Events. Of a current nature.

Current Events 09-20-2017

Can’t Trust a Romney Night of the Living Mitt — Wasinger: Trump Movement Should Make Romney Senate Defeat ‘Top Priority’

Imagine That Don’t look now, but Donald Trump’s strategy is beating ISIS in Syria

Happy Birthday, CIA Happy Birthday CIA: 7 Truly Terrible Things the Agency Has Done in 70 Years

Current Events 09-19-2017

The People Who Ban White Supremacists Today Will Wield the Same Power Against You Tomorrow Free Speech Social Network ‘Gab’ Threatened with Termination from Domain Provider

Do We Really Want to be Peasants on Google/Facebook’s Plantation? Are Facebook and Google the New Colonial Powers?

Black Lives Matter are #AltLeft Brownshirts As St. Louis Erupts, Democrats Own It

RacistDemocrats are Guilty of Insurrection St. Louis Young Democrats Caught Organizing the Anti-Police Protest-Riots in St. Louis City

RacistDemocrats Murdered the Working Class The day that destroyed the working class and sowed the seeds of Trump

“White Privilege” is Bigotry Against Whites “White Privilege” Is A Racist Concept

The Barbarians Are At the Gates Who Truly Imperils Our Free Society?

Trump Proven Right, Yet Again Trump Vindicated: Report Says Obama Government Wiretapped Trump Campaign

Speed Limits, Traffic Cams are Government Thievery The New Gotcha Game of Variable Speed Limits

Current Events 09-18-2017

Environmentalism (Communism) Is Destroying Our National Parks and Forests Biggest Threat to the Environment Are Environmentalists

Go Ahead. Boot Trump Off Twitter. See What Happens. Without Donald Trump, Twitter Would Be Nearly Worthless

You Don’t Really Appreciate How Remote Some Places Can Be Until You’ve Been to Barrow In Alaska’s Far-Flung Villages, Happiness Is a Cake Mix

The Juggalos Are Coming! The Juggalos March on Washington

Deplorables Not Welcome New Segregation Signs Pop Up in Leftist Establishments

It’s Where Alphabet Soup Ideology Wants to Take Us The LGBT Agenda vs. Religious Freedom

Current Events 09-14-2017

Hurricanes Are Caused By Weather The Climate Alarmists Are Wrong; Two big storms don’t mean much.

RacistDemocrats Can’t Win Without Cheating Why Democrats fear voter fraud investigations; Trump’s Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity leaves the left in a panic

The Left Has Consumed the Democrat Party – Liberals Need Not Apply Leftism Is Not Liberalism; Dear liberals: Conservatives are not your enemy. The left is.

Current Events 09-12-2017

GDP. It’s All About the Benjamins, Baby. The Trump boom arrives; The president has shifted the economy and wealth creation into a faster gear

There Were Three Great Leftist Movements of the 20th Century: Communism, Fascism, and American Progressivism. Communism Was By Far the Bloodiest. A century of ghastly Communist sadism

Fakebook Why Nobody Can Trust Facebook

Current Events 09-08-2017

Want to End Prejudice? Jobs. People Need Better Jobs. Markets, Not Government, Improve Race Relations

Hurricanes Are Caused By Weather Hurricanes, Climate Models, and Wild Guesses

National Voter ID Would Prevent Democrat Cheating 5,300 Fraudulent Votes May Have Been Cast In NH In 2016

Current Events 09-05-2017

Illegal Immigration is Illegal For a Reason – It Siphons Resources Away From an Already Weak Economy Arguments For DACA Put Americans Last

Corporations want access to cheap foreign labor whom are slaves in all but name. They have no rights. No legal standing. Business can grossly underpay them. They aren’t required to pay them benefits. They’re not protected if they get injured on the job. They can’t sue if they are wrongly fired. They don’t get paid holidays, or paid vacation time, or sick days, or time off for their families. They are the invisible slave class that big business exploits to boost their profits at the expense of Americans who need those jobs.

Fascists Use Violence to Intimidate and Silence Dissent Violence Next Time

Why Not Increase Economic Growth and Help MORE People Enter the Middle Class? The quiet comeback of the middle class

Current Events 09-01-2017

Fascinating The Opening Lines of Romeo and Juliet Recited in the Original Accent of Shakespeare’s Time

The #Techopoly Represents a Clear and Present Danger to American Liberty Google is coming after critics in academia and journalism. It’s time to stop them.

#AltLeft Yes, antifa is the moral equivalent of neo-Nazis

We Must Oppose All Attempt From the #AltLeft to Reverse the 1st Amendment The hypocrisy of antifa

#AltLeft Promotes Racism Because Racism is Big Business For Them Why the Left Can’t Let Go of Racism; Liberals sell innocence from America’s past. If bigotry is pronounced dead, the racket is over.

Tax Reform Will Help a Lot of People The Trump Tax Reform Plan Is A Win for Middle Class Families

Decide Now GOP – Do You Want to Continue to Exist? Dear Congress: It’s Not Us, It’s You

Current Events 08-26-2017

Stay on Target, Mr. President Mr. Trump is on the right track.

Keep Chasing Those Laser Pointers, #FakeNews Trump is winning the statue war

No Brakes on This Train 2018 Will Be A Bloodbath – For Democrats

When Will We Be Tearing Down Statues to Nazi-Lovers? What about monuments that honor Nazi-lovers?

These People, These #AltLeft Bigots, Are Exactly Why Trump Won, and Will Again in 2020 ‘Huffington Post’ Columnist: Does Serving In The Military Turn You Into A Racist?

This Is Who The #AltLeft Is Philly AntiFa ‘Cell’ Calls For All-Out Revolution, Demands “Gender Abolition”, “Expropriate Land From Rich”

Those Primitive Savages The Babylonians discovered a strange form of trigonometry; The Middle Eastern civilization created a trig table 1,000 years before the Greeks.

Not Batman!! You Evil Bastards! Batman Is About To Be Infected With The Social Justice Virus; The Joker is the hero.

So it’s come to this. Batman is a fascist. Western Civilization is doomed. 🙂

Current Events 08-25-2017

Ultimately, We Have to Vote the Bums Out Take It to the People, Mr. President

Antifa is the Militant Wing of the #AltLeft Antifa is the new KKK

Black Lives DON’T Matter to Liberals Baltimore’s Leaders Admit They Know How To Reduce Murder Rate, But REFUSE To Do It

Mystery Solved Confederate sub’s weapon killed its own crew, researchers find