Current Events 07-15-2012


Thug Got Beat, By a 62 Year Old Woman Woman teaches teen attacker painful lesson


We’re raising a generation of violent, unprincipled hoodlums (*cough*Trayvon Martin*cough*). The “kid” got what was coming to him.


Did I Not SAY ALL ALONG That the WMD Were In Syria!!! Where Did Syria’s Chemical Weapons Come From?


And Yet, The Media and the Liberal Black Community Won’t Settle For Anything Less Than a Lynchin’. Ironic. FBI: No Racist Motive In Trayvon Killing


Cannibalism Alive and Well in the “Modern” World (As Is Slavery and Child Trafficking) 29 alleged Papua New Guinea cannibals charged with killing 7 over sorcery fees


Among Many Do atheists have a sexual harassment problem?


Current Events 07-13-2012


Hasn’t Helped Blacks (He’s Also Not Really Black), Yet The Deluded Fools Keep Voting For Him Black community suffers most under president’s fiscal policies


Anybody who votes for somebody because of their looks is a certifiable nutcase (and a racist) in my opinion.


Curse Those Romans And Their Internal Combustion Engines!! (It’s All Heron’s Fault) The Science is Settled: New Tree Ring Study Finds Roman Period Likely Warmer Than Today


TAKE YOUR STINKING PAWS OFF ME, YOU DAMN DIRTY APE! Apes escape from enclosure, roam zoo

Current Events 06-28-2012


In Addition To The One Already Required For Buying One Signing Up for Google’s Glasses Is Like Signing Up for a Mental Illness


Outrageously Cool “Spray-On” Photovoltaic Windows


Lightning Bolt Man, Lightning Bolt Man… Picatinny engineers set phasers to ‘fry’


‘They’ Need to Be Prosecuted ‘They’


Current Events 06-27-2012


If I Didn’t Know Better, I’d Swear They Were Trolling Oreo Pride: Rainbow-Stuffed Cookie Sparks Boycott


Hmmmmm…. I’m Thinking a Trip to Scottsboro Is In Order The business of selling off lost luggage is taking off


No, The Problem Is That We Aren’t Rebellious Enough Are Americans Not Submissive Enough?


Who are these inbred, parasitic “leaders”, and what gives them the right to rule us?


Current Events 06-25-2012


It’s Not An Accomplishment – It’s a Tragedy 25% Fewer Men Than Women Graduate College; Obama: It’s ‘A Great Accomplishment … For America’


This is just the logical outcome of “chick affirmative action” and America’s ongoing 40 year war on the male gender. It’s sexism at its ugliest.


This Faux “Religion” Pyramid Scheme Needs to Be Banned Everywhere Wikipedia Bans Church of Scientology


Current Events 06-23-2012


It’s Hard to STOP Seeing Racism, When You’re Liberal Anti-racism ad campaign in Minnesota town called ‘racist’ by critics


Witnesses State They Fled The Scene Riding Unicorns Man left bloodied and screaming in pain after attack by ‘bunch of leprechauns’


Drivel Indeed Green ‘drivel’ The godfather of global warming lowers the boom on climate change hysteria


Owie Yuma worker injured after 16-foot cactus falls on him


Current Events 06-21-2012


That. Is So AWESOME!! Giant Hot Wheels Track With Double Vertical Loop and Real Race Car Drivers? Check.


I, For One, Welcome Our New Insect Drone Overlords Is that really just a fly? Swarms of cyborg insect drones are the future of military surveillance


Without Question Might We See a Landslide?


Pure. D. Stupid. The Benefit of Bloomberg’s Big Beverage Ban


Current Events 06-19-2012


This Won’t End Well US Outsources Its Africa Spying


Do As I Say, Not As I Do Jon Stewart mocks ‘rich’ Romney while outpacing him in wealth


Besides, Jon Stewart is a major tool. This only underscores that fact.


Pesky Logic Global Warming’s Killer: Critical Thinking


Global Warming, like Evolution and the Gay Identity Movement, is one of those belief systems that will not tolerate any dissent or disbelief. It certainly won’t let troublesome facts get in the way of its pseudo-intellectual hegemony.