Events. Of a current nature.

Current Events 03-23-2019

The Destruction of Fake News The American Media Destroyed Themselves over the Mueller Investigation

The Destruction of the Democrat Party How the Russia Collusion Hoax Has Hurt the Democratic Party

They Deserve Everything They Get The Rise and Fall of the Southern Poverty Law Center

Oligarchs, Undeserved The Supreme Court Is Not The Final Say On The Constitution

Current Events 03-20-2019

Radical Islamists Have No Place in Western Societies Who Spawned the Christchurch Killer?

And Don’t You Dare Point This Out How to Silence Debate, New Zealand Edition

The Christchurch shooting is a false flag. The guy who did it is a self-avowed socialist and eco-terrorist. His stated goal was to create a mass shooting incident in which white supremacists would be implicated. Then his accomplices in the MSM would blame this on Trump voters and gun owners in America (because according to them, nearly everybody from the Midwest is a white supremacist) and abolish the 2nd amendment, thus sparking a Civil War in the United States. So he identified himself as a white supremacist (he is not), a member of the alt-right (he is not), and threw up the ‘OK’ sign (not a white supremacist gang sign), all in an effort to bait the media into smearing all Trump supporters as racists, which they do every day regardless, but this was extra propaganda material for them. White people aren’t the problem, folks. Radical Islamists ARE. And Fake News is busy fomenting ever more violence against Trump supporters and white people. They really are the Enemy of the People.

Current Events 03-16-2019

Pick a Side – You Cannot Be Neutral in This Fight We Fight Now or the Socialists Win

To Answer Your Question, NO. Is There a Future for Jewish Americans in the Democratic Party?

The message to Christians and Jews is clear – we are not welcome. Ilhan Omar is a bigot who hates Jews. She is only in our country because our former Muslim-loving President shipped a bunch of Somali refugees to Minnesota and fast tracked them to citizenship to help him get re-elected. These people are Islamists. They hate the West. They hate Israel. They hate Western principles of freedom. They are not Americans, nor ever plan on BEING Americans. They only want America to change to suit them. They are unworthy of any place in our society, and should never have been brought here.

No Hyphens Is Diversity a Root Cause of Dual Loyalty?

America has never been great because of diversity. We became great because we’re a melting pot. In other words, you come here, you blend with the culture until you can’t see any differences based on ethnicity or religious creed. We’re all Americans. Period.

Not a Peep From the Media Christianity CRACKDOWN: Crisis in Nigeria as THOUSANDS killed in ‘pure GENOCIDE’

This Must Be the Response Every Time the Media Slanders a Conservative Roseanne Barr Says She’s Ready To Start Suing Mainstream Media Outlets

Chill Out Ann. Ann Coulter, Hold Your Fire!

Interesting Harvard University uncovers DNA switch that controls genes for whole-body regeneration

Current Events 03-13-2019

The Rise of Maoism in America Get Ready for the Struggle Session

These are the people that want to conquer America from within. And there is no place for people like us in such an America.

The New Maoism Wants to End All Political Dissent You Bet Media Matters — and That’s Why Fox News Has to Stand by Its People

Immigration Has Been Weaponized to Cancel the Vote of Middle America How Middle America Is to Be Dispossessed

Aid Is Wasted on Africa – All It Accomplishes is Propping Up Dictators and Keeping the Poor Poor Why President Trump Should Slap Sanctions on South Africa

You Are Paying Too Much For Glasses How badly are we being ripped off on eyewear? Former industry execs tell all

Current Events 03-11-2019

Modern Day Pagans The Reason Democrats Voted Against Care For Babies Who Survive Abortion Is Worse Than You Think

The concept of the “sanctity of human life” is a Christian concept. It is rooted in the idea that since human beings are made in God’s image, then their lives are sacred and more valuable than, say, animals or paramecium. And since we are the special creation of God, it is not a difficult logical step to conclude that we are “endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights and among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” This is why the blood sacrifice rituals of the heathen Left are a direct assault on the Western systems of Democracy. If you deny that rights come from God, if you deny that human life is sacred, if you believe that human life can be exterminated if unwanted or inconvenient, then the whole basis for our concepts of liberty and equality under the law are rendered invalid. Which of course is their whole goal. Democrats are nothing less than modern day pagans, complete with their pantheism and ritual human sacrifices.

Current Events 03-02-2019

1858 In America, talk turns to something unspoken for 150 years: Civil war

Democrats have refused to accept the outcome of any election in which a Republican won in the 21st century. They consider the country as founded to be immoral and invalid, and want to destroy and remake it. They are Socialists. They are baby killers. They think they are the only REAL Americans, and the rest of us are deplorable. How can we be united with such people? The country will not remain divided. It will either become all one thing or all the other. 

There Will Be Reprisals If a Democrat Wins the White House in 2020

Settle In For the Long Haul – We Won a Battle in 2016, Not the War Who Comes after Trump?

AmericaNS First Why the President’s Emphasis on America First Makes Sense

They Murder Babies For a Living Former Planned Parenthood Employee Describes ‘Dark’ Culture And Personality ‘Demise’

Current Events 02-20-2019

Don’t Fall Prey to DARVO Jussie Smollett and the Information Warfare of the Left

This Is How Totalitarian Regimes Come to Power Why Jussie Smollett Lied – And All The ‘Hate-Crime’ Victims Who Weren’t; Totalitarian movements know how to portray themselves in order to gain power.

There Is a Definite Pattern Here 15 Recent Hate Crime Hoaxes That Might Make You Suspect There’s A Trend; So addicted are some people to the narcotic of outrage, that the mere fantasy of the attack is all they need to believe it true.

We Have to Answer Every Hate Crime Hoax With Aggressive Lawsuits Covington High student’s legal team sues Washington Post

Well Of Course They Do YouTube Allows Pedophiles to Roam Free on Platform; Promoting pedophiles while deplatforming conservatives.

And these same people feel justified in lecturing us on our morality.

Current Events 02-19-2019

The FBI Staged A Coup FBI’s Weaselgate

Voters in Free Countries Expect Their Elected Leaders to Actually Work For Them Why Autocrats Are Replacing Democrats

Obama Was a Pure Autocrat – Nobody on the Left Ever Complained For the Record, Obama Made Mincemeat of the Constitution

Fake Hate Crime Jussie Smollett Case: Clues Into Potential Motive Behind The Attack

Current Events 02-05-2019

Here’s a Thought: Try Actually Reading the Bible Nancy Pelosi Keeps Quoting Her Favorite Bible Verse. The Mystery: It’s Not Actually in the Bible.

Or would handling a Bible cause you to burst into flames?

If You Disagree With God’s Word, You Are No Longer Christian Woke Evangelicals: Cultivating Victimhood, Vanquishing Conscience

Cultures come and go. Fashions change. Public opinion, ever fickle, shifts from moment to moment. The Bible is forever. God doesn’t change. Homosexuality, Adultery, Fornication, Pornography, Transgenderism, and Pedophilia, are abominations, still. Abortion is murder. Social Justice “Christianity” is a fraud. We have to have honest preaching about sin. Not mean. Not hateful. Honest. If we don’t tell the truth about sin and its consequences, then we make ourselves complicit, and therefore equally guilty.

Homosexuality is Perversion, and the Innocent Pay the Price Homo RICO: The Feds Need to Bust Big Gay

Democrats Are the Real Racists – Always Have Been Ralph Northam and the Party of Race; The newest figure in a party with a long, horrific history.

We No Longer Have to Respect Their Side – This Is the Party of Pure Evil Cheerleading Infanticide Might Just Be The Tipping Point For Democrats

Like the Nazis and the Bolsheviks before them, the Progressive Democrats must be defeated if America is to survive.

Christianity Created The Modern World – These Heathens Want to Roll That Back Infanticide Is The Historical Hallmark Of A Pagan Culture; Judeo-Christian principles helped to form our culture, and Christianity is deeply pro-life. Until now, restraining evil as Christianity defines it bound Americans together with a common creed.

Why are crimes such as child murder and child rape deemed by civilized societies to be evil? Because Christianity conquered paganism, that’s why. If you overthrow Christianity, you are choosing to return to the pagan world, in which ritual murder was common, rape, pedophilia, and prostitution of children was excused, and slavery was normative. That we even need to discuss whether child murder is okay shows how sick and twisted American culture has become. Is a pagan America where you truly wish your children and grandchildren to live?

Identity Politics is Simply Another Kind of Bigotry Liam Neeson’s Racism Confession is Actually the Beginning of a Very Important Conversation

Racism is a term so grossly overused and abused that it has lost all meaning. At the root of it is simply hate, very human hate for others. It is a hatred for the “other” vis a vis “us”. They are “not like us”, so they must be despised. That’s all racism really is. Identity politics guarantees that real racism will not only never subside, but will become worse. That is because identity politics turns bad actors into victims, and excuses their hatred of the “other”. We have to be honest. For example, most black people in America are killed by other black people. Violent crime, failed schools, broken homes are the norm in black communities across America. Any attempt to fix this will get you called racist, or accused of being “too white”. Nobody is allowed talk honestly about the negative, truly wrong behavior of various groups because identity politics is always there, excusing bad behavior, and blaming all social evils on white people and toxic males. And so the swirling toilet of identity politics continues to spin, and the understanding that is needed so people can start seeing one other as “us” and not “other” is never permitted to develop.

Society Needs More Real Men, Less Toxic Feminism ‘Toxic Masculinity’ is Misnamed

Modern women are fools. They have traded their greatest powers, the ability to be attractive to men (beauty), and the ability to generate more humans (motherhood), for a bowl of beans, namely 3rd wave feminism and an ever accelerating spiral of self-hatred and madness. I don’t care what modern feminists think about anything. I am a man, and it is my duty, my privilege (there’s a triggering word), to show respect to ladies. So I am going to continue being masculine, competitive, aggressive, all the traits feminists deem to be “toxic”, but at the same time, be protective and mindful of the ladies in my midst. That’s what gentlemen do.

Current Events 02-02-2019

New Hate, Same As the Old Hate The Democrat Party: Not Enough Minorities Aborted

The Confederates haven’t changed. They are still as racist as ever. If they can’t OWN blacks, then they will KILL them in the womb instead and call it “choice.” Some choice.

Come Quickly, Lord Jesus Advanced Social Decay: You Will Cringe When You Read What Has Been Going On Behind Closed Doors All Across America

We Allowed an Oligarchy to Conquer Us From Within The Ruling Class and an Undeclared Civil War

America Will Not Remain Divided America at War—With Itself