Current Events 10-28-2020

The GOP Did Not Serve Our Interests, So We Changed It There’s No Going Back To ‘Normal’ After Trump. The Republican Party Is Changed Forever; Republicans who don’t like Trump want to go back to ‘normal,’ but the old GOP is dead. Trump made a new party, and that is the party of the future.

The old guard can never be permitted to take control. They are little better than Democrats, and are guilty of collaborating with them for personal gain.

The Dems Hope to Make SCOTUS Into a Super Legislature They Control Democrats Give Away the Game: They Want the Supreme Court to Unilaterally Amend the Constitution

Current Events 10-27-2020

We Ignore the Threat at Our Own Peril 7 Open Leftist Threats That Political Terror Is Coming To America Whether Trump Wins Or Not; Examples of hostilities toward Trump and his supporters abound, but leftists’ threats of terror are even greater should Biden win the presidency.

They want us impoverished, ostracized and dead. They want us gone.

At Some Point, You Have to Believe They Mean to Hurt You If They Can Microsoft Rep Threatens To ‘Slide Knife Between Ribs’ Of ‘Asshole’ Conservatives

Heresy Will Be Punished Creepy Democrat Organization ‘Vote America’ Plans to Come Around After the Election to Check on Your Vote

Modern Industrialized Countries Run On Oil Oil and America’s Energy Future

We Cannot Go Quietly Into That Night – Fight or Die Why The Right Can Never End The Culture Wars By Capitulating; The idea that some grand self-sacrificial gesture will heal the culture-war breach is deluded. It is politics as the third act of a romantic comedy.

Traitors, Cowards, and Fools Church leaders sell their souls to the Democratic Party; Evangelicals stumble over themselves to endorse a political party and a candidate openly against life

No Brakes Donald Trump is Poised to Become Among the Most Transformative Presidents in American History

Current Events 10-26-2020

Progressive Christians Are Not Really Real Christians Evangelicals Fight Wokedom Without and Within; The division between evangelical elites and their un-woke constituencies is real.

You cannot be Christian and support Democrats. You cannot be Christian and support critical race theory. These pagan belief systems and the political movement that espouses them on the Left are antithetical to Biblical Christianity. If a church, if a Pastor espouses these views, they have ceased to be Christian and must be disavowed. It really is as clear cut as that.

We Are at the Same Place the Weimar Republic Was Before the Nazis Took Over and Russia Before the Bolsheviks Yes, This Is a Revolution

The Left Has No More Room For Liberals Why I Voted Trump: A Coming Out Story

In Addition to Being Anti-Christian, the Left is Also Anti-Semitic Stop Being Shocked; American liberalism is in danger from a new ideology—one with dangerous implications for Jews

Cool New nuclear engine concept could help realize 3-month trips to Mars

If You Haven’t Figured It Out Yet, All Polling is Fake All Signs Point To One Thing: We’re Reliving The 2016 Election

Polls are designed to influence voters. They don’t report anything real. In any case, Trump supporters are either lying to pollsters, refusing to speak with pollsters, or they are simply not talking to us (most commonly the latter).

This Is No Election – It Is the End Stage of the Coup Only Voting Can Prevent the Left’s Planned Coup

The next stage, if we fail to stop these people, is Civil War. Yes it really is that serious.

Mask Nazis Six Reasons Why Leftists Love Masks (Hint: ‘Health’ Isn’t On The List)

America Won Bigly in 2016

I gambled in 2016. I gambled the fate of my country on an outsider brash billionaire from Queens. I had no idea whether Trump would be any better than any other politician. I figured, if he does even half of what he wants to do, the repercussions will be huge. My gamble paid off, bigly. Trump has done almost everything exactly like he said he would. I have never been more happy to be right about something. Because I was not at all sure he was even going to win. The prospect of a Hillary Presidency was too horrible to contemplate. So I campaigned the best I could for Trump everywhere I could, prayed hard, voted, and hoped for the best. He has exceeded all my expectations. I cannot wait to pull the lever for Trump again. I pray to God that the best efforts of the Dems to cheat in this election will fail, and we will have 4 more years of America First!

Current Events 10-24-2020

Who Were the Nazis? With All the Nazi Talk in This Election, Who Were the Nazis?

They Intend to Scuttle the US Economy It’s Not Just Fracking

What About Black Crime? Amy Coney Barrett has some ‘splainin’ to do on white racism

Journalism Is Dead Why Democrats Still Love to Spy on Americans
John Brennan and the death of progressive journalism.

Current Events 10-22-2020

This Is Why I Am Off of Facebook For Good Meet your (Chinese) Facebook censors

And Google. And Twitter. And YouTube. I will not back Big Tech in its move to sell us out to the ChiComs.

Speaking of Google Chrome won’t clear your Google and YouTube data — even if you tell it to

Because Knowing is Half the Battle The Threat of Court Packing: How It Would Destroy The Republic

In case you were public school educated, court packing is bad. It’s an attempt to circumvent the separation of powers. It’s always a bad idea, no matter which party wants to do it (so far only Democrats).

Which Is Why This Is Necessary Senate Republicans Move to Protect the Supreme Court With Constitutional Amendment

Not that Dems ever pay much attention to the Constitution.

What’s at Stake on November 3rd

In case it has not been made clear, we are voting on whether America as founded should continue. Thomas D. Klingenstein of the Claremont Institute explains exactly what is going on with this election. It is the conflict between two regimes: America vs Communism. It really is that extreme. The Left is not like a Revolution – they ARE a Revolution. And they will obliterate our Republic if we don’t stop them. It’s 17 minutes – watch it all uninterrupted.

Current Events 10-08-2020

We Live in the Greatest Country in the History of the World The Founding Fathers

Lightning in a bottle, never to be repeated. The Left knows this, which is why they are working so hard to destroy it. Once broken, there will never be another America.

Ridiculous, But Typical The Cult of Covidism Has Invaded the Church

And yes, I have heard Christians, so-called, try to use moral arguments for why mask mandates and church lockdowns are okay.

Fear is the Mind Killer When Fear Rules

If they can create a fake crisis, set themselves up as the only solution, create enough fear, they are betting many Americans will give up their freedoms in exchange for the illusion of security. And they would be right. Well not me.

Due Process Matters

Facts matter. Evidence matters. The presumption of innocence matters. The rule of law matters. These are the bedrock of our Western civilization. The alternative is tyranny. Mob rule. Lynch mobs. Guillotines and firing squads. Secret courts and gulags.

Our country did not deserve the rioting that is still ongoing. White people did not deserve the accusations of racism that came in the aftermath of George Floyd’s overdose and death. Nor did police, who in this instance behaved professionally and within the confines of the law and their training. 

Fleming B. (“Tex”) Fuller has done a 24 minute documentary in which all the video evidence is compiled, and then broken down step-by-step. It is the same process that any journalist could and should have done, but did not.

This video evidence and the toxicology report was available. It was withheld by the Minneapolis District Attorney with this goal in mind – dividing and destroying America. The traitorous mainstream media could have reported on literally any of this. But they rushed to judgement. And so did everyone else. 

Derek Chauvin did not kill George Floyd. George Floyd did.