Events. Of a current nature.

Current Events 01-05-2018

It’s Always Been About Black Genocide New Film Dives Into The ‘Black Genocide’ Of Abortion

The #RacistDemocrats had their private concentration camp system in place in the Deep South until Republicans waged a Civil War to end it. They responded by enacting numerous Jim Crow laws to institutionalize racism and keep “blacks” down. “Blacks” were kept under control through fear, enforced by their terrorist militia the KKK. The Civil Rights movement and the FBI ended that. So now we have an invisible war against “blacks” in America in the form of abortion. 15 million “black” babies have been murdered since 1973. Sanger’s “Negro Project” has become a Final Solution for the negro population of the United States. And “blacks” keep voting for the Party of Hate.

Murdering Babies is Always Wrong The ‘Back Alley Abortion’ Argument Is Insane. There SHOULDN’T Be A ‘Safe’ Way To Kill A Child.

They Will Continue to Marginalize Themselves, And Normals Will Continue to Refuse Their Hate, Until Their Businesses Collapse Cultural Liberalism’s Business Model Has Begun to Fall Apart; And the blue states have never been more blue.

Current Events 12-26-2017

What If Atheists Got Everything They Wanted? What Would the World Look Like if Christ had Never Been Born?

Christians Elected Donald Trump – For Good Reason 8 Nov. 16 — The Day Christians Changed America

The Party of the Rich Is Doomed Danger in 2018 for the Party of the Rich (Democrats)

It’s Almost As If America Is Becoming Great Again 2017: The Beginning of the American Turn Around

Imagine That Retailers Feel Shoppers’ Christmas Cheer; Americans of all income levels, feeling flush, boosted their holiday spending

Current Events 12-16-2017

Toxic Feminism Toxic Femininity, Redux; Or, how to surround yourself with cats and “personal massage equipment.”

And The Necessary Followup 11 Things Every Real Conservative Should Ask On A First Date

Black Lives DO Matter – They Matter Enough That We Think They Shouldn’t Have to Be Poor and Uneducated The Wealth Gap Between White and Black in America; Capitalism has a solution that is extremely colorblind.

Step 1: Stop being the perpetual victim.

Step 2: Get married.

Step 3: Stay married.

Step 4: Stop shooting each other.

It’s pretty simple, really.

We Saved America in 2016 America at Yearend 2017 — Back From the Brink, Not Into the Abyss

Fake Accusers IT’S AN INDUSTRY: Thanks to Lisa Bloom We Now Know Trump Accusers are Paid $750,000 by Dem Donors to Say Trump Abused Them

Different Cultures, Different Ideas of What is Food Why Don’t Americans Eat Horse? The red meat is common in many cultures, but rarely makes it on menus in the U.S.

Censorship, Like Sexual Harassment, Is Serious and All on the Left Harlem Shook: Google Is Using Its Immense Power To Censor Content That Doesn’t Fit Its Political Goals. Everyone In America Should Be Concerned About That

Current Events 12-11-2017

It Was Principles, Not the Abandoning of Them, That Made Me Vote Trump Republican Trump Critics Missing the Boat

So spare me your sanctimonious condescension. I am actually quite intelligent, and made an informed, intelligent, strategic decision in 2016 that has thus far paid off in spades. One has to, on the contrary, question the intelligence of people who were willing to throw the election to Hillary rather than support Donald J Trump.

The #FakeNews Media Continues to Campaign For Trump 2020 Winning against media’s botch jobs

A Year Later and They Still Don’t Know Why They Lost Roy Moore Proves Media Only Destroys Itself in Elections

We, the Normals, are united in our disdain for the #AltLeft. We will not rest until they are driven from every area of influence and power.

It’s Not Enough to Disagree With Us. The #AltLeft Thinks We Do Not Deserve to Exist. As Fascists Do. We’re the Type of Americans They Want to Go Away

It’s Why Forevermore I Will Refer to Them As #RacistDemocrats I Am Not the Racist; They Are

The Left Has Exploited Our Decency and Sense of Fairness – No More Woke Conservatives And The Awesome Power Of Not Caring

Controlling Language is How Fascists/Communists Control Thought What C.S. Lewis Can Teach Us About America’s Pronoun Wars

Current Events 12-06-2017

Sometimes I get bored of the news. It all gets to be so very repetitive. Anyway, this is the space where I post things of interest to myself, and I guess I finally read some stuff worth commenting on after two weeks.

If You Can Force a Christian Business to Violate Its Beliefs, It Renders the 1st Amendment Moot The Gay Couple In The Masterpiece Cakeshop Case Are Vindictive Bullies, Not Victims.

The Obergefell v. Hodges case is only the latest stage of the American Left’s jackbooted march towards full blown fascism. Right on the heels of that decision, activist “gay couples” started actively targeting Christian owned businesses to try and create test cases that could be used to bring more cases before SCOTUS and force us to comply with their wicked lifestyle choices. I say fascism, because that’s precisely what fascism is – the notion that individuals must be subordinated to the state. 

Let’s be clear. Homosexuality is an abomination. It goes against biology, against reason, against nature, and yes, against God. These people are not a race, because they can’t reproduce. There is no evidence that homosexual males are evolving uteruses in their rectums, or that homosexual females are evolving penises. No. They were not born this way. It’s a psychological condition, or it used to be anyway until the American Psychological Association caved to social pressure and redefined mental disease as “normal”. There is no universe in which this clearly unnatural, personally destructive, addictive form of sexual perversion will ever be healthy, useful, or beneficial to society, unlike normal heterosexual marriage, which is all of those things.

Personally, I don’t care what people do in the privacy of their own homes. It’s none of my business. But when they go forth and organize themselves politically and try to force Western Civilization to re-define normal to suit their private perversions, then they make it my business. If they want civil unions for tax purposes or hospital visitation rights, that’s fine. But they don’t get to call it marriage. Marriage is a holy union, created and sanctified by God. It may be recognized by law, but it is not created by it.

I for one am not going to give ground to a pack of radicalized heathens hell bent on marginalizing, restricting, demonizing, and persecuting me and mine. If it’s war they want, then war they shall get.

Forced Consensus Doesn’t Equal Truth Groupthink in Academia: The Will to Submit

They Are Not Journalists Anymore The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Deserve Our Respect or Our Trust

Current Events 11-11-2017

We Have to Take Our Stand Now, Or Surrender Our Republic The First 3 Phases Of The Downward Slope From Freedom To Communism; Communism first requires a vigorous program of preparing people to absorb its rhetoric, through laying groundwork in education, propaganda, and agitation.

Babies and Bathwater America Is Full Of Deviants. Maybe We Really Shouldn’t Have Tossed Out Sexual Morality.

The Violent Left Grassy Knolls, in Dallas, Bowling Green, and Our Minds

Current Events 11-09-2017

Why Does Taxation Have to Be Hard? Tax Code, Like Mad Dog 20/20, Induces Unusual Behavior

His Name Was Seth Rich Does Donna Brazile Know Who Killed Seth Rich?

Hope she’s feeling okay, doesn’t shoot herself several times in a fit of despair.

CRISPR For the Win The future is here: Genetically engineered stem cells save a patient; The genetic disease epidermolysis bullosa left a patient without much skin.

Wealthy Elitists Moved In, Flipped the Electorate Here’s What Really Happened In Virginia (And It’s Shocking)

Maybe Virginia should have built a wall.

As Always, Liberals Transfer Their Sins Onto Everyone Else The Death of a Nacho King Proves the Media Are Cultural Appropriation’s Biggest Enablers; This isn’t the first time the MSM have gotten their tortilla-chip meal provenance wrong.

Current Events 11-07-2017

Businesses Must Be Allowed to Fail, Or Succeed, Without Tax Subsidies The All-Electric Car Fairy Tale

Electric Cars Are Yet Another Obama-Era Government Boondoggle – They Are Unsustainable Ban Gas-Powered Cars? California Is Thinking About It

Facts Matter Bushwhacking History; Lying about history is one of the Left’s crudest weapons.

The Left Hates Christians; This Latest Shooting (By a Leftist) Only Re-Iterates This If You’re Responding To A Massacre At A Church By Mocking Prayer, Please Shut Up

That’s Exactly Right – The Solutions Are Not Primarily Political Inner-city needs can’t be delayed four more years

You Know What Causes Mass Shootings? Evil, and the Society That Tolerates and Encourages It Moral Reconstruction, Anyone?

Current Events 11-06-2017

67 Words That Changed the World A Century Since the Balfour Declaration

The Left Is In Open War With Christians – It’s Time We Defend Ourselves It’s Past Time for An Armed and Trained Congregant at Every U.S. House of Worship

The ChiComs Don’t Play Here’s What Happens If You Disrespect The Anthem In Communist China

Ba HA HA HA HA HA!!! Trump Is About To Crush Home Prices In Counties That Voted For Hillary: Here’s Why

Unsustainable Electric Cars Republicans’ Tax Plan Crashes Jerry Brown’s Electric Car Fantasies; The new tax reform bill eliminates a huge tax credit for electric vehicle purchases.

Transference Liberals Are Everything They Say We Are

Leftist, Lying Social Media Four Viral Claims Spread by Journalists on Twitter in the Last Week Alone That are False

We Need More Guns, Not Fewer We Don’t Need Gun Control to Stop Mass Shootings

Doubling Down on Dumb Democrats Drive Toward the Cliff and Hit the Gas

Comedy Used to Be About Humor Late Night Comedy Has Become Hate Speech

Liberalism IS Mental Illness Multiverse Confirmed by the New York Times

Current Events 11-02-2017

Mengele Would Be Proud Eugenics 2.0: We’re at the Dawn of Choosing Embryos by Health, Height, and More

Because Eugenics 1.0 worked so well. I mean, why tolerate the drama of gas chambers when you can engage in invisible genocide in the womb?

Yep Christianity Is Just A Better Religion Than Islam

You Know, I’m Starting to Pick Up On Your Sarcasm Florida Man Has Fender Bender In Manhattan

Well Done DNC. You’ve Made Losing Look Easy. EXCLUSIVE: DNC Official Says She Doesn’t Want To Recruit ‘Cisgender Straight White Males’; They don’t want more individuals in the “majority” having jobs within the party …

NOT THE PIZZA! The NFL Is Now So Unpopular, It’s Destroying Papa John’s; $70 million in 24 hours

Pure. D. Stupid. For You We’ll Make an Exception; “All are welcome — no exceptions!” That is, except two dead white guys.