Events. Of a current nature.

Current Events 10-04-2019

Beware the New Paganism Climate Worship Is Nothing More Than Rebranded Paganism
We’re seeing sexualized dances, hallucinogens, worshiping nature, confessing sins in pagan animism, worshiping purified teen saints, all to promote a supposedly greater cause.

Pagans Kill Babies in Sacrifice to Pagan Deities Democrats’ Contempt for the Sanctity of Life

Bringing Down the Post-War Oligarchy At Last The Walls Really are Closing In . . . On the Elite
Every time they predict Trump’s downfall, they’re masking their own insecurities. Every time they accuse his administration of corruption, they’re trying to distract from their own corruption. It will get worse before it gets better, but time is running out.

“The global elites are losing control of the world order they labored to create for decades: a borderless oligarchy that empowers and enriches them at the expense of the people they rule.”

The Federal Bureaucracy Is Guilty of Treason President Trump Is Absolutely Right To Assume Federal Agencies Are Against Him; Too many of the unelected bureaucrats who staff the alphabet soup agencies seem to feel entitled to circumvent the will of the American people when it conflicts with their priors.

Heathens Can’t Be Trusted, And Should Not Be Allowed to Govern Democrats’ Contempt for the Sanctity of Life

Current Events 10-03-2019

They Are the Enemies of Us All Democrats Have Given Up on the Common Good

Democrats Hate America Why President Trump Is Likely to Win the Rust Belt in 2020

It’s Hunger Games for real.

Because They Can’t Murder Babies in Missouri Planned Parenthood has been building a secret abortion “mega-clinic” in Illinois

Lies, Lies, and Lying Liars Americans Have Every Reason To Be Suspicious Of The Whistleblower Complaint; The emerging Ukraine narrative is eerily similar to the Russian collusion hoax. Dismissing questions about its origins isn’t going to cut it.

Read the Transcript. It’s Not Hard (Well, Maybe for Millennials) CNN Just Yadda-Yadda-Yadda’d 540 Words To Frame Trump For ‘Favor’ He Never Requested

How Dare He Defend Himself You Ask a Lot of Questions for a President

Sure. WE’RE The Ones With the Credibility Problems. Beware the ‘Right-Wing Media Machine’?

Fake News is the enemy of free people.

White Heathen Liberals Don’t Care a Whit About ACTUAL Slaves Slavery Is Alive and Well

Current Events 09-30-2019

The Deep State Decided This From Day One Top-Level Intel Officers’ War Against Donald Trump Is Bad For The Country; Top political appointees at intelligence agencies are engaged in a dangerous and discrediting full-scale war against Donald Trump.

This Latest “Whistleblower” Nonsense Is Only More of the Same Coup Deleted Firsthand Knowledge Requirement For Whistleblowers Implicates Another Federal Agency; Was the ‘nonpartisan’ Congressional Research Service weaponized to force the House into a premature impeachment inquiry?

Climate “Science” = Communism ‘There is no climate emergency,’ hundreds of scientists, engineers tell U.N.

It is far from settled.

Current Events 09-28-2019

RINOs Need Not Apply – This is OUR Party Now Trump Exposes Paul Ryan and Romney Republicans

Never Trumpers and globalists get out. You sold our country down the river and we no longer need you. Maybe they’re hiring at CNN.

Enough With the Two-Tiered Justice System To Hell with the Elites; It’s time for the president to build a big, beautiful door in the wall of propaganda that papers over the actions of America’s ruling class. And make the Democrats pay for it.

Babykillers The Foundational Lies of Abortion Are Crumbling

Here Comes Cthulhu Physicists Are Creating Lasers Powerful Enough to Rip Holes in the Fabric of Reality; New technology could allow a high-velocity laser to pierce “through [the] fabric of the Universe.”

Current Events 09-18-2019

Progressive “Christianity” Is Not Biblical Christianity Mayor Pete Can Explain about Pro-Abortion Jesus

And Pete Booty Gig and similar Progressive Christians are not Christians. Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone requires repentance from sin. Abortion is murder. Homosexuality is fornication. They are both sins. Advocating for sin is hostile to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Howard Zinn’s Dark Legacy and the Dissolution of the American Republic How The New York Times Is Distorting American History; ‘The 1619 Project’ and its false and destructive narrative about this country

Current Events 09-17-2019

Because God Forbid We Stop Profiting From the Murder of Children The Real Reason for That Kavanaugh Smear

The Dems Have Lost Control of SCOTUS, So SCOTUS Has to Be Destroyed The Smearing Of Brett Kavanaugh Is An Attack On The Supreme Court; Destroying the institution is part of the plan.

Indeed We Are Bring It On: Conservatives Are Ready and Willing to Re-Fight the Kavanaugh War

This has to stop. People need to go to jail or be fired.

Libel Suits For All NYT Already “Walks Back New Kavanaugh Sexual-Misconduct Accusation”
A few other things that the Times failed to mention? That Max Stier worked as a Clinton defense attorney and has previously quoted Kavanaugh as a “respected thoughtful leader” during the Whitewater investigation.

And Don’t Forget to Buy Your Trump Straws! Why Plastic Straws Are Actually Better For The Planet Than Paper Straws

China Is the Real Culprit Which Countries Create the Most Ocean Trash?
China and Indonesia Are Top Sources of Plastic Garbage Reaching Oceans, Researchers Say

Not Only Is Pete Booty Gig a Sodomite, He’s a Baby Killer, Too. And Not a Christian. Fetus-Collecting Abortionist Connected To Unlicensed Abortion Facility In Buttigieg’s Town

Current Events 09-11-2019

Murderers Nurse: I Witnessed the Infanticide Ralph Northam Defended

We Forgot Eighteen Years Onward

He Is Not Wrong – You ARE Desecrating the Name of God ‘You’re Desecrating The Name Of God’: Gay Jewish Man Says Stranger Harassed Him Over Pink Kippah

We’re All Heretics Now Trump: A Heretic to the Modern Liberal Religion
Why can’t the Left bring itself to applaud the president on policies it has traditionally supported?

Current Events 09-09-2019

We’re In the End Game Now LGBT Activists Seek to Destroy Christianity

“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Matthew 24:12

Agreeing With the Bible on God’s Definition of Homosexual Behavior As Sin Is Not Hate Drew Brees Shouldn’t Have Ditched His Christian Brothers Over The Lies Of A Twitter Mob; Don’t throw your fellow believers under the bus to escape persecution. Like Drew Brees, all you’ll succeed in doing is hastening your demise.

Bad form. Homosexual behavior is sin. People who struggle with this sin CAN change. They need help. Christians can help them.

Leftist Policies Caused This Parkland dad uncovers how district enabled deranged student-turned-shooter

Leftist Policies Caused This The Trayvon Hoax That Divided America Is About to Be Exposed

Leftist Policies Caused This What the El Paso Shooter Learned from Immigrants

Leftists Do Not Believe in the Rule of Law, Unless It Benefits Them Beto Undermines Democracy: Falsely Claims Stacey Abrams Was Robbed in GA Governor’s Race

Therefore, every time a Republican wins, it is always illegitimate.

Current Events 09-07-2019

Who Cares For the Men? Who Cares For Families? The Cure for Confused Male/Female Relationships

Our culture is at war with men, and with families. It hates them, and everything they represent – stable, loving, heterosexual relationships centered around romantic love and the rearing of children.

Gimme’ That Old Time Eugenics Bernie Sanders Goes Full Eugenics: Abortion Will Control Population And Save The Planet

Walmart is a Monopoly, That Has Destroyed Small Business in America Walmart’s ‘Woke’ Capitalism

We must find an alternative to Wal-Mart and Amazon. I have a really hard time buying goods from companies that hate me, hate America, and where everything they sell is manufactured by slave labor in the 3rd world.

How Can This 24-Hour Leftist Propaganda Machine Be Permitted to Continue? What Is The Point of CNN? Nothing

Current Events 08-31-2019

Leftism IS Fascism – Stop Calling Trump Hitler, You Fascist Fools Think Trump is Hitler? Go to Dachau; You won’t find any shallow hashtags at the former concentration camp, just quiet, powerful reality.

Enemy of the People The Ten Biggest Lies The Media Has Told About Trump

Propagandists The Media’s No Good, Very Bad Week (And What’s Coming Next)

The Left is our enemy. They hate us and they want us gone. They make this clear ever more stridently, each and every day.

👉👉👉👉👉👉 Making a ‘Gunlike Hand Gesture’ Is a Crime, Pennsylvania Court Rules

pew pew pew