Current Events 09-20-2012
Testify! Waiting till the wedding night – getting married the right way
We Are Witnessing the Next Tech Revolution The New MakerBot Replicator Might Just Change Your World
Testify! Waiting till the wedding night – getting married the right way
We Are Witnessing the Next Tech Revolution The New MakerBot Replicator Might Just Change Your World
No. Not Ever. Can sex between brothers and sisters ever be normal?
It’s a process. First, we have been trained and bullied to accept the “homosexual lifestyle”, then “bisexual”, then “trans-gendered”. None of these are normal. All of them stem from serious psychological trauma. Now, the uglier aspects of this “movement” are being trotted out of the closet, and we will be forced to comply. Soon, it will be LGBTIPBN (Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgendered-Incest-Pedophelia-Bestiality-Necrophilia), and normal will have to once again be re-defined to suit the latest push for more perversion in society.
That’s Because It’s Not News. It’s Propaganda. Millinneals: News Is Garbage
I haven’t watched news for years. I always pull news from a variety of sources. This makes it far more difficult for the shapers of “news” to control the flow of information.
Excessive Police Power FBI launches $1 billion nationwide facial recognition system
And here’s how you defeat the intrusive, unconstitutional invasion of privacy: Anonymous – Fighting Trapwire
Because There’s Nothing Dems Hate Worse Than God and Jews Democrats change platform to add God, Jerusalem
City States Honduras Sets Stage For 3 Privately Run Cities
No Basis In Reality The Unvarnished Truth about the Left’s ‘Racist Sexist Homophobe’ Mantra
BARBECUE!!! How is a dead whale disposed of?
When Governments Regulate Pancake Syrup, Only Criminals Will Have Pancake Syrup Pancake puzzler: Maple syrup heist baffles Quebec
Looks Like Barry Bonds’ Record Is In Jeopardy Boffins create super-muscular ‘Hulk’ mice: Humans next
Have a Coke and an ARRRGGHHHHH!!!! Boy gets 38 stitches after can of soft drink explodes in his face
god Is Dead Rev. Moon, Times founder, dies at 92
Shut Up, Nye! Bill Nye the Pseudoscience Guy
Seriously, in what way, exactly, does religious belief in the philosophical cosmology of evolution make you a better scientist? I honestly can’t see how it matters, unless you’re a university professor trying to get grants and tenure.
The Big Lie Must Be Overcome The Black Vote in 2012
Why “African-Americans”? Why do you keep voting for these pro-slavery, Klan-loving racists? Racist Quotes By Famous Democrats
FACT: Chuck Norris Can Kick Media Bias Into Low Earth Orbit Chuck Norris’ Dire Warning For America
Really “Christians”? 30 million of you DIDN’T vote in 2008? What’s wrong with you?
Snip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah! Doctors back circumcision; US task force finds that public-health benefits of the procedure outweigh risks to individuals.
Well, DUH! Only Minorities That Matter Are LIBERAL Minorities! MSNBC cuts every speech made by a minority from RNC speech coverage
Coulda’ Told Ya That. Dude. Cannabis smoking ‘permanently lowers IQ’
That’s. Amazing. This Awesome 50,000-Piece Lego Rivendell Was Made by a Kid
Well It’s About Time The Tesla Museum Is On: Internet Raises Funds To Buy Property And Then Some
What He’s Doing Isn’t Brave or Bold. With rape remark, Todd Akin dashes Missouri Republicans’ hopes
It’s Pure Selfish Ambition, and It Will Cost Us the Senate, Possibly the White House. Why Todd Akin hurts Mitt Romney
The REAL Extremist Who’s the Extremist?
Voting Conscience Obama versus Jesus: Black Christians Must Decide
If you’re black, and you vote for Obama, that’s your call, but understand: you have no business calling yourself Christian if you do. In addition to being our most racist President since perhaps Jefferson Davis, he is for abortion at every stage of pregnancy, including the barbaric partial-birth abortion, and murdering babies that survive the other procedures. He believes we should all pay for infanticide with our taxes, and wants to force employers to pay for birth control, even if their personal convictions are against it. He’s for “gay marriage”, and “gay rights”, and the full on advance of the radical “homosexual” agenda. He hates America, and desires nothing less than a Communist State where government is god. How can you vote for a man that hates Christianity so completely and opposes your belief system in every way?
This is besides the fact that voting for someone purely because of skin color is racist.
He Needs to Step Down. Too Much Is At Stake. The Divine Providence Of Voters: Akin Down 10 Points In Missouri
Colossal Double Standard Dems Better Put Some Ice on That ‘Rape’ Talk
Collective Reaction From Nation’s Cueballs: WOOHOO!! Baldness cure could be on shelves in two years
Yeah. That’s What They WANT YOU TO THINK! 63 Year Old Engineer Japan’s Last Ninja
Ignorant Backsides Memo To U.S. Airways Employees: The Coast Guard Is Part Of The Military
Oh COME ON! People Bury Their Dead On Their Own Land in Other Countries All the Time! Ala. Man Fights To Keep Wife Buried In Front Yard; City Wants Remains Moved To Cemetery
Global Warming Junk “Science” Is Killing People How “Policy By Panic” Can Backfire for Environmentalists
Clear Choices. Finally. Political Fog Finally Lifts
The Libs Have Lost the Argument Touré Invokes Nazi Term ‘Niggardize’ To Demonize Romney
It’s Only a Hate Crime When It’s Politically Useful to Libs White House Dodges Question of Whether FRC Shooting Was Hate Crime
Ironic Romney’s Bain saved site of Obamas’ first kiss
I’m For That Elon Musk Pledges To Support Nikola Tesla Museum Project
Wow Awesome Chinese Iron Man Built Himself Bionic Arms After His Homemade Bomb Blew Up His Real Arms
Triumphant Capitalism Walmart’s Master Plan to Sell China to Itself