Current Events 07-15-2024

Believe It When People Say They Want to Kill You Flashback to Years of Incitement by Democrats, Media Against Donald Trump; “We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” — Joe Biden

They Want Us All Dead, Starting With Trump Dangerous Dems have been fueling violent political rhetoric for the last eight years — Americans deserve better

YES Do Democrats, Corporate Media Have Blood On Their Hands In Trump Attack?

It Was An Inside Job Secret Service under major fire…

They Have Been Planning This For Years The Left Spent Years Running An ‘Assassination Prep’ Campaign

That is Incitement – Jail Them All Report: FBI Employee In Gun Background Check Unit Expressed Disappointment That Trump Lived

They Aren’t Going to Stop This Won’t Be The Last Time Democrats Attempt To Assassinate Trump

NO UNITY There Can Be No Unity With The Violent Democrat-Media Industrial Complex

“They are our enemies, they wish us real harm, and they are prepared to plunge the nation into violence and civil strife before they relinquish power. There’s no unity to be had with such people.”

If You Try to Kill the King, You Better Not Miss

This is what Democrats do. When it looks like they’re losing, they kill the Republican. They almost killed Reagan too. Every journalist, every media personality, who has PUBLICLY CALLED FOR HIS DEATH IS CULPABLE. The Secret Service is culpable. The FBI is culpable. And of course, they conveniently killed the patsy so he can’t talk.

I want investigations. I want trials. I want executions. I want the FBI CLOSED. I want the CIA, the NIA, the DOD, all of ‘em, CLOSED. I HAVE HAD IT WITH THESE TRAITORS!!

Because how dare we THE PEOPLE even think about choosing our own leader and running the Republic according to OUR OWN PRIORITIES! So of course, we’re going to try and kill him.

I guess that’s how a Republican knows he’s doing well – a Dem will try to kill him.

People you have to vote. Vote like your life depends on it, because it does. This is the kind of people we are dealing with. Evil, wicked, traitors who when cheating fails, and lawfare fails, and propaganda fails, attempt the murder of the Republican candidate.

ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE BEEN CALLING FOR TRUMP’S ASSASSINATION, YOU ARE PART OF THIS. You are culpable, at least indirectly. All of you, up to and including the fake President, need jail. Every media personality, every politician, who has called for his death must be immediately fired or impeached. 

If you try to kill the king, you better not miss.

You just won him the election, and handed him the mandate he needed to jail ALL OF YOU.

Hope it was worth it.

Current Events 07-09-2024

They Are Chained to the Galley, And It’s Going Down Bidengate and the Doom Loop; The more Biden avoids the media, the more the public considers him an inadequate president. Yet the more he might welcome more exposure, the more his ensuing dementia becomes apparent.

They Deserve Everything That is Coming The Democrats Deserve Biden, Even if the Country Doesn’t; They’ve deceived and gaslit us for four years, all in the name of ‘democracy.’ That collapsed Thursday.

I Think Jail / Execution Would Be in Order They Lied to You; Never forgive, and never forget, what these lying miscreants have done to us—and to the republic.

AMERICA FIRST Here Are the 20 Promises in the Trump-RNC 2024 Platform

Current Events 07-05-2024

Heads We Win, Tails You Lose The ‘insurance policy’ makes her move…

They Are the Enemy It’s Never Joever; Things just morph and change.

They aren’t the opposition. They aren’t another point of view. They aren’t a misguided opinion, or a mistaken conclusion, or a person voting out of tradition. If you support the Democrat party, you are the enemy. You have abandoned reason, wisdom, and the rule of law. You are a brainwashed sycophant who will use violence if you don’t get your way. Party of death. Party of child sacrifice. Demon worshipping cult members. You don’t persuade people like this. Only defeat them. Then destroy everything they are. That’s the state of it.

We Are a People, Brought Up In A Country That Was Begun By an Insurrection July 4 Has Always Been About Resisting Tyranny, And This Year Is No Exception

The Left Will Kill Trump If They Cannot Keep Power Of Death Squads, Dementia, and Desperation; Fueled by the duncery of liberal female judges, Democrats and the media have their newest talking point: Thanks to the Supreme Court, a president can now kill his enemies with impunity.

Current Events 07-02-2024

Six Months Trump is Going to Win; Liberals, get those passports ready. You have six months. 

China Has Bought Our Government, and is Going For the Killshot The Diminishing Likelihood of a Fair Election

As Do ALL Presidents Supreme Court Rules President Trump Has Absolute Immunity for Official Actions Within Constitutional Authority

In Which They Reveal Their True Desires, Once Again Leftists Falsely Suggest Biden Can Assassinate Trump, SCOTUS Justices

Execution or jail. We cannot be timid about this anymore.

What We Have Right Now is Not a Representative Government By ‘Democracy,’ Democrats Mean A Shadow Government Of Unelected Biden Aides

How Far Are Democrats Prepared to Go to Keep Power? What Now that the Gaslighting is Over?

We All Know Who Who’s Behind This Show?

It’s Obama. It’s always been Obama.

If You Are Anti-Human, I Am Anti-YOU

I am against any policies or practices that are anti-human. The people running the world are ANTI-HUMAN. They want as high as 95% of the world population dead and gone. They get to pick who.

I am against any policies or practices that are anti-American. If you are a native born American, you have a right to your country. You should not be replaced by 3rd world peasants who are brought in as slaves to work the plantations so the wealthy elites can drive electric cars and fly to climate change symposiums in private jets.

Native includes any of the couple dozen or so ethnicities who have ancestors that some of them came to America over 400 years ago (or walked here even earlier than that). That would include whites, blacks, and a variety of shades in between.

I am against any policies or practices that seek to discriminate based on race or religion. Right now, that would be white people and Christians. The Left is a religion of hate.

If you are anti-human, then I am ANTI-YOU. Pure and simple.

Biden Is Not President – We Are Under a Dictatorship

So. The deep state has succeeded in convicting Trump on phony, dare-I-say, TRUMPED up charges. This is not a republic. It’s not even a democracy. It’s a dictatorship. 

I am still voting Trump. And if I am forced, I will fight to defend my freedom against tyrants. This will not stand.

We will not rest until freedom is restored. If that means executing a lot of traitors then so be it.

Remember this day free Americans. Stand ready. Your country needs you.

Current Events 05-22-2024

It’s All About the Sodomites Civil Rights Stay Gay

We Made a Grave Error as a Nation Being “Tolerant” of Deviants – Taboos Exist For a Reason Germany’s Decriminalization Of Child Porn Reminds Us Why We Need Societal Taboos

The Censorship Industrial Complex Is Much Bigger Than We Realized Note to Readers: That Eerie Silence; Getcha popcorn ready.

We Are Tired of All The Lies People Have Woken up

It Is Time to Wage War on the Pagan Death Cult of the Left ‘We Must Stop Being Afraid’

The FBI Is the American Stasi – They Must Be Abolished, Not Reformed Some People Surprised – The FBI Was Prepared to Use Deadly Force Against Trump Security Detail During Mar-a-Lago Raid to Regain Deep State FBI/DOJ Secrets

There Is No Way Oswald Made That Shot A Forensic Analysis Of The X-Rays of JFK’s Skull Yields Surprising Results

Sorry For the Hiatus

Every once in awhile, I get sick and tired of all the bovine excrement. I get weary of all the lies. So I check out and ignore all of it. But inevitably, I come back because of my deep belief that you have to stay informed so you know which way the attacks on your liberties will come. We need to ready ourselves. Unless there is a miracle or a revival of some type, we are facing down Civil War. Our own government has become tyrannical and there is only one way to fix that.

The Dobbs Decision (The One That Overturned Roe vs. Wade) Is Not About Abortion

It is about state’s rights. Unless already outlined in the Constitution, the Supreme Court does not have the authority to invent new “rights” out of thin air. Too long have the legislatures of the states been absolute pussies who have relied on an abuse of judicial review to DO THEIR JOBS, by liberal courts. The states MUST make their own laws.

There is no “right to privacy” in the Constitution, or a myriad of other made up rights. In order to become a “right”, it needs an amendment. They have been ignoring the amendment process since the sixties. In addition to Roe, there are others based on the mythical “right to privacy” which also need to go:

Griswold vs. Connecticutt (1965) – the right to contraception

States can decide what forms of contraception are legal within their boundaries. Such as extremely dangerous “morning after pills” for example.

Lawrence vs. Texas (2003) – the right to faggotry

States can decide what sexual behavior is normal, and lawful. We do not have to be forced to accept perversion.

Obergfell vs. Hodges (2015) – the right for faggots to get “married”

States can decide to recognize natural marriage, and deny all others as abnormal. We do not have to be forced to accept deviant unions.

I am sure there are more, but those are the ones Clarence Thomas specifically mentioned.


I say enough.