult, Now the State Mandated Religion of Pagan America The American And Rainbow Flags Stand For Two Incompatible Definitions Of ‘Liberty,’ And Only One Can Rule Us

The Emerging Religion of the Beast Queering Jesus: How It’s Going Mainstream at Progressive Churches and Top Divinity Schools

Because They Are Pedophiles Who Reproduce Through Grooming Why Does The Left Insist LGBT Activism Means Exposure To Kids?

God Bless Those Gamers Gamers Big and Small are Standing up Against Activist Attempts to Indoctrinate Children

Black People Had a Chance to Rise Up, Take Their Place in Society, Be Better – They Chose Black Marxism Instead Black Comedians Told Uncomfortable Truths That Came to Naught

A New Perspective on Warren G Harding (Woodrow Wilson Is Still a Racist Demagogue) Woodrow the Terrible, Warren the Good; The Upside-down Sensibilities of Presidential Historians. Plus, Tatum and “Tiger Rag.”

Current Events 06-07-2023

Those Poor Pagans, Just Minding Their Own Business, When the Evil Christians Rolled in and Destroyed Their Pristine Cultures. Mostly Peaceful Aztec Empire; after a video game trailer featuring an aztec warrior goes viral, posters bravely stand up against human sacrifice — and the knee-jerk defense of a uniquely evil society

We Are No Longer a Nation of Laws Above The Law

We Aren’t Voting Our Way Out of This – Sooner Or Later We’ll Have to Fight The explanation as to why Democrats today are fearless in proposing insane policies

They Want Us Dead Is Genocide Too Powerful a Word?

Current Events 06-06-2023

We Are Entering a New Dark Age Fall Of American Empire And Descent Into A New Dark Ages

HONK HONK Our Descent into Clown World

Our Freedom is on the Line 800 Years of History in One Paragraph

Dissent Will Not Be Tolerated If You Stand In The Way Of Their Agenda, You Will Pay A Price

Why The News Is All Fake 15 Reasons Why Mass Media Employees Act Like Propagandists

Controlled Demolition Why Is Corporate America Destroying Itself?

It Is a Waste of Time Pandering to Entitled Black Voters Vivek tries to convince black Chicagoans they’re the REAL conservatives… it doesn’t go over well…

The Sexual Revolution Has to End Exiting the Sex Wars

Tolerance for Sin is Not Loving I Don’t Want To Boycott ‘The Chosen,’ But The Cast And Crew Are Forcing Me To Walk Away

When a so-called Christian flies a pride flag, or expresses “tolerance”, or claims “love”, for deviant acts the Bible condemns, then I know immediately they are liars. They are the sort of people who will side with the Beast, stand by and allow real Christians and also Jews to be slaughtered. It’s no different, in my mind, than flying a Nazi flag.

“Tolerance” for sin is not loving. It’s wicked compromise that dooms those consumed by sinful habits. Any discussion of homosexual behavior that does not include repentance, with the goal of abandoning the sinful behavior and walking in freedom, is a lie. God never tolerates sin. He always destroys it utterly. Either by salvation by grace through faith, and the transformative work of the Holy Spirit. Or by casting the wicked into the Lake of Fire. Either way, sin cannot continue to exist where God is concerned.

Current Events 06-05-2023

Are They? Or Has the Line Been Drug So Far Left It SEEMS Like They Are Moving Right? Millennials Are Starting to Shift to the Right

27 Billion in Losses and Counting (12 Billion For Target) Threat of ESG-Based Corporate Insanity Begins to Recede When Faced With Reality; Being identified as ESG-compliant may eventually be synonymous with being woke. You can ask Anheuser-Busch how well the woke identification has worked out for them.

Affirm Our “Lifestyle” OR ELSE Alternative Sexualities: Cultural Comity or Cultural Coercion?

Making It Easier on the Rapists How SCOTUS’s Sullivan Ruling Denies Victims The Right To Defend Themselves From The Rich And Powerful

It Has Always Been Associated With Pagan Practices I Regret My Tattoos, They Are a Form of Self-Harm

We Are Seeking to Secure Both the Mother AND Her Baby Yes, Abortion Laws Protect The Life Of The Mother

The More I Learn About This Guy, The Less I Like Him Details Surface of How Ron DeSantis Is Using a Registered Foreign Agent to Assemble His Online Influence Campaign

Well, DUH High Prices Make Textbook ‘Piracy’ Acceptable to Most Students

Current Events 05-26-2023

When the Choice is Good or Evil, There is No Neutral Corporate America Has Launched A Religious War. It’s Time To Choose Your Side

How many people saw what the Nazis or the Bolsheviks were doing, and spoke up? Not enough. Which is how they conquered their countries. And the first people to the gulags or the death camps were the dissidents. And the neutrals followed.

The Republic Has Fallen The new aristocracy

You WILL Love Big Brother Pride Month Is A Cynical Exercise In State-Enforced Homosexuality

Dissidents Will Die in Prison Hero Proud Boys attorney exposes chilling new plot by the Regime to convict dissidents…

You Ever Think Maybe the Satanic Panic Wasn’t All Panic? Former Child Actor Posts Chilling Video Claiming He Witnessed “Satanic Rituals” in Hollywood

Useless Eaters Euthanasia Will Not Just Be For The Old Or Terminally Ill

Fight Or Die In the Fight for America, We Hold the High Ground