Events. Of a current nature.

Current Events 02-04-2020

Well, now that the impeachment scam has run its course, maybe there will be some actual news. Maybe.

Democrats Hate America As Founded Why the Left Really Wants to Kill America

They will destroy it and us if they can.

How On Earth Could Anybody Have a Problem With Perverts Co-Opting Public Libraries to Indoctrinate and Sexualize Young Children? Bill Would Allow Parents Say over Drag Queen Story Hours in Taxpayer-Funded Libraries

Get Well, Mr. Limbaugh – America Still Needs You Godspeed, Rush Limbaugh

Stand Together or Hang Separately The Factions of the Right and How They Fight

First Truth: Never Believe Communist State Media Wuhan’s Defiant Citizen Video Journalists

The Evidence Suggests This Was a Bioweapon Either Accidentally or Intentionally Released Is the Coronavirus Outbreak China’s Chernobyl?

Well Of Course ‘FINAL WARNING’ China cops threaten to jail people for seven years if they share news on social media about killer coronavirus spread

Ted Cruz’s Talents Are Wasted in the Presidency Ted Cruz Can Once Again Be the Bigger Man.

Current Events 01-14-2020

Of Course They Want Us in Gulags Bernie Sanders Field Organizer Suggests Gulags to Help ‘Nazified’ Trump Voters

It Will Be “For Our Own Good” Democrat says Second Amendment supporters in Virginia have ‘mental issues’

Leftists Don’t Live in Reality Debunking Democrat Conspiracy Theories and Myths

And Also Pedophiles Oscar Nominations Prove Trump’s America Is Not Racist, Hollywood Is

Money-Laundering, Murder, and Human Trafficking Anatomy of a Clinton Scam

Last Days of the Would-Be Islamic Super State Iran’s Airborne Chernobyl; The incompetence and lies that killed the Soviet Union following the Chernobyl disaster are descending on Tehran

Current Events 01-10-2020

Iran Got Hit With the Big Stick Trump and the Big Stick

Trump Stopped A War Before It Materialized Trump’s takedown of Soleimani has Iran utterly off its evil game

Lies and Lying Liars The Steele Dossier Bacillus

None Dare Call It Treason The Obama Administration’s Guerrilla War

Democrats Love Making Rules That Everybody (Except Them) Has to Follow Joe Biden, The Democrats’ Bag Man

At Last The revolution ends for the left in 2020

Why Do We The People Keep Electing These Treasonous Fascists? The Culture War Comes to the Old Dominion

Bambi Nazis The New Prudery

Current Events 01-08-2020

COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF The President Is Preventing A War, Not Starting One

What is so hard to understand about that?

Obama Can Kill An American And Nobody Complains, Trump Kills a Terrorist And Everybody Loses Their Minds Democrats Supported Obama Killing Americans With Drones, But Take Issue With Trump Killing Terrorists

Iran Responds to US Actions By Killing 82 Iranians Iran Refuses To Hand Over Crash Data, Stoking Speculation Plane Was Accidentally Shot Down

Pushback Or Be Killed Not Pushing Back Fuels LGBT Tyranny

It really has come to that.

It’s Okay to Be White The New Racism

The Left Hates Christians and Christianity Trump to His Christian Supporters: Religion Is ‘Under Siege,’ but He Will ‘Never Stop Fighting for Americans of Faith’

Nothing Unites Us Now The Inertial States of America; Nothing unites us now, not religious faith, not cultural memory, not a common understanding of virtue, not the natural goodness of manhood and womanhood, not children, not the elderly, nothing. We do not seek “the naked bedrock of character and capacity,” because they are judgments against us.

Atheism will destroy the West, and the barbarians will conquer what remains.

“Free Trade” Is Killing Americans The Deadly Cost of ‘Free’ Trade; A growing pile of studies and a growing pile of corpses show that the debate over trade—specifically trade with Red China—cannot be limited to a dissection of economic indices, profit and loss statements, and “increased shareholder value.”

Current Events 01-07-2020

When Women Celebrate Murdering Their Children In Order To Protect Their Careers, We Are Living in Perilous Times No, Michelle Williams, Women Don’t Need To Kill Their Kids To Get Ahead; I can think of few stronger expressions of moral corruption than ‘This child must die so I can live as I please.’ Yet this is the tradeoff we are constantly told epitomizes women’s empowerment.

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” 2 Timothy 3:1-5

“Without natural affection” means abandoning the love of kin. Destruction of the family. Abandonment of marriage. Murdering your babies and calling it empowerment. 

We are living in perilous times.

We Are Witnessing the Same Kind of Hatred Rise Up That Drove the Genocides in Germany, Russia, and China – And Our Murderers Will Do it For the Greater Good Attacks On Jews Are A Canary In The Coalmine For Religious Liberty In The United States; The culture-shapers who claim to champion ‘tolerance’ and ‘ending discrimination’ push for toxic identity politics that make true tolerance impossible.

Turns Out It Was Just People. Climate Change? Turns Out Two Dozen Arrested for Setting Australia’s Fires

Soleimani Was Another Bin Ladin The shadowy Iranian spy chief who helped plan Benghazi

I’m glad he’s dead. We need to clip all the militant extremists who have killed Americans and are planning to do it again. Every time. The only way Americans abroad can be safe is if we make it very clear to the world that the one thing you DO NOT DO is mess with American citizens.

Current Events 01-06-2020

Atheism Will Destroy the West, and Islam Will Sweep in to Inhabit the Ruins Something Wicked This Way Comes; A de-Christianized America is a country without culture as we know it.

Do You Really Want to Live in a Faux America, With No Rights, At the Mercy of the Administrative State? Pre- & post-citizens; On the meaning of citizenship in the twenty-first century.

Religious Freedom Has Held the Barbarians At the Gates – Until Now America’s Fate Rests on Its Protection of Religious Freedom

Case in Point A Prediction About the Coming Split in the Methodist Church

Useful Idiots A Response to the Editor of Christianity Today; The magazine’s amoral view says more about its editor than about Trump.

Why Do We Care About the Opinions of Perverts and Heathens? The Gnashing of Teeth Begins After Ricky Gervais Burns Hollywood to the Ground

Why Do Blacks Continue to Vote For the Party That Fought to Keep Then Slaves, and Still Does? The Decline and Fall of the Black American Church

Congratulations, Ilhan Omar! Ilhan Omar voted 2019’s antisemite of the year

Current Events 01-02-2020

Genius. But Insidious. But Also Genius. How the KGB Bugged American Typewriters During the Cold War; The device was an early example of keylogging technology.

School Isn’t Education, It is Indoctrination Historians destroy the NYT “1619 Project,” but it will still be used in K-12 classrooms

Science Falsely So Called The maddening saga of how an Alzheimer’s ‘cabal’ thwarted progress toward a cure for decades

Amazing Achievement 6 men become 1st to cross perilous Drake Passage unassisted

Fight or Die Take a Stand in 2020

Perilous Times Europe: Anti-Christian Attacks Reach All-Time High in 2019

Where Is it Writ That Cities HAVE to Be Democrat Fiefdoms? Why The Right Shouldn’t Just Abandon America’s Cities To The Left; Conservatives need to address urban concerns and try to bridge the growing rural-urban divide, rather than just denouncing cities as the malign foil of real America.

Current Events 01-01-2020

Just Because You’re Paranoid Doesn’t Mean They’re Not Out to Get You. Religious People Think Democrats Will Strip Our Rights Because It’s True; A professor claims religious people are afraid of atheists and Democrats because they’re projecting ignorance and hatred. Maybe instead religious people just follow the news.

I have no doubt the Left wishes us harm. They make their hate for us plain in every medium they control, throughout woke corporate America and Academia. The distilled gist of it is simple – they want us gone. As in dead and gone. I am always mindful of the situation in Germany after Hilter’s imprisonment and the writing and publishing of Mein Kampf. He made his bloody goals for European Jewry abundantly clear, but nobody thought this fringe lunatic would ever get enough power to make it happen, until he did. Don’t make the mistake that generation of people made. See the threat forming, meet it and stop it before it’s your children and grandchildren being sent off to the gulag. Or we’ll be reading the histories someday about how genocide and war could have been avoided but tragically wasn’t.

Current Events 12-22-2019

I know, I know. But in this current “news” cycle, there’s not much news to report. It’s all impeachment propaganda, full-court press, all day every day. 

Of Course They’re After Us Donald Trump’s ‘they’re after you’ tweet says it all: Goodwin

Of course they’re after us. When a segment of society reaches that old dark place where their hatred of the “other” is so great that it requires extirpation to be satisfied, then genocide is not very far away. Don’t believe me? Ask the Jews of Europe, or the Christian Armenians, or the intelligentsia of Cambodia, or the Kurds. If he goes down – we’re next.

Current Events 11-14-2019

In a Word – Yes Is impeachment all about the SCOTUS?

This is a Coup – Pure and Simple Ten Reasons Impeachment Is Illegitimate

We cannot let this succeed, and Democrats have to be thoroughly repudiated in 2020.

We Have to Keep Sending “Aid” to Crooked Governments Jim Jordan Explains Why Trump Held Up the Money to Ukraine Without a Quid Pro Quo

This Is What Happens When You No Longer Believe in Objective Moral Truth Democrats Are Failing the Reality Test; Democrats push fake impeachment, fake issues, fake candidates, and fake solutions.

1984 Trump Just Made His Case For Reelection, While Dems Play Impeachment

In a Word – Yes Do Religion and Morality Still Belong in Our Society?

Kill all the Babies No denying Dems’ real agenda

Every Illegal Cancels an American Vote What Happened to California Republicans?

The Democrat Party is an American Party that hates Americans. They can’t abort, brainwash, or otherwise exterminate all of us, so the solution is simple – straight replacement with 3rd world peasants who will vote Democrat. Then once the electorate has been subverted and they seize power, enact legislation that permanently destroys the Bill of Rights and puts them in power dynastically.

You People are Idiots Because You Don’t Study History Whatever Happened to Teaching History?

Down the Memory Hole How Journalists Became Fahrenheit 451–Style ‘Firemen’

Get Woke, Go Broke Drudge Bleeds Out as Conservatives Flee; Rapid Decline Parallels the Enron Model

Muslims Are the Problem The Other Genocide of Christians