Current Events 11-06-2012


Obama Has Clinched the Dictator Vote, So He Has That Going For Him Dictators back Barack; Overseas authoritarians prefer a U.S. president willing to bow to their will


Ugandans are baffled that there are Americans who won’t vote for Obama. Then they’re horrified to learn he is pro-homosexual (still illegal there), supports gay marriage, and is pro-abortion, and pro-terrorist (Somali terrorists launched a suicide bomb attack in Kampala a few years back). Plus, because he has flushed the American economy down the toilet, it is impacting Ugandan’s fuel prices and inflation (a strong American economy helps everyone). Yet, given the chance, they would overwhelmingly vote for him because he’s part-African. Americans of African descent also vote tribally, and that’s how we got in this mess in the first place. Nobody cares about the content of character it would seem. 


Welcome to 3rd World America U.S. Has ‘Sloppiest Elections Systems of Any Industrialized Democracy’ 


It’s Because the Media Lies The Election Will Not Be Close


Current Events 11-05-2012


Blame the Dumb Kids and Their Dumber Parents Apparently This Matters: Bye bye, Buckyballs


Biggest. Hoax. Ever. Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released… and here is the chart to prove it


Kinda Reminds You of How the Homosexual Movement Took Root, Doesn’t It? The Threat Doctrine that Cries ‘Blasphemy’


Current Events 11-02-2012


Maybe It Was the Roughage? I healed myself of incurable disease…by eating TREES


Do Or Do Not Potentially Awesome Outcomes: Adam Savage on the Courage to Try


Manhattan Is Flooded Here’s How Army Engineers Are ‘Unwatering’ NYC’s Tunnels


Interesting Oklahoma’s open-carry firearms law takes effect Thursday


Current Events 10-26-2012


Can’t Say As I Disagree With the Man – Modern Currency is Worthless Prison May Be the Next Stop on a Gold Currency Journey


Huge Indictment of the 60% of Un-American Losers Who Don’t Vote WWII vet dies at age 93 after casting last ballot


Obama Is Your Average African Kleptocrat America’s Third-World Streak


Third-world, tribalist thinking has Africa in a death grip, and I don’t see it easing anytime soon. Obama has sought to export it to America to help himself, and others like him, to remain in power with ignorance, corruption, and a vague promise of looting rich whites to give to poor blacks. 


Liberal Thought Police Will Tolerate NO Dissent Opposing homosexual ‘marriage’ could cost you your job


The homosexual movement has ALWAYS been about the suppression of any ideologies, primarily religious ideologies, which oppose it’s jackbooted, facist march towards hegemony. 


Current Events 10-23-2012


Oh, The Humanity! The scarlet shame of having the wrong cell phone


I have a Nokia C3. A regular ole’ DUMBphone. You know why? Because I can’t afford the $1000 to replace an iPhone if it gets stolen, dropped, dunked, or otherwise removed from the picture, not to mention the initial $1000 to buy one. Why have a smart phone when you already have a tablet?


Junk Data Are Data Centers the New Global Landfill?


Current Events 10-14-2012


At long last, the move is done. Still organizing and settling in, but we don’t have to GO anywhere for that. Regular programming will resume soon.


Current Events 10-11-2012


Today is the final day of moving before the truck comes to get the big things that won’t fit in the Land Cruiser. I have several things to accomplish. Busy, busy day ahead.


Current Events 09-28-2012


I have been spending every day except Sunday over at our new house, painting. Today, I finally got it all done, except for a few rooms that need pearl grey, and I’m waiting for the 20L jerry can I ordered to arrive some time next week to finish those. The past two weeks have been a blurry haze of painting. Hence no news updates. Also, it’s mostly just repetitive news about the election, which is usually bovine excrement.