Events. Of a current nature.

Current Events 08-23-2016

Canada Expresses Concern at Upsurge in American “Boat-People” Hundreds of Americans wash up illegally in Canada after river party

George Soros: The Conspirator Behind All the Conspiracy Theories Our World: Soros’s campaign of global chaos

Continuing His Campaign of Corrupting the American Electoral Process Leaked Docs: Soros Aims to Enlarge Electorate by 10 Million Voters by 2018

The Very Definition of Homfascism EXCLUSIVE: London’s LGBT Police Are Harassing Non-PC Twitter Users, Naming Family Members In Tweets

But then, fascism and homosexuality have always been two sides of the same coin.

Want to Beat America? Stop Whining and Play Better Basketball Team USA Basketball Director: Other National Teams Need to ‘Get Their Acts Together’

Current Events 08-22-2016

Whenever There’s a Close Election, Dems Will Cheat to Try to Tip the Vote Poll: 52 percent of Republicans call voter fraud major problem in 2016

‘Nuff Said How Not To Betray Your Country This November

Well-Meaning Fools Trump and Logic vs #NeverTrump and Suicide

The Dissolving of the Female Gender – You Don’t Get More Anti-Feminist Than That What has the world in store next?

Current Events 08-21-2016

It Wasn’t Atheists or Deists Who Abolished Slavery How easily we forget who first opposed slavery.

Besides, America has merely exported slavery to countries that have no 13th Amendment. We have sidestepped the issue, and reap the benefits of near slave labor on the sly.

Truth is a Bitter Pill Why Feminists Hate Scripture So Much

Current Events 07-30-2016

Because of Course They Are Neo-Nazi group holding ‘White Lives Matter’ rally in Cazenovia Park

Sigh. It’s 2016. Answer me this: Why do we still have Nazis!? I am not surprised, however. If you’re going to have one hate group that favors blacks, and it’s okay (not really, but people are afraid to say otherwise), you can’t be surprised when another hate group favoring whites responds in kind.

Sweet Artificial Pancreas Is First To Raise $1 Million Under New Crowdfunding Rules

Bioengineers to the rescue!

In My School, the Majority of the Male Students Would Have Been Under Arrest Court upholds arrest of Albuquerque student for burping

The Cult of Molech What if an Anti-American Cult Had a Convention?

Current Events 07-27-2016

#BlackLivesMatter is Illegitimate Black Lives Matter, but So Does the Truth; Activists alienate potential allies in the fight against police abuse by perpetuating myths.

Because of Black Lives Matter and their total willingness to perpetuate lies, and politician’s total willingness to exploit mob justice, we may never get to the heart of the matter, which is this: why are there so many shootings by police? What is it about our culture that is causing police interactions to escalate so quickly, often fatally? There is no conspiracy to hunt and kill blacks. There is however an alarming tendency for police to shoot people. Even when you eliminate the cases where it is justified (suspect has a gun, suspect attacks police), it’s still very high. As a community of citizens, we have to work to establish the level of accountability and transparency we desire from our police (and that’s the correct pronoun: the police are ‘ours’), while making sure at the same time that police are safe, well equipped, and able to do that job. And for God’s sake stop blaming all your problems on imaginary racism!

Current Events 07-26-2016

The Progressive Party Is the Proponent of Eugenics, Social Engineering, and Institutionalized Racism, Among Other Things Democratic Platform: Killing the Unborn Is Fine with Us

Controlling thought. Controlling speech. Controlling reproduction and child rearing. Controlling belief. Social engineering is what progressives live for. They despise democracy, rule by the mob as they think, and have done everything in their power to create an elitist oligarchy to rule the rabble. Abortion is the sacrament of their death cult. This is the party of Molech.

Welcome to the 3rd World! Keep Your Mouth Closed: Aquatic Olympians Face a Toxic Stew in Rio

Current Events 07-21-2016

There will be no political news today, as it is boring and repetitive.

Amazing. Makes My Grade School Creations Look Pointless. These Stunning Paper Sculptures Ain’t Your Average Origami

Academic Bias, In Which the Religion of Sciencism Dominates, Has This Result Global Temperatures Are Mostly Fake

Current Events 07-13-2016

Shameful Half of all US food produce is thrown away, new research suggests

#OnlySomeBlackLivesMatter Why Don’t These #BlackLivesMatter?

Excessive In a state like Minnesota, this is normal? Or just for black drivers?

Cops are being used as revenue collectors. This puts a particularly high burden on the poor, who cannot simply pay fines for the crime of driving while black, nor can they afford hiring lawyers to keep the points off their license, so their insurance skyrockets. This kind of policing is exactly why people have trouble trusting police.

Current Events 07-12-2016

America is Becoming a 3rd World Country Cash-Strapped Towns Are Un-Paving Roads They Can’t Afford to Fix

Data Reveals the Real Problem A year of reckoning: Police fatally shoot nearly 1,000

There is no widespread conspiracy by police to murder blacks. Are there individual cases of prejudice? Almost certainly. Yet, the data reveals that most of the shootings are against whites. We can see that there needs to be better training on how to deal with mental illness, and people who are trying to “commit suicide by cop”. We can see that cops need better training on how to deal with suspects who are fleeing arrest. We can also see that the crime rate in predominantly black areas is much higher than other such communities. So, we need to figure out WHY there is so much more crime in these communities, and work on doing things that will alleviate the root causes, like poverty, failing schools, crumbling infrastructure, and broken families. We also have to make sure that the justice system is fairly representing the poor, and that there is no systemic discrimination against blacks. The War on Drugs has filled our jails with blacks. So, the ones that abortion haven’t murdered, are badly educated by sub-standard schools, and then shuffled off to prison. AND ABOVE ALL ELSE, WE HAVE TO HOLD MEDIA ACCOUNTABLE FOR DIRECTLY CAUSING THE DEATHS OF POLICE OFFICERS THROUGH PISS POOR REPORTING, AND BLACK LIVES MATTER, FOR FOMENTING FURTHER VIOLENCE AND PREJUDICE.