Current Events 10-26-2019
Kanye West Got Saved. So He Releases an Album to Tell People About It. And It’s Awesome! Kanye’s new album is explicitly, unabashedly, amazingly Christian
Well done Kanye!
Come For Kanye, Hear the Gospel Who is Kanye West’s California pastor preaching at Sunday Service?
Ministry of Truth Hey NYT: Why Is The ‘Paper Of Record’ Revising History On The Sly?
Christianity is a Hate Crime Now A ‘Discussion-Free’ America; If you think this generation’s inquisitors will satisfy themselves with mere state censorship, job loss, and contract termination, think again.
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16-17
Eco-Fascism Is It Climate Socialism – or Eco-Fascism?
What!? Don’t Listen to Those Haters Hillary. You Should Totally Run. Crossing fingers: A Hillary nomination would splinter the Democratic Party forever
Fake Polls How pressure to impeach Trump is created by fake news polls
Right. Because the 1st Amendment is All About Giving Pedophiles the Right to Give Candy to Children. Sex Offenders Sue Police After “No Trick-or-Treat” Signs Placed on Their Lawns
The group of convicted pedophiles claim the move violates their rights to privacy and free speech.
You, Sir, Are Now a Protestant Fed-Up Christian Tears Down Pagan Idols in Vatican, Throws Them in River