Current Events 05-19-2022

Like His Voters Half Of Biden’s Twitter Followers Are Fake According To Audit

Increasing Federal Police Power to Crack Down on All Political Dissent House Passes Domestic Terrorism Bill After Buffalo Shooting

Anybody critical of the regime, or willing to stand against its illegal actions, is going to be declared a terrorist, especially, as 85% of the population is, if they happen to be white.

You’re a Terrorist and You Don’t Know It The New Racial Hatred

Black supremacists are real, and everywhere. Violent, destructive, and bigoted against whites. And no terrible thing they do will ever be criticized or punished. But if you fight back, if you defend yourself against black-on-white violence, YOU will be declared a terrorist and destroyed. 

Replacement theory is a real thing. They actually are trying to replace white people, who often vote Republican and have cultural distinctives that lend themselves to law and order, with 3rd world peasants that they assume will replace us and our cultural distinctives which they hate. It’s why they have imported so many North African Muslims. Every illegal immigrant they let in here replaces one Republican vote, waters down the job pool with cheap labor, and drives white communities and black communities both further and further into poverty.

All this is going to do is create more racists. 

They must know this. And they are doing it on purpose to provoke war so they will finally have the excuse they need to suspend all civil liberties, and murder all political dissidents.

We Need Fewer, Not More Muslims Why It’s So Hard to Pity Muslims

Don’t let your sense of fair play lull you to sleep. If Muslims ever get a plurality, they will swiftly conquer our nation, kill all opposition, and suppress all other religious faiths. It’s what they have always done.

Disney’s Gonna Disney Disney Debuts New LGBTQ Pride Children’s Collection

Disney is donezo. They are a pack of groomers and heathens that hate us and hate America.

Whatever You Do, Do Not Dare Criticize the Obvious and Open Grooming Texas Church Evicted After Pastor Criticized LGBTQ Mural In City Council Meeting

We never should have allowed ourselves to be bullied into tolerating homosexuality. It’s wickedness. It’s sin. It is rebellion against God and against nature. They can’t have kids of their own unless they buy them from normal people. The only way they can grow their numbers is through indoctrinating the young. So it has always been.

Look Who Took the Redpill Elon Musk: Democrat Hate Drives Me To Vote Republican

It Is An Illegal Regime, Initiated With Fraud, Built Upon a Mountain of Lies Lies, Lies, Lies, Yeah; “Twisted truth and half the news” could be the Biden administration’s motto.

Masks Still Don’t Work. Fake Studies And Manipulated Data Have Not Changed This. Why That Big Randomized Trial On Face Coverings Didn’t Find What Corporate News Claimed It Did

Current Events 05-18-2022

You’re Not an Extremist – The Dems Have Shifted So Far Left We All Appear “Far Right” Elon Musk Announces He’s Switching To Vote Republican

She’s Not “Plus Sized” – She’s Fat Jordan Peterson Quits Twitter After Calling Plus-Size Model ‘Not Beautiful’

BLM is a Terrorist Organization That Shook Down Billions From Corporations Tax Documents Further Expose Black Lives Matter Organization As Racist Multimillion-Dollar Grifter Project

And to all the people who called me racist, back when I was still on Facebook, for pointing this out – shame on you.

Surprise – He Ain’t Right (Mentally or Politically) Here’s What the Buffalo Shooter’s Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

The War on Women Is Real, and It Comes From the Left Up by Your Boobstraps; What the formula shortage exposes about America’s view of womanhood.

Do you want strong, healthy kids? Breastfeed. Don’t want to have to inundate their tiny bodies with vaccines that only make them sick, aren’t effective until they are a little older? Breastfeed. Want to be silently judged by the legion of barren, childless, unmarried women whose bodies are ravaged by illicit hookups and birth control? Breastfeed. 

Our society hates women as much as it hates men. It hates anybody that’s normal, healthy, happy, and doing what God designed them to do.

Truth Social

FYI folks! Trump’s new social media platform, Truth Social, has been active on IOS since February. As of today, the web app is now live. So get on over to and sign up while you can still get the username you want. Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/TikTok/YouTube are groomer platforms that allow pedophiles, assorted other perverts, terrorists, heathens and anti-Semitic bigots to roam free, but bans Christians, conservatives, Trump Supporters and anybody else who won’t spout the party line. Those platforms are dead to me.

I highly recommend you make use of Truth Social. It’s a great platform.

If you intend to follow my awesome and insightful truths as I post them, even more reason to SIGN UP TODAY.

Current Events 05-16-2022

The Cake is a Lie Ukraine And The New Al Qaeda

Ukraine is a CIA state. They were overthrown by a CIA backed color revolution in 2014. Their government and military is riddled with neo-nazis. Russia, no good guy either, is justifiably interested in keeping a CIA backed state, riddled with neo-nazis, from joining NATO and becoming a nuclear threat right on their doorstep. Also, Ukraine is a nexus of the American deep state’s money laundering operations. Gun running, narcotics, human trafficking, intelligence sharing, you name it.

They are using Ukraine to craft a new “global white supremacist threat”, as a pretext for cracking down on the political right in America. Since we are mostly white, hate illegal immigration, reject Critical Race Theory and Marxism, and are critical of the current illegal regime, we are all white supremacists by their definition. They will use the “global white supremacist threat” as an excuse to ban our few free speech platforms from the internet, suppress all political dissent, and justify endless terror campagns/riots in American cities. We are under attack. They want us to accept their rule over us, agree with our enemies that we are awful racist people, and allow the continued destruction of our country.

It cannot stand.

Payton Gendron: The Latest Glow Op

Payton Gendron is yet another mentally disturbed young man, groomed online, radicalized by federal agents, and then turned loose to commit a convenient “hate crime” just in time for the mid-terms. They are going to paint us all as white supremacists and terrorists, just like Clinton did to America’s various militia groups in the aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing. Prepare for another summer of love.

There is a link to the unedited footage of Peyton’s helmet cam in the comment section of the video. It is horrific. Just steps out of his car, starts murdering people. I don’t think any of those people, even if they were armed, could have drawn a gun in time to save themselves.

I have downloaded a copy in case it gets memory holed, but I will not be uploading it to my usual cloud storage.

They are trying to create a narrative of “white supremacists targeting black people”, but when black people murder white people in similar numbers, it is never called a hate crime, never reported.

In fact, the same day, a black supremacist in Milwaukee killed 20 people coming out of a football game.


So all we’re going to hear about from now to the mid-terms is how we have to do something about all the “white supremacists”, ban guns, and crack down on free speech, while BLACK supremacists remain free to keep killing white people, brag about it online, and nothing is ever said about it.

Prepare Yourselves For Another Summer of Love There Will Be Blood

America is A Husk – You Are a Conquered People The Leftwing Insurrection

When the Left succeeded in stealing the 2020 election, and when the Republican Party rolled over for it, using the lame excuse of the so-called January 6 “Insurrection”, we were doomed. Our nation is done. Unless we somehow wrest power from the people running our country, we will continue to live the impoverished subjugated lives they have designed for us.

The Left Fears Losing Power. They Will Respond With More Terrorism Directed Against Americans. Imagine the Unimaginable

Are You a Babykiller, Defending Yourself With the Usual Tired Old Arguments? You Sound Just Like a Southern Democrat Slave Owner. Slavery and Abortion Have More and More in Common; We learned to live without slavery. So it will have to be with abortion.

We Must Refuse This Demonic Cult They’re Not Insane, They Have a Plan; Is it just deranged thespians and virtue-signaling politicians who have been driven mad? Not quite.

Current Events 05-11-2022

The Media Apparatchiks Serve the Regime – They Are All Liars Fact Checking the Fact Checkers: Debunking AP’s ‘2000 Mules’ Hit Piece

We Are Living In the Aftermath of a Palace Coup The consequences of the stolen 2020 election are increasingly catastrophic

At some point, we are going to have to start arresting and executing people. If the Left can do all that they have done and face no consequences at all, then we are truly a Banana Republic with meaningless laws.

This Is On Purpose Why is biggest baby formula plant in US STILL shut down after three months? Abbott says plant is safe and was not responsible for bacteria that killed two kids – but FDA refuses to reopen it as parents across US struggle to feed their babies

The regime is punishing the middle and working class, because we elected Donald Trump.

We Need to Make Manhood Great Again The Beginning of Courage

The Dems Are Doomed And They Know It The Final Nail in the Coffin for Democrat Redistricting Hopes Is Hammered Home

A Declaration of War

I wish I lived in Texas so I could vote for Allen West. This is a declaration of war. The enemy has made their intentions towards us abundantly clear. Are we going to tamely roll over and let the Maoists keep control of our country, purge us and our children? Or are we going to fight, for our country, for our futures, to secure the kind of nation where we want our children and grandchildren to live? I for one have had it. No more tolerance for the intolerant.

No More Tolerating the Intolerant

Current Events 05-10-2022

Arm Up, Christians God Is Under Attack – The Mob Comes For Religion

We had a color revolution and a palace coup in 2020. The Maoists will try to destroy religion next, as we are all that stands between them and unfettered power.

Abortion is Murder. Always Has Been. The Devil is in the Details, so Let’s Avoid the Details

Do you realize that the 15% of the population that is descended from African slaves should be closer to 19%? That’s because abortion is overwhelmingly directed at poor blacks in this country. Which was the goal – to reduce their numbers. In their wildest dreams, the Klan and the neo-Nazis never proposed direct eugenics control of the black population. But Planned Parenthood did, and has.

I Would Add Obergfell v. Hodges and Lawrence v. Texas After Roe, Here Are Seven More Precedents the Post-Trump Supreme Court Should Smash

What Other Recourse Do We Have in the Face of an Oligarchy That Hates Us? The Exasperated American; Will the voters channel their furor at this regime of lies into an unprecedented turnout at the polls in November?

Of course, there’s always boogaloo.

It Cannot Be a Pendulum – It Has to Be a Wrecking Ball The Anatomy of a Wave Election; Grover Cleveland, like Joe Biden, remained both stubborn and stuck ahead of the midterms and in his final two years in office. More than a century later, Democrats are in for another hard lesson. 

Democrats and Quisling RINOs cannot be allowed to have power anywhere ever again.

America is a Banana Republic – Change My Mind No More Ballots in the Wild; The easiest way to restore trust in the election process is to ban mail-in voting.

Middle America Must Be Punished for Voting Trump Diesel fuel is in short supply as prices surge — Here’s what that means for inflation

This is all on purpose.

Back in Black

Howdy folks! I accidentally broke my laptop screen, so I have been waiting on a replacement part to get my laptop back. It took a month, thanks to the supply chain shortage that is in no way related to the actions of our current illegal regime, or foolish dependency on Communist China.

Everything is now copacetic. I suppose I could have blogged on my phone, but given that with my hands, a standard iPhone looks like a gorilla holding a grain of rice, I opted not to. Now that I have the option of typing with a physical keyboard once again, the blogs will resume.

Current Events 03-29-2022

Stolen Elections Have Consequences Joe Biden Uses Cheat Sheet to Give Pre-Scripted Answers to Reporters’ Prearranged Questions About Ukraine

Trump Won, And He Will Win Again How the ‘Trump Won’ Movement Will Be Vindicated; The coming election cycles are shaping up to vindicate the die-hards who refused to be gaslighted under the most daunting of circumstances.

Both Positions Are Wrong ForeverMask and NeverVax

HIS Name Is WILLIAM Thomas Call Him William Thomas

I Think Revolution Is Probably Needed – The Olligarchs Proved They Don’t Care About Voting The Sheer Madness of Today’s Left; When ideologues demand power but cannot achieve it politically because they are cruel ideologues, expect more of their insanity to follow.

Censorship is Always Wrong

Censorship means that, even if the espoused position happens to be wrong, you are never going to be allowed to hear the evidence, or make up your own mind. You are being told what to think. If nobody can even discuss an event, or an ideology without being censored, then how can anybody find out what is true? The truth is never as cut and dry as people in media and politics want us to believe. The purpose of media is not to inform, but to indoctrinate after all. Why should we “Stand With Ukraine” but give no thought for the 140M Russians having their economy destroyed? Who profits from all this? Personally, I stand with America. And the sanctions on Russia are only going to hurt Russians and Americans while the ultra rich pushing these color revolutions stand to profit from the chaos.

When YouTube bans something from their platform, that makes me want to see it even more.

Consequently, I offer up Oliver Stone’s documentary on Ukraine, “Ukraine On Fire”. I do not agree with Oliver Stone on some things. He is an old school Lefty. He thinks Nazis are right wing for example (they are not – they are in fact Left wing. Anarchism is right wing.). He places deserved blame with the neo-cons in the Republican Party, but completely absolves the Democrats of any guilt. Pay particular attention to the color revolutions, their tactics and outcomes. I wonder if Oliver Stone will be making any documentaries on BLM/Antifa and the palace coup we just experienced in 2020? He is a Lefty after all, so probably not…

The parallels between the 2020 George Floyd/BLM riots and the 2014 Maydan revolution are strikingly similar. George Floyd was our very own “sacred victim”, used as propaganda to fuel our very own color revolution in the United States.

FYI: The title sequence features a naked woman, which I assume represents Ukraine, wreathed in fire. They keep the naughty bits covered mostly, but not entirely, in CGI flames. It is easily skipped over.