Current Events 01-21-2023

The GOPe Roadmap Giddy up – If I Can See It, So Can President Trump – Thus, the 2024 Trump Campaign Kick-off in South Carolina

It Doesn’t Matter Who We Run if They Won’t Fix Election Fraud What Elections Won’t Fix

It Cannot Be DeSantis in 2024 DeSantis 2024 Is a Trap; If voter fraud is not addressed, it doesn’t matter who the candidate is, because democracy in America won’t exist.

DeSantis is being backed by the same big money corporate interests that backed Jeb. And Marco Rubio. He’s the anointed candidate. Handpicked to lose by close margins to the Democrat. After they broom Joe Biden. He needs to stay governor for all 8 years. We have to keep Florida secured so it doesn’t get the Arizona treatment.

Current Events 01-20-2023

We are not in charge of our own government. They have been rigging elections, and choosing our leaders for us all my life.

And now the powers that be have decided Biden has to go. I say never let him go. Make the Democrats OWN it. They wanted him. They got him.

Soon, Wearing the Ribbon Will Be Mandatory On Pain of Death Who Doesn’t Wear The Ribbon?!

Did you get that? They don’t think freedom of conscience has any bearing whatsoever.

We Need A Full Course Reversal – Nothing Less Will Work  A Massive Effort at Moral Rebuilding Is Necessary; Our cardinal institutions are sickly, incompetent, or perverse and in need of total reform. Yet what we must do, we must do. So let us begin to do it.

And churches have to lead the charge. Not through merely conserving something, or holing up with some kind of fortress mentality, but a full blown assault on the established order. Because it is an established order based on the research of Alfred Kinsey and John Money, both of them pedophiles. The Sexual Revolution was a lie. We are reaping the terrible fruit of that lie.

Real Manhood is Not Merely Physical Strength, or Some Kind of Faggoty Spartan Ideal If Conservatives Want To Defend Manliness, They Better Know What It Means

It is moral courage. Virtue. Honor. Defending the weak and the helpless. Standing for truth at personal cost. Refusing to bow down to false gods and idols. Never calling an evil thing good, no matter how much they bully you. Getting married. Having kids. Staying married and faithful to one woman. Passing your virtue, and your religious faith on to your children. Quiet strength and dignity. These are the qualities of a true man.

We Are at War. It’s As Simple As That. Mexico Is Not Really an American Friend; One sure sign of historic national decline is the collective inability of a government and its people to defend their own borders and national sovereignty. 

Nobody has a right to live in America except people born here to American citizens, and people who legally emigrated, passed a class, renounced all other loyalties, and took an oath of loyalty to the United States. All others are invaders and need to be expelled forthwith. And if Mexico continues to aid and abet this illegal invasion, then we are in a state of war and they should be treated as the enemies they are.

Current Events 01-13-2023

Damn White People and Their <Shuffles Deck> Roads Roads Are Racist

Roads allow freedom of travel for anybody with a car. Public transportation and efforts to destroy the car industry is all about bottling people up in cities, which Democrats control.

They Are Not Pro-Environment – They are ANTI-HUMAN Thanks To Radical Environmentalists, Not Even A ‘Bomb Cyclone’ Can Fix California’s Drought

All of California’s trouble are due to Marxist mismanagement and hatred for humans in general and Americans in particular.

The Normies Have to Wake Up America’s Animal Farm

Nothing about our government is lawful or Constitutional.

They Murdered a Peaceful Protestor Killing Ashli; Despite all the evidence, Biden Justice Department declines to prosecute the officer who shot Babbitt on Jan. 6, 2021.

Don’t you dare protest our illegal actions, or our goon squad will kill you. That’s the message.

Current Events 01-05-2023

Happy New Year! I guess…

The Communists Stole Our Country, and the Normies Remain Asleep The Coup We Never Knew We are beginning to wake up from a nightmare to a country we no longer recognize, and from a coup we never knew.

After a Long Train of Abuses… How Is The Uniparty Destroying America? Let Me Count The Ways

City of Ghouls New York Legalizes Human Composting

Current Events 12-29-2022

Damn White People And Their <Shuffles Deck> Apple Watches Apple faces class-action lawsuit alleging ‘racial bias’ in watch’s blood oximeter; The lawsuit alleges that ‘clinical significance of racial bias of pulse oximetry’ was confirmed during the coronavirus pandemic

Unaccountable, No Appeals, Pure Totalitarian Do you really have nothing to hide? [The TSA officer] told me to write down all of the communication and social media apps that I use, along with my corresponding usernames. I balked.

Those Dang Moors Moorish Americans take over a rural gun range, sparking a strange showdown

It’s All Marketing Naming the Names We Name Ourselves; The underlying purpose of these generational names is to divide. Perhaps some rebranding is in order.

Merry Christmas (Almost)

Current Events 12-23-2022

This Is Why I Call Then Homofascists Mother Finds Herself Under Military Scrutiny for Objecting to Sexuality Poster at School

They aren’t going to allow dissent. You will bow the knee, kiss the ring, allow the grooming and sexualization of your children, or they will destroy you. The Rainbow Guard has no tolerance.

He’s Our Last Chance It’s ‘Trump Will Never Be President’ All Over Again

DeSantis is being groomed (not in the homofascist way). He is backed by big money, like Ken Griffin. I cannot back such a man. He is this season’s Jeb Bush. He’s the guy the Judas Goat wing of the party WANTS to carry their standard. I don’t doubt he has been a successful governor. He needs to REMAIN governor for now. Hold the line in Florida. He can then run in 2028. I will happily vote for him then. But not in 2024. Trump or nothing.


Trump announced via TruthSocial his initiative to defend Free Speech once he is re-elected a second time.

Restoring Free Speech Overview:

– BAN federal agencies from colluding to censor American citizens.

– BAN taxpayer dollars from being used to label speech as “mis-“ or “disinformation”

– FIRE every federal bureaucrat who has engaged in domestic censorship

– Immediately send PRESERVATION LETTERS to Biden administration and Big Tech Giants

– Order the DOJ to investigate all parties involved in online censorship regime and PROSECUTE ANY AND ALL CRIMES IDENTIFIED

– REVISE SECTION 230 to drastically curtail big platforms’ power to restrict lawful speech

– STOP FEDERAL FUNDING for all non-profits and academic programs engaged in censorship

– SUSPEND federal dollars to any university that has engaged in censorship support activities

– Enact CRIMINAL PENALTIES for federal bureaucrats who partner with private entities to violate your Constitutional rights

– Impose a SEVEN YEAR cooling-off period before former intel and security officials can work at Big Tech platforms


Current Events 12-09-2022

It’s Wrong to Lie. Especially to Children. I Won’t Lie To My Kids About Santa Claus

How can you lie to your children about Santa Claus and Easter Bunnies and Tooth Faeries and then turn around and say “You need to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.”? How can they ever trust that anything you say is real, when you spent their whole childhood perpetuating all these holiday myths? And for what, because you think it’s cute? You need to get your neck fitted for a millstone.

Can’t Stop the Rock Trump’s Enemies Underestimate Him — Again; Ignoring history is never smart.

They’ve ALWAYS Hated Us. They Pretend Not to Around Election Time. That is All. Why Does the GOP Elite Hate Its Own Base? For the GOP, the status quo is simply unsustainable.

The root of the problem is this: the UniParty HATES democracy. That’s what it boils down to. They long for the day when they can indulge all their despotic fantasies. And they are nearly there.

Current Events 12-08-2022

We Are Not a Republic 2020: The Year the Ruling Class Took Control

They don’t even hide the cheating anymore.

Our Leaders Are Incompetent At Best, Quislings At Worst 3 Unsexy Reasons Warnock Beat Walker In The Georgia Runoff

They would rather lose everything then let Trump return to the White House.

The Regime Wants War Has the Counter Revolution Arrived in the US?

We Must Stop Paying People to Coach Us in Losing The GOP Won’t Win so Long as Consultants Dominate the Party