QAnon is a set of conspiracy theories alleged to be on the right of the political spectrum. I personally think it’s a psyop designed to provide plausible deniability to actual evil activities being perpetrated by the wealthy elites running the world, and to discredit those few people who AREN’T Feds and are legit trying to blow the whistle.
One of their central tenets is this belief that children are being trafficked not only for sex, but for Satanic rituals where they are tortured sexually / physically in order to “adrenalize” their blood in a state of terror and extreme pain, then drain that blood (killing the child) in order to produce a compound called adrenochrome. The elite buy and consume this stuff to stay young. So they say.
Tim Ballard has confirmed that they have rescued multiple children from traffickers that were using children for rituals and organ harvesting. How can it be called a “conspiracy” when it’s HAPPENING?
If You’ve Not Seen “Sound of Freedom”, Get Your But to the Theater And Watch It. It’s The Best Film of the Year. Easily. Sound of Freedom Triggers the Media
Everything about the sexual deviancy of the Left, starting with the normalization of fornication and adultery back in the 50s and 60s, then faggotry in the 80s, “gay marriage” in the naughties, and now transgenderism, has always had a singular goal – to normalize and promote pedophilia. There is a worldwide underground political movement that wants to come out into the light, and have society be forced to accept them. It’s why “Sound of Freedom” triggers these people so badly – they are pedophile apologists, if not pedophiles outright.
So basically, you cannot force somebody to provide you with goods and services if in doing so you are forcing them to violate their deeply held religious convictions. If Christians won’t bake you a cake or make a website for your fake deviant civil union (it’s not a wedding because it’s not marriage), then go buy that product from somebody who will. Nobody is stopping you. You don’t get special rights to force a business to serve you against their will, as forced servitude is, you guessed it, slavery.
In the same way, elite universities are no longer allowed to discriminate against whites and Asians in their admissions. Meaning, Mexicans and blacks are going to have to actually EARN their positions at those schools. Corporate America is next. If blacks and Mexicans want elite educations, then they are going to have to work to get them, just like everybody else. This also means that everybody who got one of those educations that happens to belong to one of the protected victim groups needs to prove they actually earned it. Diversity hires are useless.
You are not OWED a position anywhere because you are black, or because you are a deviant, or because you are a woman. You get a position because you earned it – worked hard, made the grades, have the aptitude. That’s it. So if this means white dudes and Asians get all the jobs, oh well. WORK HARDER YOU LAZY IDIOTS. EARN IT. Or go home.
France has a right to remain French. Germany has a right to remain German. Britain has a right to remain British. IT IS OKAY TO BE WHITE (of European ancestry). Importing migrants from North Africa will only serve to make these FORMER civilizations look like Africa. And we all know how broke down, poor, and full of crime Africa IS, because of the culture of various African tribes who think that 1) lying / cheating and getting away with it is a sign of cleverness 2) what the group wants is more important than individual rights or personal property 3) if you have it and I want it, that makes it okay to steal it. 4) white people are bad, we envy what they have (worked for) so that makes raping their women, and burning and looting their businesses okay.
The hatred for whites is being whipped up. These people are being imported to start color revolutions and destroy Western Civilization. Then no one will be left to stop it.
The persecution of Christians worldwide is at all time high. You never hear about it, because crimes against Christians, or against whites, is not considered criminal by our racist, anti-American news media.