Events. Of a current nature.

Current Events 01-18-2019

Should We Allow Ourselves to Be Datamined and Sold to the Highest Bidder? The Brave New World of Surveillance Capitalism

Let’s Use This Partial Shutdown as a Means to Rid the Taxpayer of Un-fireable Federal Employees Whose Official Title is “Non-Essential” After Trump Gets His Wall Funding, He Should Fire The TSA

America Is a Banana Republic Criminality Of Deep State Investigation Of Trump Confirmed — Has U.S. Become A Banana Republic?

The Democrat Party is the Party of Pure Evil The Democrats Want to Talk About Morality. Here’s Why They Can’t.

In their hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance, Democrats regularly practice transference, in which they project their evils onto us, and then in their perversion, lecture us on our supposed lack of morality.

13th Amendments Don’t Much Matter If We Allow Trafficking Across Our Southern Border Fighting Sex Trafficking Must Be A Pro-Life Mission

Current Events 01-16-2019

We Need More Traditional Masculinity in Our Society We Don’t Need Less Traditional Masculinity, We Need More; This effort to eradicate masculinity is dangerous because it disrupts the relationships that depend on the complementary nature of the sexes.

Third Wave Feminism, the Sexual Revolution, the Homosexual Movement, and Political Correctness have worked to destroy the family in general and men in particular. And now the same heathens that wrought this destruction have the nerve to complain about the consequences.

Masculinity Is Not Toxic – Feminism and Social Justice IS Gillette’s Latest Commercial Is An Anti-Man Dumpster Fire

Feminists Live in a World Created and Secured For Them By Men Procter & Gamble’s Toxic Sanctimony

Barry Goldwater Would Have Been the First Jewish President Goldwater: The Presidential Loser Who ‘Won the Future’

Current Events 01-11-2019

When Are People Going to Wise Up? China is Not Our Friend. When Chinese hackers declared war on the rest of us. Many thought the internet would bring democracy to China. Instead it empowered rampant government oppression, and now the censors are turning their attention to the rest of the world.

China is Not Our Friend Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine

There Is No “Black” Culture or “White” Culture, only American Culture The Worst Racism My Children Have Experienced Came From Black Peers

Easterners Need to Stop Their “Bordersplaining” The Real Border vs. The Mainstream Media’s Imaginary Border

Here’s a Crazy Thought – Why Not Try Listening to Border Patrol Agents? ‘We Need To Finish The Job’ — Border Patrol Sector Chief Explains Firsthand Why A Border Barrier Is Desperately Needed

Abnormal is Now Normal, and If You Are a Normal Man, You Are Now Abnormal American Psychological Association Says Traditional Masculinity Is Pathological; According to the APA, ‘components of traditional masculinity’ include ‘emotional stoicism, homophobia, not showing vulnerability, self-reliance, and competitiveness.’

It’s Misandry 5 Things To Do About Our Culture’s Antagonism Against Men; Boys are over-cluttered with mixed messages, mostly negative. They have grown up with a constant narrative, bolstered by statistics, that their sex is falling behind across the board.

The author of this article believes that “gender dysphoria” is normal, and that we should be required to use the preferred pronouns of the mentally ill. Just FYI. Other than that, good article.

Environmentalism is Really Just Communism Green Is the New Red; It should probably be called a manifesto, although AOC is not yet the writer Marx and Engels were.

Current Events 01-09-2019

It’s About Replacing You, Unreliable American Voter If Democrats Honestly Cared About Border Security, They Would Not Support Sanctuary Cities; It comes down to one thing: they need to import voters.

California is a Banana Republic Did Ballot-Harveting By Illegals Flip Elections To Democrats?

The DSM Has Been Meaningless Since the 60s The Scientific Experts Who Hate Science

Social Justice = Nazi The Original Social Justice Warrior: Father Charles Coughlin

Current Events 01-08-2019

BUILD THE WALL The Great Wall of America Will Break the Democrats

Illegal Invasion is a Violation of Law, Which Border Patrol and ICE Are Tasked With Ending It’s Time to Listen to Law Enforcement About the Border, Not Politicians

The Party of JFK is Dead and Gone – The American Communist Party Remains No, This Is Not JFK’s Democratic Party

Alphabet Soup Indoctrination is Child Abuse Transgender Theory Enables Child Abuse

“Civil” Men of Character Handed Europe to the Nazis The Ruling Class Redefines Character for Donald Trump

Current Events 01-07-2019

Oh No. The 25% of the Bloated, Wasteful, Unaccountable Federal Government That Still Needs Congressional Approval is Closed. Keep It Closed for Two Years; Mr. President, keep it closed as long as you have to, and maybe even longer than that.

There Are Two Laws in America Now – Laws For Us, and Laws for “Them” Democrats get away with a much worse crime than Watergate.

Don’t Speak to Me Of Christian Beliefs You Miserable, Lying, Filthy, Godless Heathens How the Left Appropriates Christianity

SJW Christianity is no Christianity. Get a real God. Get a real Bible. Get a real philosophy. Or get out.

Unfettered Capitalism Can Be Just as Evil as Socialism Monopolies Spread Across Multiple Markets, Including Big Pharma

Marriage Matters Rescuing Marriage From The Liberals, Because Civilization Is At Stake

Current Events 12-14-2018

Ty Cobb Was No Racist Was Baseball Legend Ty Cobb Really a Murderous Maniac?

It’s Not Racism If They’re White Acceptable Racism

Rumors of Real America’s Demise Are Premature The ‘Other’ America (That MSM Won’t Let You See)

Nationalism Isn’t Going Away The End of France as We Know It?

The Marxist Globalists will fight back, sure, but they can’t win. There aren’t enough of them to stop all of us from having the country we want, America as founded.

Current Events 11-13-2018

We Have to Fight The Democrats Are the Threat to Democracy; They couldn’t care less that they’re now officially what they’ve claimed to see in Donald Trump.

Democrats despise our political system. They are perfectly willing to accept it when it benefits them, but when a Republican wins anything, it’s always illegitimate. And they cheat. And they manufacture votes. And they abuse the judiciary to “pass law”. And they flood our country with illegals who DO VOTE. And they oppose any effort on our part to have legal elections with legal votes. And they deem accountability in the form of mandatory national voter ID as vote suppression and racism. Actually anything we do is deemed racist. Can we have a country when half the country considers the laws of that country to be illegitimate and won’t abide by lawful elections? It’s starting to look like 1858.

I don’t want America to go the way of Germany in the 1920’s. I don’t want my country to fall to the Maoists like China. We have to fight.

Every LEGAL Vote Counts The Common Thread in All Those Florida Election Debacles

Democrats Only Know How to Cheat What’s Wrong With Florida Elections?

They can’t win on their merits because they have no merits.

Current Events 11-05-2018

We Are Engaged in a Cold Civil War American Politics Is Now Just Civil War by Other Means

Voting Libertarian Is Just Helping Democrats Get Elected Democrats Fund Libertarian Spoilers; Investing dark money in ”independent” campaigns.

It Will Be a Blue Flush, Not a Blue Wave Tuesday Will Tell: Blue Wave or Red Tsunami?

Red Wave Rising We Will Keep Congress. Here’s Why.

It Takes Generations to Create Wealth and Stability – The Parasites From Poor Nations Want An Easy Shortcut The Relevance Of Raspail—Visionary French Novelist Saw It Coming, Published Just Before Censorship Crackdown

We must hold the line. The West will fall if the invaders from poor nations are allowed to sweep into our nations and steal the wealth it took generations to create. They have no right to live in wealthy countries whom they did nothing to help create, and which they will ruin given the chance. They need to stay in their impoverished countries and do the work which our ancestors have already done on our behalf of building their nations, creating a better future for their great-grandchildren.

Well, Isn’t That Just Peachy. Makes Me Want to Strangle a Manatee in the Nude. Bad News, Coffee Drinkers: You’re Probably a Psychopath if You Like Your Coffee Black

It Was All a Lie, Concocted to Lynch an Innocent Man ‘No evidence’ to back Kavanaugh accusers’ claims, Senate panel’s report on FBI probe finds

Will those of you passing out pitchforks and torches, joining the clamor of the mob to “string him up” be apologizing for your despicable behavior? Not likely.

Current Events 11-03-2018

Enemies of Free People Defining the Enemy in These Final Days before the Midterms

The Communists Want Revenge For Our Opposing Their Agenda Why This Midterm Is Critical; Despite the Democrats’ best efforts, we are not a banana republic.

We have to win. We cannot let the Marxists have power anywhere ever again.