Current Events 05-03-2017

Nothing Remains Crack-proof Forever ‘First Pirated Ultra HD Blu-Ray Disk’ Appears Online. AACS 2.0 Cracked?

Hope For a Cure CRISPR Eliminates HIV in Live Animals

Betrayal Rand Paul on Omnibus Spending Bill: ‘President Hillary Clinton Would Have Been Proud of This Bill’

What began with Trump in the White House must continue with the GOP. All Obama era holdovers and RINOs have to go. We need a culling in 2018.

Everybody Else Considers You a Freak ‘I consider myself trans-species’

Progressivism Has Always Been About Social Engineering Bill Nye, the Eugenics Guy

Fraud The Renewable Rip-Off

Current Events 04-29-2017

#Groupthink is the Enemy of Liberty Sean Hannity: ‘Media facism’ is coming after you next

Liberals are only feeling burned because up until now, they were never called on their fascism. Now they are. When they hit with their hate, hit back harder with truth! Never go along to get along!

This Revolution Will Take Time. The Train Has No Brakes. Trump’s First 100 Days: A Spiritual Triumph

No, It’s Not MST3K. “Out of his mind” surgeon plans human head transplant, revival of frozen brain

Current Events 04-19-2017

They Wish There is no real evidence that Trump voters are turning on Trump

Still Don’t Know Why They Lost Democrats begin to wonder: When do we win?

We Don’t Need Syrian Refugees – We Need To End the War So Syrians Can Go Home How the U.S. Can End the Syrian Civil War

Teachers Unions Are Hindering Education Go to Bad Schools, Go to Prison: The Teacher Union’s Dirty Little Secret

Current Events 04-01-2017

All news today guaranteed real. Although, with most mainstream news, how could you tell? 😉

Sheesh. Talk About SAD. Seattle has had almost no sunny days since October

They Don’t Make Terrorists Like They Used To That Time I Hung Out With Carlos The Jackal — Wearing My Yarmulke

So Cool The decade-long, $6M effort to put a 74-year-old WWII boat back to water

Elites Are Cavalier About the Policies They Support Because They NEVER FEEL THE CONSEQUENCES OF THEM The Disproportionate Impact of Overregulation on Blue-Collar Jobs