Events. Of a current nature.

Current Events 01-26-2018

I found much that was interesting to me today, so today’s list will be a bit long, contra-normal.

I Am Tired of Being Lectured on the Quality or Veracity of My Faith Because I Voted Trump Why evangelicals stand by Trump: Those calling out the hypocrisy of Christian conservatives ignore the scars of recent history

Especially by brainwashed, groupthink millennials who are barely old enough to shave, let alone have legitimate opinions on politics.

Not At All. However, He Has Done His Job and Done It Well. Does Trump Get a Moral Mulligan?

Well said, Mr. Graham: “We certainly don’t hold him up as the pastor of this nation and he is not. But I appreciate the fact that the president does have a concern for Christian values, he does have a concern to protect Christians whether it’s here at home or around the world, and I appreciate the fact that he protects religious liberty and freedom.”

Social Media Is Not the Free Market of Ideas It Once Was “This Is Serious”: Facebook Begins Its Downward Spiral

Case In Point Germany: Return of the Stasi Police State?

Elections Have Consequences Why Democrats Won’t Get Their Way on Immigration; They were not elected to run any branch of government. That’s hard news to break to the liberal base.

This Is Huge. Looming scandal will hammer the Democrats

Unlike prior elections, this time they got caught. And it’s going to cost them.

Why Indeed. “Why Are They Still Here?”: FBI Agents Wonder Why Anti-Trump Clinton Operatives Within The Bureau Still Have A Job

Truth Matters. Settling for the Truth

How Times Have Changed. On immigration, one event turned the Democrats from deplorable to open-doorable

We Need Another Transportation Revolution Is The Hyperloop Worth The Hype?

Yes. As Uncomfortable As It Might Be to Our Egalitarian Sensibilities, the Answer is Yes: Some Cultures ARE Inferior As They Presently Exist. Trump’s ‘S-ithole’ Controversy Deconstructed (Part 1)

Why Does Africa Suck So Bad? Does Africa Need a Cultural Adjustment Program?

The reasons are purely cultural. Since culture exists in the mind, it can be changed, and Africa’s destiny can be changed. They will have to see it and change it. We cannot help them.

To a Leftist, We Are All Heretics Worthy of Extermination Hollywood’s Secular Clerics

Current Events 01-25-2018

He Could End This Right Now What Trump Can and Must Do About Mueller

We Must De-militarize Our Law Enforcement Henrico incident shows militarized police events are now routine

How Many Geniuses Have Been Murdered Since Roe v. Wade? Abortion Almost Deprived The World Of Andrea Bocelli

Sane Immigration Policy White House To Reveal Its Own DACA Bill For Senate

The Middle Class Was Betrayed and Murdered Why Toys R Us Can’t Win Anymore

The #AltLeft Is All About Hypocrisy The Great S—hole Hypocrisy

Current Events 01-24-2018

It’s Pretty Basic, Really – America First Here’s A Crazy Theory: Maybe Americans Just Want A Rational Immigration Policy; Voters have nuanced views on immigration. The shutdown is proof.

End the Invasion Thoughts for Opening a Serious DACA Discussion; We need to go back to the future when immigration was done the right way.

We Keep Depriving Them of Voting Blocs How the Right’s War on Unions Is Killing the Democratic Party; “Right-to-work” laws have a measurable effect on voting patterns.

Corrupt Dinosaur The Sinking of the FBI

Time for a purge.

Current Events 01-23-2018

There Were Lots of Females, But No Ladies, at the Women’s March The Vile, Awful Women’s March Is A Symptom Of The Spiritual Disease That Infects Our Culture

No. We Do Not Have to Agree With Or Support Your Vile Choices. The Right Prescription; Trump Moves to Defend Religious Rights of Doctors

It’s Hard To Kill A Baby Once You’ve Seen It How My Friends’ Pregnancy Experiences Changed My Mind About Abortion

Women, Don’t Live Like Whores and Expect to Be Treated Like Ladies Advice to Young Ladies in This Very, Very Stupid Era

Let’s Send These Well Educated DACA Adults Home to Fix Their Native Countries A Different Perspective on DACA

Of Course There’s a Silent Coup Page and Strzok Referenced FBI ‘Secret Society’ that Met the Day After the Election

We Need Alternative Media – The Techopolies Cannot Be Trusted Assange Keeps Warning Of AI Censorship, And It’s Time We Started Listening

Current Events 01-20-2018

Too Much of America Looks 3rd World Of Pothole Countries And The Sh**hole, That Ill-Begotten Epithet

It’s Been a Good Year President Trump’s First Year In Office Has Been A Blessing For The American People; Whether on the economic, military, regulatory, or judicial fronts, President Trump has made major progress for all Americans

Identity Politics is the New Fascism, and the Democrats Are the Party of Hate How Political Correctness And Identity Politics Are Destroying America

It’s Been a Monopoly For Too Long Revisit plans to break up the 9th Circuit

Every Time You Poop, You Can Thank a White Guy It’s Not in a Hole in the Ground ‘White Privilege’ and the Great Stink of 1858

Pro-Choice is Pro-Slavery Pro-Lifers Are Modern Abolitionists And Pro-Choicers Are Modern Slaveholders. Here’s Proof.

Current Events 01-17-2018

The Sexual Revolution Was a Lie. It Hasn’t Liberated Anyone, Only Degraded and Ruined. You Feel Violated After Casual Sex Because You Degraded Yourself. Not Because It Was Rape.

The Age of Elitist Rule of America Is Finished Trump to PC: “No More!”; However crudely, the president explodes shibboleths.

The Judiciary Was Never Meant to Make Laws End Judicial Tyranny with One Single Word

Hate Group Defining “Hate” Is the Fox Guarding the Hen House SPLC Selling Hate; The Southern Poverty Law Center scam.

Some Cultures Can’t Integrate Trump: In Immigration Debate, Race Matters

It’s okay to be American.

Not All the Monsters Have Left the Closet, But They Will If Society Allows It Why LGBT Activists Can’t See What’s Wrong With A 9-Year-Old Drag Queen; The LGBT Left’s intense focus on labeling then exploiting LGBT children like ‘Lactatia’ holds incredible risk and threatens their futures.

Pederasty was always the end goal.

Current Events 01-16-2018

It Is Not Racist to Point Out Where Numerous Countries Have Failed, Desire To Keep America From Following Suit The Unpleasant Truth About Africa And Haiti Trumps Liberal Lies And Hypocrisy

Propping up dictators with billions of dollars of foreign aid is not working, is making the problems in these countries worse, and prevents real change from coming. Likewise stealing the best and the brightest from these countries in the form of rampant immigration.

There Is No Wakanda. No African Superpower. Only Poverty, Corruption, Incompetence, and Apathy. There Are No Successful Black Nations; And the indignity and helplessness of blacks in America won’t end until we have a first-world African nation to lift up our people.

They have to find their own solutions, but turning them into vassal states isn’t one of them.

Useful Idiots The Media Has Found Its Useful Idiots in #NeverTrump

Martin Luther King, Jr. Wanted What Was Best For Americans, Which Includes African-Americans Martin Luther King Jr. Would Have Stood With Trump: He Didn’t Want Migrants From The Third World Here Either

The Left Only Cares for MLK Because He’s Dead and Because He Allows Them to Virtue Signal The Liberal Abandonment of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; Center for American Progress: Racism is key to Democratic Party Future.

They would have little use or love for a pro-Gun, pro-Life, anti-perversion Baptist minister today.

No Democrats. You’re the Racists. Always Have Been. The Reflexive Racism of the American Left; President Grant understood the Left’s Culture of Racism — which today’s media ignores.

Walls Work. Don’t Believe Me? Ask China. This town is proof that Trump’s wall can work

Time to End Ted Kennedy’s Terrible Legacy Time to Repeal the Disastrous 1965 Immigration Act

Imagine That If Women Want A Family, They Need To Prioritize Marriage Above Their Careers

Current Events 01-15-2018

With One Question, Which Was Misquoted, Trump Shined a Laser Right on the Real Issue Borders aren’t racist, and some countries are sh—holes

The globalist lie of worker’s paradises and noble bone-crushing poverty have been advocated by the Left for 50 years. The truth is, we don’t owe the world anything. If these nations are poor, it’s because they made themselves poor. They lack the will and the innovation to improve themselves. Our interference in the development of other countries has only brought additional ruin. So we simply must stop. End foreign aid. End the invasion of our country by inferior cultures. Focus on helping our own poor people and rebuilding our own Schumerholes (Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, etc.). End Progressive hegemony, because that Fascist philosophy is what got us into this mess.

Canada Takes Their Border Seriously, And Nobody Thinks They’re Racist Up North: What’s Doing with Illegals on the Other Fenceless Border?

We Must Stop “Helping” Other Countries Democrats’ Contribution to Haiti’s ‘Craphole’ Status

Haiti Can’t Take Much More “Help” From Us Now’s a Great Time to Stop Meddling in Haiti

Fake Controversy All Different Types Of ‘Holes’

Immigration IS the Issue. Politicians Better Face This Or Get Fired. Will Trump Go Sloppy and Soft on Illegal Immigration?

We Are Literally Burning Food Pressure Builds for Trump to Change Federal Ethanol Mandate; Big Corn needs to be shucked.

The Goolag is a Fascist Techopoly 19 Insane Tidbits From James Damore’s Lawsuit About Google’s Office Environment

Current Events 01-10-2018

By All Means, Party of “Science” #Oprah2020 Remember, Oprah Winfrey Is Our Premier National Snake Oil Salesman; Oprah Winfrey is responsible for promoting a whole variety of quack medical nostrums and launching the careers of questionable experts.

Of Course #MeToo Is a War On Men Too Close for Comfort; Tenuous accusations of sexual harassment against a portrait artist suggest that #MeToo has become a war on men.

You’re Not That Smart. David Brooks and the Elites’ Lowbrowism; Paying the price for what they’ve become.

Gender Dysphoria Is a Real Thing. We Abuse Its Sufferers When We Pretend Otherwise. The Trans Lobby Hates This Man For Proving Sex-Change Regret Is Real; The trans lobby’s insistence that Walt Heyer was never transgender is not really about Walt Heyer. It’s about forcing everybody to re-define their own humanity.

There are only two genders.

That’s Just Sad. I’m A Jew. I Had No Idea I’d Be Spending Christmas Among Neo-Nazis

Identity Politics IS the New Fascism Are Whites Being Setup For Genocide?

It’s Okay to Be White The End of White Celebrity; Whiteness is a birth defect

Africans, in particular those from sub-Saharan Africa, love to blame all of their problems on colonialism. There is no doubt colonialism had a negative impact socially, while simultaneously spreading the very positive influences of European rule of law, European work ethic, and European infrastructure and technology. The bigger problem is what it has always been – tribalism. Tribalism to this day holds Africa in its iron grip and guarantees its peoples will never advance much beyond the Bronze Age. No Wakanda (located geographically in Uganda, interestingly enough) will ever develop in sub-Saharan Africa because tribalism, that primitive communism of clan-based oligarchy, corruption, and superstition, strangles any move towards progress. For every one brilliant African you can find, you have his entire clan feeding off his wealth parasitically, dragging him backwards, holding him down. And you can forget about girls. Their only value is in the bride prices they fetch and the work they can do. All the best Africans have left Africa and taken their brilliance to countries where they will flourish, be appreciated and rewarded. In other words, Europe and America. 

Current Events 01-07-2018

What Happens When You Challenge the Elites The Story Of Martin Gottesfeld: The Hacktivist Who Faces 15 Years In Jail For Trying To Save A Young Girl’s Life

Sanctimonious #NeverTrumpers Are Guilty of Treason Underestimating Trump Supporters

It Won’t Be Europe Anymore How Europe Built Its Own Funeral Pyre, Then Leapt In

Westerners stopped having children, imported a pile of 3rd world refugees who do – it won’t be Europe in a generation.

Facts Don’t Matter on the #AltLeft We Live in Stupid Times