Events. Of a current nature.

Current Events 04-22-2019

Africa’s Potato Famine, If Agriculture Doesn’t Solve This The quest to save the banana from extinction

Because NYC Sucks, That’s Why The real reasons why New Yorkers are fleeing the city

Muslim Migrants What Really Caused the Notre Dame Cathedral Fire?

Who Pays? Not I A Few Humble Thoughts; Why are we discussing reparations?

Laws Mean Nothing If The Guilty Never Receive Justice Why the Effort to Demonize Attorney General Barr?

Current Events 04-19-2019

It’s a Cult ‘Orange Man Bad!’

Treason and Sedition to Overturn the 2016 Election Robert Mueller Did Not Merely Reject the Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theories. He Obliterated Them.

Why Would We? After Mueller, nobody has changed their views on Trump

Blacks Can Be Racist, Too Outbreak of Color Blindness Strikes Chicago Reporters

Have You Accepted Slavery?

When Trump first announced his intentions to run for President, everyone laughed him off. He was called a clown, a joke, and the media gave him lots of airtime running him down for what they claimed he was saying. But they weren’t hearing him. I heard him. Lots of us did. Loud and clear. So I went to his website to read his policy positions. I wasn’t listening to Fake News. I learned long ago to never pay attention to news. The Clinton years taught me that. I read the policy positions. I thought “Holy Cow, this could work.” I told people “If he gets even a portion of these enacted, it will change everything.”

If the man gave a speech, I listened to the whole thing, no redactions, no edits. Trump did not talk like a politician. He didn’t pretend to like people. He didn’t equivocate. He was genuine. I still think this. From the beginning, I was onboard, because here was the chance, a real chance, to take hold of the levers of power and actually change things.

Slowly Trump’s enemies began to realize this. And I should clarify, it’s not really Trump they oppose, it’s us. It’s regular Americans having any control of the political process or the exercise of power in Washington. They hate us. They hate our way of life. They hate our religion. They hate the America we represent. They were calling us hicks and rednecks and flyover country long before there was a Donald Trump.

The unelected bureaucrats, the intelligence and regulatory agencies in Washington, form a cabal of power that can make or break a President. Commonly, this cabal is referred to as the “Deep State” or the “Administrative State”. Beginning in the 1950s, the CIA began a program called “Operation Mockingbird” ( in which they placed operatives within journalism to control the release of information and steer the narrative to best benefit the aforementioned Deep State. Ever wonder why all the news is Fake? This is the reason why.

Hillary Clinton, the DNC, the Obama DOJ, then President Obama, the CIA, the FBI, and the American News Media colluded together to craft the entire “Russia Collusion” Hoax, at first to sabotage the Trump Campaign, and then, when it became apparent that HIllary was going to lose, to overturn his election. This was an act of treason and sedition.

Trump was the change Washington needed. The traitors in the Democrat/Fascist Party and their accomplices in the Republican Party did everything in their power to derail, delay, and subvert the Trump Agenda. It is amazing how much has been accomplished in spite of their best efforts. However, we have no wall and Obamacare was not overturned, because all of the momentum of the 2016 election was stunted by this treasonous three year hoax and subsequent investigation.

We the people have got to insist on better government. We must view the media as the pack of liars and traitors they are. We must view the Democrats as the vile, demonic, bloodthirsty, perverse, slime-covered, ichor-spewing, hardline Marxist Communists they are. We must eject every last Quisling RINO traitor from our own Party. If that fails, we must obliterate the Republican Party and make a new Party that represents our interests as Americans. Every last person involved in this treasonous hoax must be prosecuted and jailed for their crimes. Every journalist that participated in the hoax must be sued for libel/slander. We must not rest until the entire Deep State is destroyed.

If we fail, the backlash against us will be swift and terrible. Remember, it’s not really Trump these elitists hate – it’s us. It has always been us.

Of Course It Was Arson

Notre Dame was arson. Of course it was arson. And it was Muslim migrants. Of course it was Muslim migrants. Who else would it be?

“A report from the Central Criminal Intelligence Service (SCRC) of the gendarmerie noted that from 2016 to 2018 there had been thousands of cases of church vandalism, peaking in 2017 with 1,045 cases, Le Figaro reports.

According to the French Ministry of the Interior, when cemeteries and other sites are taken into consideration, the number of acts of vandalism rose to 1,063 in 2018.”

When you expand to include the rest of Europe, churches are being vandalized by the thousands everywhere that Muslim migrants have been brought in. There is a war against Christianity worldwide. Every time the media says the phrase “white nationalist” they mean Christians. It’s us they hate. And they are determined to flood our country with radical Islamists so the violence, arson, and rapes that have become common in Muslim dominant regions can become commonplace in America also.


We have to stop pretending that the barbaric religion of child brides, female genital mutilation and jihad has any goal other than the invasion and destruction of the West. And the Fascist Left will use them to accomplish their goal of destroying Christianity, which they view as the biggest threat to their hegemony.


Current Events 04-16-2019

What Could European Churches: Vandalized, Defecated On, and Torched “Every Day”

Possibly Be Macron’s France: Average of Three Church Attacks Per Day

Behind All These Cathedral Fires? Catholic Churches Are Being Desecrated Across France—And Officials Don’t Know Why

Oh, we know why.

Christianity is Under Siege From Muslims and Atheists Notre Dame: An Omen

This Is The World That Existed Before The Coming of Christianity Ancient “human sacrifice” victims found by workers laying pipeline

They weren’t “noble savages”.

Independent Thought is “Too Controversial” For Academia Students demand controversial prof be replaced by ‘queer person of color’

Buyer Beware 5-star phonies: Inside the fake Amazon review complex

Current Events 04-15-2019

The Real War On Women Is By Women Themselves And the Beta Males Who Enable Them The Plague of Radical Feminism Descends upon the Nation

Delicious Hate Chicken, Every Bite Seasoned With Only the Finest Liberal Tears Chick-fil-a’s “Hate Chicken” Strikes Again

Next Up On the Perversion Normalization Merry-Go-Round Roots of the Left’s Acceptance of Pedophilia

Current Events 04-12-2019

David Dunn Toddler miraculously survives six-story fall from window when car breaks his fall

America Is a Banana Republic, Complete With Fraudulent Elections Preparing for 2020 in Our So-called ‘Democracy’

God Bless Texas Texas Abortion Bill Could Put Women, Physicians On Death Row

Import a Mob of North African Islamists, And This is What Happens Of Ilhan Omar, Anti-Semitism, and America

There Is No Way Forward As One Nation if This Continues The Google Blacklisting of The American Spectator

They Are a 3rd World Country, That Happens to Be an American Territory Trump Is Right: Puerto Rico Shouldn’t Get More Hurricane Subsidies


A Response to Pete Buttigieg’s Raving Leftist Lunacy

According to 1 John 3, you cannot continue in sin and be a Christian. The natural effect of knowing God and having the Holy Spirit, having been washed from your sin by the blood of Jesus Christ, is that you stop habitually sinning. This is not to say you won’t struggle with sin or be tempted – everybody does and is. But sin should not be your master, nor should you surrender to sinful behaviors and attempt to retcon Scripture to make your behavior no longer an offense to God.

Here is the problem with Pete Buttigieg and other so-called “Gay Christians” – they have retconned Scripture to make homosexuality okay. I’m going to say it because it has to be said. You cannot be a Christian and “gay”. I would also say you cannot be a Christian and be a rapist, or a pedophile, or a thief. Nobody who habitually sins, and feels no guilt, can possibly be filled with the Holy Ghost, because conviction of sin is one of the Holy Spirit’s jobs.

I am not talking about people who struggle with unwanted same-sex attractions. Far from it.

I mean specifically those people who have made homosexual behavior and attractions their whole identity, who call themselves “gay”, who have “come out”, who have organized themselves politically and want to redefine the whole of reality to make homosexuality normative. And among these are those calling themselves “gay Christians” with no sense of irony whatsoever, and those compromised Evangelicals who wish to be seen as “tolerant” by the new groupthink.

Now to be clear, I am not calling for hatred towards homosexuals, and certainly not violence. I don’t think they should be jailed or persecuted in any way. We have a duty to homosexuals, as we do to every one caught by habitual sin, to persuade them of their sinful state, give them the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and bring them to the transformed state that is the result of salvation by grace through faith alone. It is an abuse of Scripture to take one group of sinners, retcon their sin, and then declare them wholly innocent of any wrong doing.

In today’s political climate, it is hate to think these things, let alone put them in writing. I am guilty of an act of violence, simply through writing words. I think this is the biggest objection I, as a Christian, have to today’s homosexualist. It is not enough to be merely tolerant of homosexual behavior. We are required to recant all clear Biblical teaching to the contrary, and be fully accepting of the gay lifestyle with all of its related evils. We have to believe, without any equivocation, that an evil thing is really a good thing. And we have to denounce all those who won’t adopt this new “normal” as enemies of the State. And if you do not, digital lynch mobs will go after your livelihood, your reputation, tell you to kill yourself, and threaten your family.

This is fascism.

So, in spite of my commitment to love all sinners, including those who struggle with homosexual addictions, I must be steadfastly opposed to the new emerging groupthink that envisions a world where Christians such as myself who hold to a full and correct interpretation of Scripture are not welcome. We take our stand now, or face extermination tomorrow.

Republicans are ALWAYS Illegitimate

For those of you too young to remember the 2000 election debacle, let me refresh your memory. Just like in the the 2018 mid-terms, there was massive voter fraud in Broward County Florida. Boxes of votes were “found”, the same then as now. The paper ballots they were using were deemed to be inadequate (any balloting method that doesn’t favor Democrats will always be found inadequate) because the little punches weren’t always completely pushed through. Thus the phrase “hanging chads”. Long story short, George W Bush won 5 independent ballot counts, and finally the Supreme Court had to step in and end the recounts. The Democrat strategy has always been “keep recounting until we win”. Yet, for 8 years, the Democrats and the Lying Media called him the “Appointed President”. They invalidated the legitimacy of his election. 

Now we have Trump. It’s the same thing again. Massive voter fraud, which he managed to overcome. Then, when it became clear Queen Hillary wasn’t going to win, they cooked up the Russian Collusion hoax. When this was proved to be a bald-faced lie, did they apologize? Of course not. We will hear for all 8 years of his Presidency that his election was illegal. Once again, a Republican wins and the Democrats work to undermine the legitimacy of his election. Starting to see a pattern yet? Any time a Republican tries to win an election, there will be massive fraud, and should this fail, the Democrats will work to undermine the legitimacy of the election. Every. Time. These people are guilty of voter fraud, treason, and sedition. They do not believe in the legitimacy of our election process unless it benefits them, and they do not believe in the rule of law unless it benefits them. This is a recipe for Civil War. Exactly like the last time the Democrats caused one. Cause for concern…

Current Events 03-27-2019

Nobody Was Fooled. Nobody Was Tricked. They Knew Full Well What They Were Doing – Participating In a Coup. The Reckoning Finally Arrives for the Trump Resistance

The collusion was between the Deep State and the mainstream media. They weren’t duped. They were willing accomplices. You don’t get to be “sorry”, as though mistakes were made. You committed acts of treason. For this, you all need to go jail, lose your jobs, lose your pensions, your reputations, and any and all credibility.

It Was Always a Lie. This Is Not Newsworthy. What Is Newsworthy is That It Took 2.5 Years to Prove This. Russiagate — a Bright, Shining Lie

We Never Need to Wonder If We’re Being Lied To – You’re All Fake News Now The Media Have Done Irreparable Damage To The Country; Journalists used fears over Russia and anger over Trump to try to reverse the results of a legitimate election.

16 Felony Counts – Gone Indefensible: With no good explanation, prosecutors give Jussie Smollett a pass

The man who conspired with Kamala Harris to create a fake hate crime to further his own career and to promote her Hate Crime legislation. No charges at all. Not even a trial. Corrupt. No justice.