Events. Of a current nature.

Current Events 09-02-2020

So Now I’m a Sociopath People Who Reject Face Masks More Likely To Be Sociopaths: Study

How China Virus Spreads and What It Does A Supercomputer Analyzed Covid-19 — and an Interesting New Theory Has Emerged A closer look at the Bradykinin hypothesis

What’s This? TreyArch Dropping Red Pills? Call of Duty’s Ominous Trailer Details Communist Tactics to Collapse the US That are Being Used Today

Most Interesting Call of Duty Journalism is Redpilling Gamers. Call of Duty’s subtle criticism of communism hasn’t gone unnoticed by the media.

Hunted Down And Executed, You Mean Trump Chides Media For Misreporting Murder of Aaron Danielson
“They were so happy that he died, you don’t mention that.”

Kyle Rittenhouse Was in the Right An Answer to the Rittenhouse Situation’s Moral Argument

They Want to Make an Example of Him The Charges Against Kyle Rittenhouse

Rwanda Kidnapped This Man and Is Charging Him With Terrorism For Criticizing the Dictator Paul Kagame Rwanda Arrests Man Who Inspired ‘Hotel Rwanda’ on Terrorism Charges

Wicked, Vile Murder Dear Media: Yes, Abortion Does Have a Smell

Dems Don’t Care About Regular People Why Joe Biden Didn’t Go To Kenosha — All You Need To Know About The State of The Race

Of Course They Have California Legislature Softens Sex Offender Registry Requirements For Sodomy With Minors

We Have the Best Presidential Planes Exosonic To Develop America’s New Supersonic Air Force One

I Do Too I Stand with Tucker Carlson; Up against the mob, he is the voice of reason.

Current Events 08-28-202

No Bailouts For Democrat Hell Holes HEROES Act: Democrats’ Wasteful Bailout

Kyle Rittenhouse Did Nothing Wrong We Witnessed The Kenosha Shootings. Here’s What Really Happened

Justice For Kyle Kyle Rittenhouse Was Right to Fire His Weapon

Red Wave Inbound Democrats Are Freaking Out, And They Should Be

They Will Cheat Any Way They Can Now Republicans are Enemies of the State

It’s Good vs Evil Now The Collapse of the Democrat Brand

Lot of Great Speeches Final Day Four of the Republican Convention: Wow! The GOP wins the battle of the conventions, hands down.

Abortion is Racist Ben Carson: ‘What Is Racist Is the Fact that African Americans Have the Highest Abortion Rate’

George Floyd Died of a Drug Overdose Minnesota v. Derek Chauvin et al: The Prosecution’s Dirty Little Secret; Medical examiner’s memorandum on Floyd’s toxicology report proves cause of death to be drug overdose, not murder.

Current Events 08-25-2020

<click clack> What Are We to Do with These ‘GOP for Biden’ Traitors?

We need a purge.

The Future of America A Most Consequential Presidency

Our Enemy is Worse Than the Bolsheviks Donald Trump’s Real Opponent in 2020

Like Gerrymandering, But Far Worse Wrecking the Suburbs on Purpose

We use the cities we control to generate lots of poor, brainwashed serfs, then force them into your communities to destroy Republican power blocs.

Defund the Police Does Not Mean ELIMINATE the Police What Will Replace the Police? Ten Historical Examples

No Brakes Who Is Helmut Norpoth and Why Does He Say Trump Will Win Big? Political scientist predicts Trump will win a 362-176 Electoral College landslide in November.

The answer is never, if Dems get their way.

It’s 1912 All Over Again

I have often thought that this election is like the 1860 election, the last before the Civil War. In some ways, it is very similar. But I also think it is like the 1912 election. A clear example of what happens in a critical moment in our nation’s history when the WRONG GUY wins. Had Teddy won instead of Wilson, the ENTIRE 20TH CENTURY would have gone differently. No Communism. No Fascism. The Civil Rights movement would not have been needed at all. And no endless wars for most of the 20th century.

I think this election is every bit as critical, and the consequences as dire should Biden somehow win this. Teddy was the President America needed at a crossroads in its history. He instead split the Republican vote so the racist Woodrow Wilson could become President.

Trump is the President we need now, at yet another similar crossroads. We have our own Bolsheviks trying to seize power. Should they succeed, America will fall. 

We can foresee the evil and elect the right guy, or we can let Biden win and face another century like the 20th.

Still think your vote doesn’t count?

Current Events 08-21-2020

Transgenders Are Mentally Ill The California Transgender Bill That Should Alarm All Americans

This is not bad enough, though. We have to force irreversible physical changes on children. In effect sterilizing them.

Beware of dogs and workers of evil things.

Aren’t We All I Am Sick To Death Of COVID Supremacists

Truth Stings Is the Gospel of Jesus Christ ‘Fighting Words?’ College Speech Zone Case Heads to Supreme Court

People who routinely utilize doublethink as a part of their daily lives (Leftists) have an interesting concept of “freedom”. When they say “freedom” they mean “freedom for me, but not for thee.” They mean “I can say whatever monstrous, soul-destroying lies I please” but you have to be silent because my “offense” trumps your freedom of speech. They mean “we want freedom to advance our godless agenda until we get political power” and then we are taking away everyone’s freedoms we don’t like. And they act like they are taking the high ground when they claim their willingness to live and let live, but they really mean “you can live, but you won’t be allowed to work, speak, live in safe neighborhoods, worship freely, have any entertainment you like, books, movies, television, sports because we will use every platform we have to preach non-stop propaganda at you about how awful you are.”
I wish they would secede. I don’t want to live in the same country with these godless heathens anymore.

One Man, One Woman, Married and Faithful No Matter How Much The New York Times Pumps Polyamory, It’s Not Good For Kids

It’s the only configuration that works. Everything else, every sexual arrangement that falls outside Biblical marriage is perversion. It’s abhorrent. It goes against God and against nature. It’s time to stop pretending otherwise. You cross that line into perversion, you have made a choice that has repercussions for the whole of society. That makes what happens in the bedroom everyone’s problem. Especially when you perverts won’t shut up about it.

Current Events 08-19-2020

This Is What They Get When Half Of NYC’s Tax Base Leaves And Never Comes Back; Without anyone left to pay for the city, the Big Apple is headed for a failed state.

You lit up OWT pink to celebrate full term abortion. You have supported every kind of wickedness and perversion. And you have become a cesspit of crime and illegal immigration. This is what happens. Your tax base leaves because they can. Your cops leave, because you won’t pay them. And next thing you know, it’s Escape From New York. Good job, Democrats.

If They Can’t Rule The Country, the Democrats Will Destroy It Letter From An Angry Middle-American Vet

I, of course, will stand with my state. I will defend my family. And when the mobs of indolent, violent, racists try to stream in from the cities, they will be met with armed resistance. It’s time these Democrat city states were reminded where their loyalties should lie.

If Asians and Whites Get Better Scores, Then They Should Get Into the Colleges The Progressive Racism of the Ivy League

If blacks and Hispanics don’t like it, they should work harder. This is the bigotry of low expectations.

Elite Schools Are Not Worth the Money ‘Giant Warning’: Iowa State University Instructor Warns Anti-BLM, Pro-Life Views Are ‘Grounds For Dismissal’

Get a good education in a STEM field, as cheap as you can. Stay out of debt. Hang onto your mind and your soul in the process. And get to work. America needs you.

Science Falsely So Called Everything the Left Touches It Ruins. Now Add Science.

The CDC lied. It straight up lied for political reasons. You can’t trust it anymore.

Why aren’t Republicans running more African-American candidates in Democrat districts? She is speaking the truths that people are afraid to utter.

Kimberly Klacik is running for Elijah Cummings vacated seat.

Enough is Enough The Case for Masks, School Closings, & Social Isolation Just Collapsed!

Current Events 08-18-2020

Sorry folks. Got a bit tied up with helping my sons with some car problems. And I’ve been decoupling from social media. Which takes a lot more time to accomplish than you might think. 

Plus some days, I don’t care too much about the endless litany of “Orange Man Bad”. Not enough to spend precious time reading it anyway.

Well That Explains a Lot Obama: ‘I Make Love to Men Daily’

While he wasn’t our first African-American President, he WAS our first homosexual President.

A Great Day For America 100 Years Ago, Women Won the Right to Vote

You have zero excuse not to vote, ladies.

Civil Rights Was The Final Fulfillment of the Principles of the American Revolution Instead Of Rejecting It, The Civil Rights Movement Fulfilled The American Revolution

You have zero excuse to be voting Democrat, black folks.

It’s All About Cheat-By-Mail The Democrats’ True USPS Endgame

The Democrats Intend to Force Civil War If They Don’t Get Their Way Sleepwalking into Secession

Jesus Was Not a Marxist, Although Many of His Self-Proclaimed Followers Are No, Jesus Was NOT A Socialist, Not Even Close!

These People Are the Worst Bigots The Democratic Convention Opens With Abject Racism; The Democrats say America is hopelessly racist, but we all know that’s not true.

If America Is So Bad…

Then go back to Africa. Try it out. You won’t like it.

This Is Outrageous

They can flag you as anything. Any time. And then they take your right to buy a gun. Craziness.