Current Events 02-27-2023

Sooner or Later, Direct Violent Action Will Be Needed. Or They Kill Us. Elon Musk defends Dilbert creator Scott Adams… slams “racist media” and “racist black people”

Elon is from South Africa. He knows all about this.

Scott Adams video, which started this whole dialogue…

Current Events 02-22-2023

This Is America’s Future, Unless We Stop It Now, And For Good South Africa — The First Country Built on “Critical Race Theory” — Officially Implodes

Africans are incapable of running a modern country. That’s the lesson to be learned. Their various cultures won’t allow it. And until the culture changes (i.e. the total abolition of tribalism), nothing in Africa will ever change. Burn, Loot, Murder is all they seem to know how to do. All the brightest and best leave if they can, leaving nations full of the dumbest, most violent, and corrupt.

When They Don’t Mention Race, You Know the Perp is Black – Every Time Racism in reporting: when they don’t tell you the race…

Black people have to take the self-inflicted problems of their so-called “black community” serious. Until they do, and as long as they keep blaming pale Americans like me, I will continue to not care.

This is Pure Racism The Dead End of Reparations

When will I be getting my reparations for all the Irish slaves brought to America?

Who Could Have Ever Seen This Coming? Kavanaugh Accuser Admits to Lying, Faces Criminal Charges

This is Why We Call It GloboHomo The War on Insensitivity

They Are Our Schools. We Were FORCED to Pay For Them. We Must Take Them Back. The Right Cannot Afford to Abandon Public Education; Our schools and universities are ours. We built them, we paid for them, and we want them back.

Current Events 02-01-2023

Freedom of the Press Was Cancelled When They Became Agents of the State The Astounding Saga Of Hamilton 68 Illustrates Scope Of America’s Institutional Rot

It is All State-Run Media It is no wonder the media has lost the trust of the people

We Are Not a Free Country The COVID-19 Pandemic Was a ‘Catastrophe for Human Freedom’

“Pride” is the New Fascism of the Emerging Totalitarian State LGBTQ+ ‘Pride’ Is Totalitarian

How Much More Are We Going to Passively Tolerate? Anarchy, American-Style; The Left runs Oceania, and we work for their various bureaus.

Current Events 01-27-2023

They Want to Keep Us Slaves Here’s Why the Big Club and People Managing Ron DeSantis Hate Donald Trump

You Will Eat Ze Bugs Your Living Standards Have Declined Dramatically

City of Molech ‘Pagan idol to abortion’: Critics lambast NYC’s Ruth Bader Ginsburg statue as ‘satanic’

How Are Young Men Supposed to Marry Such People? Why American Women Are Undatable; No One Wants to Play with a Porcupine

This will only serve to make the birth rate decline even worse.

Teddy Roosevelt Saw it Coming Too A Marine Predicted All of World War II in the Pacific 20 Years Before Pearl Harbor

The Coverup Has Begun Daily Mail and MSN Remove Coverage of Project Veritas Pfizer Bombshell

The COVID virus is mutating so quickly that Pfizer cannot keep up. So their solution, to save their gravy train, is to do the same gain-of-function research (mutating viruses in a lab) that caused the COVID pandemic in the first place. In an attempt to stay ahead of nature. Because that never ever goes wrong.

Some Thoughts on Covidians, Clotshot Cultists, Big Pharma, and COVID

I have spent some time on various alt-right forums, especially, or PDW as we call it. A lot of guys in there are what I would call “Clotshot Cultists”. These are the people who think the COVID vaccine is part of a mass globalist conspiracy to depopulate the world. So in other words, if you took the vaccine, you are going to die from cardiac arrest – no exceptions. AND, apparently, even if you didn’t take the vaccine, you are still going to die of cardiac arrest because of viral load shedding from vaccinated people. Or something. It’s a mess.

For the record, I do not believe the conspiracy theories. I do not believe mRNA technology is bad. It does not alter your DNA. It DOES teach your immune system how to recognize a specific disease. It could someday be tailored to kill cancer. This is a pretty big deal medically speaking. Chemicals such as antibiotics can kill bacteria because bacteria are living organisms. Viruses are not alive, so you will need a genetic cure to destroy them (antibiotics won’t work). That’s why mRNA is interesting. It has great promise as a potential genetic cure for all sorts of genetic diseases for which chemical compounds are useless.

So that brings us to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. What was going on at the Wuhan Institute of Virology?

The short answer is something called gain-of-function research. This is a practice where you intentionally mutate viruses to see what happens. Because nobody in medical research has ever seen 28 Days Later, apparently.

The long answer is, I think they were developing bioweapons in violation of international law. And COVID-19 got out, or was let out, killed millions, and obliterated economies worldwide. My instinct is that it GOT out, given that China was devastated by this. UNLESS, killing off excess population was the goal, along with weakening our economy while theirs gets stronger. This then tips me towards believing it was LET out.

In any case, that brings us to Pfizer. Pfizer was researching SARS-COV2 back in 2008. They were developing the mRNA technology at the time to fight bird flu. It was believed then that a NATURALLY occurring variant of SARS could cause another Spanish Flu pandemic. One of the popular conspiracies making the rounds on social media is that the Rockefeller Institute developed a doomsday scenario called Operation Lockstep, in which everything that happened with China Virus was predicted way back in 1989. This is a total lie of course. There IS a pdf from 2010 in which they posit four doomsday scenarios that could rise up and disrupt the world economy. One of them was precipitated by a strain of SARS being carried by geese. It shows that they were thinking about it back then.

So, when COVID got out/was let out, they had this technology sitting there, not making ANY money, which it so happened was enough like COVID that it could be altered to work on COVID. The only reason it had not been released to the public before then was because the Obama administration had de-funded their research. So Trump jump started it with Operation Warp Speed.

They had 11 years of research under their belts, so the assertion that the vaccine was “rushed to market” is false. What was rushed was the approval process that normally takes years of bureaucratic red tape. You will recall, Trump had gotten some changes pushed through that allow people with terminal illnesses to take experimental treatments NOT approved by the FDA. This is like that.

Now, COVID strikes the world. Pfizer sees a way to make a buttload of money off their already researched vaccine. This is greedy capitalism, sure. But it is not a case of “we developed a virus and then released a vaccine to treat it.” SARS is a class of virus that covers dozens of strains. They were gambling that their technology might work on future strains, which is what you do if you’re a drug company and want to make a ton of money off medical research. It’s greedy, yes, but not necessarily nefarious.

Where the really serious corruption comes in is how there is a revolving door of government regulators who eventually get jobs with the companies they are supposed to regulate. Like the SEC. Or Big Pharma. What happens is these guys go easy on the companies they hope to take jobs with in the future, they get this cozy arrangement with the government in which THEIR vaccine is the only one allowed to be used, AND emergency authorization so you cannot sue them if there are any side effects. And the regulators allow it because they are all being bribed six ways from Sunday. It’s a crooked system that is tailor made for some Captain Planet villain levels of evil.

I think the COVID vaccine WAS effective for the original strain that escaped from Wuhan (or was let out), and then for Delta, which I believe was another manufactured variant designed to kill the young in addition to the old. Which it did. In great numbers. It was less effective on other strains like Omicron, but by then, the virus had mutated to the point where it wasn’t really a threat anymore, unless you had zero immunity maybe, and even then, it probably wouldn’t kill you. Point is, the threat had passed.

I am seeing clotshotters already calling Trump a fool, or stupid, for pushing the vaccine. They believe he is a pawn of globalist interests. Never mind he was driven out of office with massive election fraud by globalist interests because he straight refused to serve the needs of globalist interests, and kept doing things to restrict or even eliminate globalist interests. But don’t distract them with the facts. Anyway, Trump pushed the vaccine not in a fascist kind of a way, but for the SOLE purpose of ending the lockdowns, trying to halt the headlong rush towards economic calamity that the globalists where hellbent on causing. He never mandated the vaccine. He DID encourage people to get it, but also alternative treatments like HCQ and Ivermectin. He was excoriated for this in the media, as you may remember.

Once they had stolen the election, the Covidians went all in on mandating vaccines, for two reasons I suspect. 1) Pfizer was pulling the strings – they wanted their cash cow to keep putting out. Can’t have people thinking they no longer need our vaccine. 2) it was clear that most of the vaccine hesitants were Trump supporters, and this gave them the opportunity to either kill us off with new strains of COVID (like Delta), or at the very least purge us from important sectors, like the military. So that’s what they did. I will remind you that when Trump was merely ENCOURAGING people to take the vaccine, they called it the Trump vaccine and they were all against it.

This brings us to these latest revelations from Project Veritas.

What that video reveals is that the virus is mutating too quickly. They cannot keep up. This is precisely why I have never taken a flu shot. I’m not afraid the flu shots are harmful, or implant tracking beacons in the body, or anything like that. They are ineffective. It is pointless to be vaccinated against LAST SEASON’s virus. It’s why I have never taken the boosters. They don’t work. And they have legit side effects, especially for the very young. 

They admit that in an attempt to keep their cash cow going, they are using monkeys to accelerate mutations of COVID so they can have the next vaccine ready for the next big outbreak. They are doing, or maybe thinking about doing, the same gain-of-function research that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was doing, which started this whole mess. I have a huge problem with this. Because if they are producing deadlier strains, like, say a COVID that now kills 80% instead of less than 1%, that’s a doomsday scenario.

This for example is why Trump wanted to end the revolving door practice in Washington D.C. – if you have ever worked in government or intelligence, you cannot take a job anywhere in a related field for 5 years. Can’t become a lobbyist. Can’t join the SEC. Can’t get a job with frickin’ Pfizer.

Unbelievable these people.

I understand the clotshot hysteria, even if I don’t agree with all of it. The COVID vaccine absolutely worked for me. It kept us from getting Delta. Given how badly I reacted to the first strain, and that it was the SECOND time I had COVID, there was no way I wanted to get it a third time. Especially given the dangers of long COVID. I do not know even one person who has been harmed by the vaccine. I DO however know people with long COVID. The Chinese bioweapon harms multiple systems in the body, in particular the heart, lungs, brain, and intestines. For the young, this probably won’t permanently hurt you. As far as we know. However, I suspect what we’re seeing with all the “suddenlys” is people with congenital defects, weaknesses, that had there been no COVID, probably would have been fine. But here comes COVID, and now, an unknown weakness suddenly becomes fatal. I also wonder if side effects from the booster shots (what are we on now, like 4?) aren’t at work also. Either alone, or in combination with damage from COVID itself.

What the clotshotters refuse to acknowledge is that COVID is NOT harmless. It does do damage. We do not yet know how much damage, or how it will manifest. It will be 10 years at least before all the long term effects are really known. There was good reason at the time to try to keep people from getting COVID, especially people at high risk of mortality. This was what Trump was attempting to accomplish, along with getting the country open and working again. The globalist interests that run the government were gearing up for YEARS of lockdowns, and then Trump came in with signature Trump flair and got the vaccine fast tracked into full scale production. It blew up their whole plan, which is why he had to go.

The thing is, I actually agree with the Clotshot Cult on much of their paranoia. I don’t trust the government either. I don’t think Pfizer set this all up to profit, but once COVID got loose or was let loose, they certainly positioned themselves to profit. And they used their massive wealth and access to government to do it. The initial vaccine DID work, but the boosters are simply too risky. And it’s moot now because the virus has mutated so far that the vaccine is also useless. I DO NOT think we should EVER cede control of our bodies and private medical decisions to bureaucrats or politicians. And the rampant corruption in the medical field has increased my already severe distrust of doctors and hospitals. But the worst thing we can do in response is be as evil as the Covidians were about the shot and the masks and all of it, and start hoping that hundreds of millions of people who did get the vaccines are going to die from cardiac arrest. That is where I part ways with the clotshotters.

To be clear, I hate and despise the Covidians on every level. Everything they did was unconstitutional and fascist, from the masking, to the social distancing, to the placing of all of America under house arrest, to the closing of churches but leaving abortion clinics open, to the persecuting of the unvaccinated and openly wishing for their deaths, to the travel restrictions, to the mandating of contact tracing, to the using of private security and law enforcement to enforce public health orders, to the repeal of the 14th amendment by private businesses (but you better bake our “gay marriage” cake bigot). And on, and on, and on.

The Church was foolish beyond belief in rolling over for it. We stood by while the government used a public health crisis to ENTIRELY REPEAL THE FIRST AMENDMENT. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances. All of it was thrown out. And the American church just stood by and watched them do it. If we cannot find the moral strength and courage to stand and stand hard against as broadly unconstitutional an action as the COVID lockdowns and everything that followed, then maybe we really ARE non-essential. I am ashamed of the response of my fellow Christians to the pandemic.

And that’s what I think about that.

Current Events 01-26-2023

The Democrats Are Cheating How Democrats Stole Pennsylvania in 2020; An exclusive excerpt from Christina Bobb’s new book: Stealing Your Vote

For the purpose of exploiting our Democratic systems until they have absolute fascist control, then banishing all that remains of Constitutional limits on federal power.

I Think We’re Past the Point of Non-Violent Solutions In Arizona, bombshell new evidence of Maricopa County election wrongdoing

What can the law accomplish when it is never enforced, everyone plainly sees the cheating, and nothing is ever done?

We Have Very Few Options Left To Us Before Armed Revolution is Called For Do You Trust the Integrity of Our Elections? If Not, Here Are the Steps We Must Take

If we don’t find the will to act, then a great deal of blood will need to be shed before we reach the end of it.

How Can Continue to Tolerate This Without Being Culpable? Evil Walks Among Us: Child Trafficking Has Become Big Business in America

All groomers, all those who participate in the selfish perversions of selfish adults, are parties to these crimes. Indirectly. There are no victimless crimes. The whole Sexual Revolution has only worked to harm children, women, and families. So the wicked “freedoms” of the godless can be pursued. And child trafficking is the result.

Girls Can Be Rough and Tumble and Still Be Girls The Trans War on Tomboys

Current Events 01-25-2023

Tbe Makers of Things Are Not So Easily Replaced The Shape of Metal; Thoughts on the world of manufacturing

The retard-ification of America continues apace.

We Have to Do It. Or Lose it All. What American Conservatives Should Learn from Israel’s Wild Culture Battle; It is a fight for freedom. There. And here.

We Needed to Get Our Act Together TWO YEARS Ago Republicans, It’s Time To Get Our Act Together On Early And Mail-In Voting

There Can Be Only One Sword Mistaken For Replica Is Actually An Ancient 3,000-Year-Old Weapon