Events. Of a current nature.

Due Process Matters

Facts matter. Evidence matters. The presumption of innocence matters. The rule of law matters. These are the bedrock of our Western civilization. The alternative is tyranny. Mob rule. Lynch mobs. Guillotines and firing squads. Secret courts and gulags.

Our country did not deserve the rioting that is still ongoing. White people did not deserve the accusations of racism that came in the aftermath of George Floyd’s overdose and death. Nor did police, who in this instance behaved professionally and within the confines of the law and their training. 

Fleming B. (“Tex”) Fuller has done a 24 minute documentary in which all the video evidence is compiled, and then broken down step-by-step. It is the same process that any journalist could and should have done, but did not.

This video evidence and the toxicology report was available. It was withheld by the Minneapolis District Attorney with this goal in mind – dividing and destroying America. The traitorous mainstream media could have reported on literally any of this. But they rushed to judgement. And so did everyone else. 

Derek Chauvin did not kill George Floyd. George Floyd did.

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

This is a long essay. So most of you millennials probably aren’t going to read it. Your loss. But for the rest of America who are not functionally illiterate, the Revolution is ongoing. This is not a war of black vs white, or Left vs Right, or Democrat vs Republican. This is a revolution of the dominated vs the oligarchy that rules them.

Our country defeated the Nazis in WW2, but we failed to defeat the Progressive fascists at home. So they dug their tendrils into American society, spread like a cancer (Hail Hydra), and now they rule average Americans in a multitude of ways through various bureaucratic systems.

2020 is the revolt of the governed against the tyrants who have wielded power over us we did not grant them, and persist in viewing us as unwashed peasants which they MUST rule because we cannot rule ourselves.

Our Constitution is a joke. The oligarchy knows this, which is why they pay it so little heed.

Vote like America depends on it. Because it does.

Revolution 2020

Current Events 09-24-2020

Fraud The 1619 Project is a fraud

Vicious Slander That Burns Cities Breonna Taylor: Yet Another Grand Jury Defies the Fake News Narrative; No ham sandwiches were indicted Wednesday.

Breonna Taylor got shot because her scumbag boyfriend decided to use her as a meatshield when he shot at police.

Does Anybody Want To Live in Such a Country? I Don’t. Thin Blue Line Flag Goes the Way of Confederate Statues

We Can’t Trust Anything Coming Out of Academia or “Scientific” Institutions Civilization Requires Collective Common Sense

You Brought This On Yourselves Nothing is Off the Table

That Has Always Been My Experience New Survey Finds Millennials Much More Intolerant Than Boomers

Whatever happened to “live and let live” or “mind your own business”? Millennials love to bleat and beller about their beliefs, demand everyone else change to accommodate them, and then attack anybody who voices even the smallest iota of dissent. They are almost all brainwashed and radicalized. Brainless, mindless, virtue signaling concern trolls, the lot of ‘em.

It Has Happened to Me The Disturbing Trend Of Politicizing Our Families, Fed By the Media

In the days following George Floyd’s death from a drug overdose while in police custody, I was vilified as a white supremacist by family members simply because I suggested, based on past experience, that maybe we should wait for all the facts to come out before rushing to judgement. And I pointed out that the Marxist organization Black Lives Matter is bigoted against white people. For this I was slandered as a neo-Nazi. Which is precious considering where I typically choose to live and what I do for a living.

The Message is Clear – If You Defend Yourself Against Bigoted Murderous Black Thugs, The Law Will Not Protect You Innocent Until Proven Trump Supporter

Black Live Matter is just the Klan With a Tan.

You Mean the Rule of Law? That’s a Radical Concept. Governor DeSantis Has an Amazing Plan to Deal With Rioters and Mostly Peaceful Protesters™: Prosecute Them

We Need to Circle the Wagons Around Our Free Republican States, Starve the Blue States Out The Great Conservative Migration And What It Means For The Future

That’s Awesome Secret ‘Man Cave’ Discovered Below Grand Central Platform, 3 MTA Employees Busted; The room below one of the platforms was so secret, station management didn’t even know it existed

But, like all such men only enclaves, the Karens destroyed it.

It’s Always About Abortion Abortion and the Battle Over the Supreme Court

Politicizing HCQ Has Killed Thousands The Scandal of Politicizing Hydroxychloroquine

Our Future Depends on Divesting the Administrative State of Its Unelected Unaccountable Power Over Our Daily Lives Breaking the Administrative State Key to a Successful Second Term; President Trump, the great red pill for American society, has finally brought to the surface what has been simmering beneath for over a century.

Current Events 09-22-2020

And Now They Want to Kill Michael Anton Transition Integrity Project Founder Calls For EXECUTION Of Former Trump Official

The Leftists know very well what RBGs death means. It means they will never again be using the Supreme Court to do end runs around the do-nothing Congress.

Current Events 09-18-2020

Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Organization Study: Up To 95 Percent Of 2020 U.S. Riots Are Linked To Black Lives Matter

Why Doesn’t The Government Seize the 1.5 Billion That BLM Has Extorted From Corporations, And Use It To Pay For the Damages? George Floyd Riot Damage Could Cost Insurance Companies Upwards Of $2 Billion

2 Billion Dollars of Damage, Over a Junkie Who Killed Himself With Fentanyl Who Killed George Floyd?

How many times, before I finally left Facebook for good, did I see statements to the effect of “all white people are racists” or “you’re a white supremacist” or “cops are hunting black people”, and all I ever said was “Wait for all the facts to come out.”? Lots. 

Fentanyl Floyd killed himself. Not Derek Chauvin or the Minneapolis PD. But you evil, and I do mean evil, people on the Left pushed that narrative, and 2 Billion Dollars of damage was done and at least 22 people have been murdered.

For a junkie who killed himself with fentanyl.

Creating New Trump Voters Daily Thinking twice about law and order: Riots now sway voters

ANTIFA is Burning the West Coast, Blaming it on Climate Change and “Climate Change Deniers” (i.e. all of us) Antifa tells followers to “spread fire…”

It’s All a Scam Nashville Government Lied about the Coronavirus—Does Everybody?

Designed to Make People Afraid and Keep Them Under Control How Media Fear-Mongers Misrepresent COVID-19; Accentuating the negative and eliminating the positive leads to irrational and ineffective responses.

As Per Usual, The Techopoly is Suppressing Information Facebook Censors Tucker Carlson — And Science; Doing China’s bidding by shutting down free speech.

COVID-19 was created in a CCP military lab. To everybody who said I was guilty of promoting tin-foil hat conspiracies, I WAS RIGHT, YOU WERE WRONG. Again. Here is the suppressed video.

This Is Where This is Heading Video: Police Drag Man Out of School Board Meeting For Not Wearing a Mask

I will not be one of the faceless.

Current Events 09-17-2020

Keep ‘Em Poor, Keep ‘Em Ignorant, Keep ‘Em Voting Democrat The Democrats’ War on Blacks

Our Elites Are Fell Servants of the Chinese Communist Party America’s China Class Launches a New War Against Trump

The Only Excuse is They Are Complicit in the Insurrection We Have Been Blind Too Long – Where Is The FBI?

Current Events 09-10-2020

Black Lives Matter is a Marxist Terrorist Organization and a Democrat Slush Fund Who Is the BLM Global Network Foundation?

Indoctrinating the Next Generation of Marxist Radicals Critical Race Theory Starting in Kindergarten Will Shred Our Social Fabric—and It’s Already Here

BLM Is Racist No, Trump Does Not Campaign on Racial Division
Rather, he opposes the racism of “anti-racism.”

Once Again, I Am Ahead of the Curve The Woke Mob Declares Hawaiian Shirts a Symbol of ‘White Nationalism’

Yep. Atheists Are Satanists. Religious Liberty Has Nothing To Do With The Satanic Temple’s Campaign To Tear Down Pro-Life Laws
The group’s legal efforts show its contempt for religion by advancing causes intended to shrink First Amendment freedoms that protect everyone.

Good. That’s What Those Fat THOTS Get Biden Supporters Indicted for Robbery and Assault After Mugging a 7-Year-Old of His MAGA Hat

Which Do You Prefer? It’s Not About Trump vs. Biden; It’s about Civilization vs. Anarchy

They Will Try, and They Will Fail Expect Democrat Shenanigans, But Don’t Panic

The most they can do is delay the inevitable and drive even more voters to the Republican camp.

Because That’s Where all the Trump Voters Are, And We Must Be Punished Biden-Harris Would Loot the Midwest

Current Events 09-08-2020

The Dems Are Trying to Secure the Loyalty of the Military The Democrats’ plan for the military in the coming coup

We cannot accept the rule of a military junta.

Fake Polls Your Definitive Guide to Understanding Polling (and Why Most Polls Are Garbage)

Don’t Like the World? Improve Yourself Leftists Blame America. Decent People Blame Themselves

Don’t be a victim.

Democrat City States The Stalinization of Kansas City; Six BLM murals went up in NFL’s Super Bowl–winning city on Saturday.

Current Events 09-06-2020

Two Sobering Columns By Michael Anton

A Tyranny Perpetual and Universal? Is the leftist dream now within reach? If President Trump loses, we will find out.

The Coming Coup?

The Dems Have Not Accepted the LAST Election – Why Should They Accept This One? This “Revolution” Is Just Getting Started – It Will Likely Not End In November

Most Of You Just Rolled Over And Accepted Government Tramplling All Your Rights We Have Had Enough Lockdown Take off the masks and remove the “social distancing” circles from the floors. Open the schools, liberate college campuses, fill the restaurants and the gyms and the churches and the salons. Enough.

What is needed is sharp defiance. The government has NO RIGHT to demand anything from us contrary to the Constitution.

You Shall Not Use Taxpayer Money to Spread Hate and Foment Rebellion While you were focused on The Atlantic, Trump dealt a devastating blow to Critical Race Theorists