Events. Of a current nature.

Current Events 10-31-2017

Women Have No Use For Pajama Boys ‘Checking Your Male Privilege’ Is Hollow Virtue Signaling. To Help Women, We Need More So-Called ‘Toxic Masculinity.’ No, don’t cower from your maleness, embrace it if you actually care about women.

If They Had Anything, They’d Be Indicting For It NO CHARGES OF TRUMP COLLUSION: Here’s What You Need To Know About The Manafort Indictment

The Real Story Here Is How Corrupt Washington Is That Other Plot — to Bring Down Trump

There WAS Collusion – Between HILLARY and the Russians Dirty Hillary, Hoist by Her Own Petard; Another debacle for the Ruling Class: She was the one who colluded with a foreigner to tip the election.

And They Still Can’t Figure Out Why They Can’t Win Elections WOW! Democrats’ Latest TV Ad=> Republicans Run Down Children in Pickup Truck with Confederate Flag

The Social Media Post That Changed the World The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation and What It Means Today

Current Events 10-30-2017

The Reckoning is Coming It’s Not Too Much To Ask That Our GOP Hacks Show Some Loyalty To Their Voters

Pussies GOP Would Rather Lose than Fight

What A Despicable Human Being JFK Files: Documents Show Democrat President Lyndon Johnson Was KKK Member

One of many reasons, for me, they will always be #RacistDemocrats.

Current Events 10-27-2017

That’s the M.O. For Fascists Free Speech for Me, But Not for Thee

Sure Hope The Guy Doesn’t Become Despondent, Throw Himself Down an Elevator Shaft Onto a Bunch of Bullets Obama Admin Told FBI Informant His ‘Liberty Was in Jeopardy’ If He Didn’t Drop Case Against Govt

There Is Only The Effort to Purge the Party of RINOs There Is No GOP Civil War

More Specifically, It’s OURS It’s Trump’s Party Now

Because It’s The Last Socially Acceptable Form of Racism and Bigotry Majority Of White Americans Say They Face Discrimination

Affirmative Action, Identity Politics, is racism directed at the various unrelated tribes deemed by the American Fascist Left to be “white”.

We Have to Stop Propping Up Dictators in Africa The war you’ve never heard of

Why Won’t You Share the Full Recipe, Neil!? Deconstructing Neil Gorsuch’s Steak Rub: What Is The Justice Hiding?


Payday, Someday Trump’s Storm Is Lashing The Halls Of Corruption

Current Events 10-26-2017

None Dare Call It Treason Why doesn’t Hillary’s ‘dossier’ trick count as treason?

The Sexual Revolution Caused This How Our Pornified Culture Produces Harvey Weinsteins

I was nearly 13 years old. I had received a once-in-in-a-lifetime opportunity by way of the U.S. Navy’s Tiger program to accompany my Navy father for a week at sea on the nuclear super-carrier the Dwight D. Eisenhower. It was an overwhelmingly positive experience. One day, we were all seated, fathers and sons, in the ready room. Like some kind of magic trick, all these porn magazines appeared and were being passed around, a rite of passage I think, by fathers to their sons. My Dad quietly, and firmly, abstained. I looked up at him, and he nodded his head “no” to me. We would not be partaking. My Dad set the standard for how you treat women. He taught me to be a gentleman. And on the cusp of manhood, he showed me perhaps the most important thing – you don’t cooperate with our culture’s porn-induced objectification of women. Thanks, Dad. I have never forgotten.

Goody. Can We Stop Funding the Dictators, Please? Nikki Haley’s Africa Trip Is about Fixing Obama’s Mistakes

There Are No More Excuses The Predicted Abortion Collision Grows Closer

2018. The Reckoning Is Coming. Establishment Republicans Agree: Steve Bannon Is Kicking Our Ass

We Will No Longer Tolerate Fake Republicans, Or Fake Christian Candidates Exclusive — Jerry Falwell Backs Steve Bannon Effort to Oust ‘Fake Republicans,’ Calls for Evangelical Army to Rise Up to Defeat Them

It’s About Time PragerU sues YouTube, says it censors conservative videos

Do You Or Somebody You Love Suffer From Trump Derangement Syndrome? Trump, the Yankee Doodle Dandy; All but oblivious to the sickly Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Current Events 10-22-2017

A Soft Answer Turns Away Wrath Black Man Gets Past Nazi’s Hate With Unusual Step: He Hugs Him

The Hobbits Are Getting Organized What Steve Bannon’s Up To: Hobbit Midterms

Trump Country is the Best Place to Live Living in Trump Country, USA

We Shouldn’t Need the Supreme Court to Weigh In – We Already Have a First Amendment Bake This Particular Cake, Bigot

Leftist Made Their Bed – Now They Have to Live In It. Hollywood’s Masculinity Deficit

Current Events 10-19-2017

If You Can Find a Way to Make #MeToo Be About Justice For Victims, Not Be a Crusade Against Men, Then Go For It – But I Doubt It Beware the Rape Allegation Bandwagon

You can’t trust the #AltLeft. Not ever. They claim to have solutions to problems they created, but what they do in an attempt to “fix” those problems will be so much worse.

Most Men Are Not Sexual Predators Think Man-Bunned ‘Woke Bros’ Are The Worst? #MeToo; Playacting virtue impedes justice.

Problem Solved How to End the Fight Over Contraception; Birth control should be available over the counter.

Americans Know Best – Not Politicians Trump Proving Politicians Not As Important As They Think They Are

Current Events 10-16-2017

I Just Love How the #AltLeft Projects Their Failures On Us Is Harvey Weinstein a cultural pivot point?

If there is legitimate abuse going on, then obviously these “people” need to be dealt with in the harshest possible terms. However, and this is critical, at the same time we cannot allow this to become some kind of toxic, anti-male, “Chick Lives Matter” that makes men the villains. At some point we have to recognize that all the lies of the Left, but especially those of the Sexual Revolution, have CAUSED THIS. Far from liberating women, it made their treatment worse and not better.

I find it interesting that for all their talk of a “War on Women”, as always, the worst perpetrators are the Left. They’re the ones hyper-sexualizing women and girls, they’re the ones pushing abortion, they’re the ones pushing pornography and prostitution, and they are the ones sheltering sexual predators up and down the political/social spectrum that serve their agendas.

There Are Two Reasons I Voted Trump: 1) Burn Down the GOPe 2) Dismantle the Obama regime. Trump and the dismantling of Obama’s legacy

Keep Chasing That Laser Pointer, MSM Trump Renders Media Blind To All But Chaos

Current Events 10-13-2017

If All Dissent Is Suppressed, You Don’t Have a ‘Consensus’ Don’t Call Climate Skeptics ‘Deniers,’ Call Us ‘Correct’; If it’s totalitarian and unresearched, it’s not a consensus.

Believe The Victim, Unless the Rapist is Powerful and Connected to the Political Class Rose McGowan says Weinstein ‘raped me’; Harvey denies

#AltLeft IS Rape Culture The Perverted Left: #RAPECULTURE, Cover-ups, And Hypocrisy From Weiner to Weinstein

Hollywood is Filled With Powerful Perverts – Their Day Is Done Will Harvey Weinstein Finally Kill the Old Boys’ Network? How many more days are left for the “dinosaurs” of media and entertainment to roam the Earth?

Was Bannon Fired, Or Let Loose? Did Bannon Just Take Down Harvey Weinstein?

If It’s War They Want, It’s War They’ll Get – No More Passive Compliance Towards the Left A Cultural Cold War Gets Warmer

Liberals Ruin Everything Good Bye, Boy Scouts

Boys need to become men. They can’t do that when our henpecked feminist culture has not only succeeded in destroying the nuclear family, but denies them anywhere they can be around other boys and learn, entirely apart from mothering influences, how to be men. The War on Men must stop.

Current Events 10-10-2017

The Truth Is Hollywood Is Full of Sexual Predators and Deviants – And These People Are Protected The Real War on Women

How dare they lecture the rest of the nation on anything? Homosexuality, adultery, fornication, are all perversion. They’re wrong, and Hollywood glorifies them. Any attempt to speak truth, to truly love and protect women, by the men who have wives and daughters and mothers they care about, is vilified by the same people who protected this vile human being for decades. Hypocrites.

Ever Wonder Why Child Actors Wind Up Ruined? This Is Why. Corey Feldman on Elijah Wood Hollywood Pedophilia Controversy: “I Would Love to Name Names”

Abortion IS War on Women Easy abortion is a winner for sleazy men

The only ones who truly desire abortion are wicked males who don’t want to be responsible for the offspring their sexual sins inevitably produce. And of course the evil death merchants who profit from the desperation of the poor and the dismemberment of babies.

Thank You, Foul-Mouthed Sodomite. You’ve Proved Our Point. Hysterical Christian-Haters for Property Rights

Current Events 10-09-2017

They Only Care People Believe They Care If Democrats Really Cared

False Flag Operation? The Possible Las Vegas Motive That Only Mark Steyn Is Talking About

Fine. But Don’t Ever Think You Pervs Can Harass a Christian Baker or Shop Owner Ever Again. A Lesson In Free-Market Economics: Gay Shop Owner Kicks Christians Out Of His Business Because Their Beliefs ‘Offend’ Him

2018 Is Coming The League of Extraordinary Candidates: Economic Nationalist Leaders Plan for Anti-Establishment Midterm Tsunami to Force Change

We’re Taking Our Party Back Steve Bannon, Unleashed