Current Events 10-05-2018

Anybody Would Be Emotional When Slandered in This Way I Am an Independent, Impartial Judge; Yes, I was emotional last Thursday. I hope everyone can understand I was there as a son, husband and dad.

The Communist Party Wants to Overthrow the U.S. Government We Are All Deplorables Now

Maosim In America New Anti-Kavanaugh Claim: If I Was Hurt By Someone Who Isn’t Brett Kavanaugh, Brett Kavanaugh Is Guilty

Enemies of the State When Did the Democratic Party Become Antifa? Apparently when they tasted the appeal of Bolshevism.

John Stormer Is Spinning in His Grave The Whirlwind Is Already Here; Judge Kavanaugh was understating the problem.

Perjury Charges For Christine Ford, Disbarment For Her Lawyers Senate Judiciary Committee Statement Suggests Ford’s Legal Team Could Be In Trouble

If They Apologize, They Admit THEY Are the Villains Here Why The Left Will Never Apologize For Brutalizing Brett Kavanaugh And His Family; If Kavanaugh is innocent of sexual assault, then those who eagerly condemned him are guilty of slander, bias, and poor judgment. Thus, they have to believe that Kavanaugh is a monster

All you people who participated in the slander and libel, are you going to apologize for how very wrong you were? Not likely.

#MeToo (Like Most Feminist Things) Will Only Harm Women New Rules for Men

If We Are to Be Ruled By a Mob, Then There Is No Republic So, What Are The Rules Anyway?

Violent Left I’m a pro-life woman. This man just roundhouse-kicked me in public for my beliefs

Liars and Murderers The Irish Mother Emma Watson Wrote To Didn’t Die Because Abortion Was Illegal; Savita Halappanavar’s name was invoked to repeal Ireland’s life protections, and Emma Watson just did it again. But using her story this way is simply a misrepresentation of the facts.

What Are You Doing Outside the Plantation? Teacher Ridicules Black Child for Supporting President Trump

This Is Why We Call it the People’s Republic of Illinois Mike Madigan’s Personal Tyranny


Patriotic dude Follower of Christ Keeper of the Truth