Events. Of a current nature.

Current Events 03-01-2016

Encryption is the Private Citizen’s Defense Against Government Abuse of Power Don’t Trust the FBI’s Ability to Keep an iPhone Back Door to Itself

Beware Your Sins Will Find You Out Life after the Ashley Madison affair

Never do anything online you don’t want to go public.

Real Life Flying Dutchman Ghost yacht horror as mummified body of adventurer found sitting at desk of vessel drifting at sea for years

And Yet, She Will Never Be Charged Because Laws Don’t Apply to Clintons There Are 1,800 Reasons Why the Controversy Over Hillary Clinton’s Emails Is Far From Over

Already, My Evangelical Friends Are Doing the Democrat’s Work For Them Inside the Clintons’ Plan to Defeat Donald Trump

The End of the Establishment A New GOP Is Born; Regardless of nominee, Trump surge marks ‘death rattle’ of establishment

It’s a new day.

Current Events 02-18-2016

Evolutionism is Still Racist, Even Post-Hitler Mystery ‘hobbits’ not humans like us: study

Because obviously, smaller than average humans can’t possibly be “humans like us”.

The Time Has Come to Eradicate Mosquitoes As a Species Inside the Mosquito Factory That Could Stop Dengue and Zika

Age-Proof Data Superman memory crystals could store data for billions of years

Washington Needs an Enema Ann Coulter: GOP Baffled as Voters Rally to Popular Candidate

Accept No Substitutes! The Parmesan Cheese You Sprinkle on Your Penne Could Be Wood

Simple – Don’t Buy Those Games The Anti-Piracy Tech That’s Giving Hackers Fits

If I can’t own a game, entirely and in perpetuity, then I don’t want it.

Current Events 02-12-2016

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised Trump, Sanders and the American Rebellion; As institutions lose respect, voters think: Let’s take a chance.

We Have Not Seen The Real Trump That Clever Mr. Trump

Irrelevant, Because It Is No Longer Free Twitter’s Restraint of Conservative Speech Is Why It Is Failing

A No-Brainer Senate passes permanent ban on Internet access taxes

This Is Why We Used To Fight Against Monopolies Pray That The New York Times Loses This Stupid Copyright Case

As Long As Crazy People Keep Shooting Up Public Places, I Would Say YES Should civilians be allowed to wear bullet proof vests?

Current Events 02-04-2016

Establishment Tool La Opinión: Marco Rubio Is a ‘Republican Obama’

Here’s A Novel Idea, Instead of Waging War On Americans Using Drugs, How About Waging Actual War on the Mexicans Manufacturing and Selling Them the Drugs? Heroin: Blame It on America

Hillary For Prison The Ground Under Clinton Continues to Crumble

Why Are We the Most Incarcerated Nation On Earth? Because of Our Stupid “War” On Drugs Denmark doesn’t treat its prisoners like prisoners — and it’s good for everyone

The Guy Who Provided the Backdrop For My Childhood The Man Who Made The Whac-A-Mole Has One More Chance

Current Events 02-03-2016

African Presidents Are Presidents in Name Only Bill Clinton’s ‘New Generation’ of African Leaders Mostly Still Around in 2016

Across Africa, there is no respect for the Rule of Law, and why should there be? Their own “Presidents” have no regard for the law themselves.

It Will Make For Most Interesting Theater Donald and Bernie: The Outer Borough Brothers

As Americans, we keep electing lawyers, to disastrous effect. Why not try something different, for once?

Current Events 01-30-2016

Today, No Political News

Unlikely. We’re Not God. Will Machines Eliminate Us?

Horror Movie Absurd Creature of the Week: This Toad Isn’t Eating a Bug. The Bug Is Eating It

Now for T-Rex’s Zebra cousin went extinct 100 years ago. Now, it’s back

The Pope Had a Pet Elephant Why is an elephant buried under the Vatican?

The Ancients Were Far More Advanced Than Anyone Cares to Admit Babylonians tracked Jupiter with sophisticated geometrical math; Used geometry that hints at calculus 1,500 years before Europeans.

Current Events 01-28-2016

We Are Vulnerable Because Environmentalists Have Made Us Vulnerable Why the United States is so vulnerable to the alarming spread of Zika virus

Maybe once some American infants have been deformed, then they will finally start implementing some mosquito controls.

This Is Just Stupid Proposed State Bans on Phone Encryption Make Zero Sense

Trump Refusing to Play the “Game” How Donald Trump Beat Roger Ailes at His Own Game

Public “Education” Is Just Another Government Slush Fund Exclusive: Former Houghton Mifflin Exec Reveals How Pearson Unfairly Won the LAUSD iPad Deal

Current Events 01-27-2016

The Modern Day PC Commissars Want to Co-Opt the Civil Rights Movement U of Oregon Debates Removing MLK Quote For Not Being Inclusive Enough

I’ll say it again: homosexuality, fornication, and adultery are sin. Diversity is Soviet code language for statist enforcement of an anti-Christian, atheist hegemony. The Ministry of Truth has to correct history to make sure we don’t ever encounter ideas that contradict the Party line. Personally, I think Mr. King would be disgusted with all this diversity (he was a Reverend after all), and how race baiters and panderers have hijacked his movement for their own ends.

Massive Government Boondoggle Presidential Candidates Rushing to Support Ethanol Subsidies Ahead of Iowa Caucus

King Corn is killing America, one mouthful and one tank of “gas” at a time. We are literally burning food to fuel our SUVs, while poor nations that could use that cheap food starve. And it doesn’t even help the environment.

I’m Starting to Suspect We Have a Trojan Horse Here Trump and the Rise of the Donor Class

You can’t get a more ringing endorsement than what Cruz has received from the Donor Class – they would rather deal with Trump than see him elected. I want a Conservative President who will NEVER deal with Democrats. I want a Conservative who will carpet bomb the political establishment and behave like a majority party for a change.

Current Events 01-26-2016

Skeletons in the Liberal Closet The Dark History of Liberal Reform

Because most people don’t study history, or really read all that much, they are probably unaware of what has happened in the recent past. They are unaware of the progressives in the early 20th century who admired German fascism from afar, and dreamed of suspending the Bill of Rights in order to impose their own order on society. They have forgotten that before they were called Planned Parenthood, they were called the American Eugenics Society, and were dedicated to genocide, government mandated sterilization for “undesirables”, and the limiting of reproduction for “inferiors”. They are blind to the history of the Democratic party, which were the perpetrators of Jim Crow, because blacks have to be controlled. They buy into the religion of sciencism, and refuse to remember that before Hitler made it unfashionable, institutionalized racism and eugenics were all the rage among America’s progressive elites. They just go right along with the party line, not aware of the evil philosophical legacy of the liberals whom they support.