Current Events 05-08-2018

This Won’t End Well. For the Deep State. On ‘Russian Collusion,’ Trump Will Win…Big Time

We Don’t Need A Saint. We Just Need A Guy Who Represents Real Americans and Will Not Cave. ‘We Knew Exactly Who He Was When We Voted for Him’

Democrat. Democrat. Sleazy Woman-Beating Democrat. Media Hides Eric Schneiderman’s Political Affiliation

Current Events 05-07-2018

Violent Upheaval Is Not Only Possible, It is Probable The Surprisingly Solid Mathematical Case of the Tin Foil Hat Gun Prepper, Or, “Who Needs an AR-15 Anyway?”

You must hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

Mob Rule Makes Gun Ownership Necessary Mobs Against Our Rights

These people are Maoists. They think the only way a new communist utopia can be achieved is if Real Americans are exterminated. Our way of life must be extirpated, and replaced with their new Marxist way of life. They must be met with violence if needed. Failure to stand our ground will result in war and mass genocide.

Socialism, Like Fascism, Is A Philosophical Dead-end That Murdered Millions in Pursuit of Utopia “Real Socialism” Has Indeed Been Tried — And It’s Been a Disaster

He’s the President – They Have No Authority Memo to Trump: Defy Mueller

The Intolerant Left Snoop Dogg’s ‘White Kanye’ Proves Just How Intolerant Liberals Really Are

Liberals Ruin Everything They Touch An Eagle Scout Explains the Fatal Folly of Taking the ‘Boy’ out of Boy Scouts

Double Standards Galore Will Rosie O’Donnell Serve Time Like Dinesh D’Souza?

Current Events 05-04-2018

I’ve Said It Before And I Will Keep Saying It – Trump Had To Win Yes, 2016 Was the Flight 93 Election; Would Donald Trump be a better president if he were more like the righteous David French?

The Left had to be stopped. They clearly thought they had the election in the bag, that the stars were properly aligned, and this was the election where they would win the culture war once and for all. They were poised to do all the terrible things that conspiracy nuts have tried to warn us about. Religious freedom? Gone. Middle America? Destroyed. Open borders? You betcha. Our transformation into a Socialist State would have been complete. We weren’t supposed to win. This explains the ever increasing stridency and insanity we are seeing from the Left, and the ongoing coup being waged against the President by the Deep State. The truth is this: this is who these Fascists really are. Their masks have been torn off, and the monsters are revealed for what they were all along.

The Left Won’t Go Down Without a Fight It’s Time For The Right To Realize The Left Is A Much Greater Threat Than Trumpism; Ideas and persuasion alone are as insufficient to stem the tide of illiberalism sweeping across the country as a few liquor raids were to bringing down Al Capone.

These people are dangerous. Never Trumpers are to my mind like Tories during the Revolution. You may not like Donald Trump, but you must support his agenda. We have too much to lose for your, frankly, elitist attitudes and traitorous behavior. Get on the train, or get out of the way and let the adults work.

Be Meek and Mild – See If There’s Any America Left For You to Live In Christians’ Munich Moment in California

We have to fight. Now’s not the time to be sanctimonious and naive.

It’s Time to Call Bigotry Bigotry Bias against conservatives works like any other prejudice

Take the word Christian, or white out of a statement, replace it with “black” or “woman”. If it sounds bigoted, it’s because it is.

Don’t Let Them Gaslight You Upstream From Culture

You are not wrong to find gay “sex” revolting. It IS perversion. You are not wrong to want to protect traditional marriage, as it is the bedrock of Western Civilization. The end game of the Homfascist Left has always been the abolition of Christianity, and Freedom of Speech and Religion. They have no interest in peaceful coexistence. If they can’t convert you to their godless religion, then they will destroy you.

Academia Is An Ideological Iron Curtain – Conservatives Need Not Apply How Politically Biased Are Universities? New Study Finds It’s Far Worse Than Anybody Thought.

Current Events 05-02-2018

Liberals Are Like Anti-Vaxxers – They Want The Benefits of a Religious Society, But None of the Morality Imagine a World with No Religion

We Are Not In Danger of Overpopulation The Great Population Hoax Turns 50

The Children of Gen X Are Ready to Conquer the World Through the Eyes of Gen Z

We Must, As a Culture, Restore the Dignity of Motherhood Don’t Believe The New York Times. Motherhood Is So Much More Than ‘The Dumbest Job Ever’

This is ALL About Banning Christian Speech Snopes Is a Sneaky Liar About California’s Bill To Ban Christian LGBT Talk; Read the bill. There is no religious exemption. There is no restriction to mental health professionals. This is not simply a ‘gay conversion ban.’

Current Events 04-27-2018

Shall We Surrender Our Liberty To Technocrats? How the Internet Turned Bad; The 1990s Vision Failed

We Cannot Be Polite. We Cannot Ever Apologize For Being Right. Stand On Truth And Make All The Liars And Fascists Bleed. If You Want To Stop Liberal Bullying, Start By Telling Them To Buzz Off

This is the Temple and the time has come to flip over tables. If we choose to stick our heads in the sand and be meek and mild, we’re going to look around one day and find there is no country for Christians anymore. And that would be a tragedy for the whole world.

Case in Point Christians Deceived by the LGBTQ Movement

Living and Powerful and Sharper Than Any Two-Edged Sword No GQ, the Bible is not Racist, Sexist or Boring

Doesn’t Anyone Love the People Who Only Want Freedom From Mental Illness? If California’s LGBT Therapy Ban Had Been Law 30 Years Ago, I Might Have Killed Myself; If I had been prevented from having access to helpful people and materials, as Assembly Bill 2943 proposes, the bill would have been a ‘stay trans and die’ bill for me.

The UK Is Lost. And We’re There in 20 Years If We Are Not Vigilant. Why Alfie Will Never Escape the NHS Alive; Tom Evans has been taught to love Big Brother.

The Deep State Rules Best When People Are Afraid, Emotional, And Not Thinking. How False Flag Operations Are Carried Out Today

Current Events 04-25-2018

This Was a Muslim War Against a Defenseless Christian Population, Pure and Simple The Armenian Genocide Wasn’t Primarily A ‘Genocide’; Religion and race are different, and the distinction matters.

Christians Need Not Apply Another Religious Litmus Test for Christians

Kanye Should Be Able to Think Whatever He Pleases Kanye West and the Awesome Power of Celebrity

However, were he white, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. He’d already be fired, driven into exile.

Current Events 04-18-2018

It Long Ago Shifted From Education to Indoctrination – Public School is All About Control K-12: How Our Schools Make Monsters

Moralizing Is Not The Same As Morality Blame The Left For The Rise Of Moralizing In America; Progressives and social justice warriors today are in the business of moralizing, which isn’t the same thing as being moral.

Only A Vegan Would Be So Wicked As to Hate Chik-fil-A The Real Reason New Yorkers Are Mad About Chick-Fil-A Has Nothing To Do With Christians; Chick-fil-A is not merely a fast food restaurant run by Christians; it is God, speaking to us through food.

Maybe Don’t Invade a Store, Refuse to Buy Anything, and Refuse to Leave When Politely Asked So, Is Starbucks Really Chock Full Of Racist Baristas? The Evidence Isn’t There.

Current Events 04-17-2018

America Is a Perverted Culture The Perversion of America; Mike Pompeo’s Senate hearing revealed an important truth.

The perverts want us pushed to the fringes of society, excluded from every aspect, or maybe just killed. Can you really trust perverts to be just or honorable?

Indoctrinating Generations of Perverts The School System Corrupts And Sexualizes Our Children And Calls It ‘Sex Ed’

“Whites” Are Hated Because They’re Successful Hate-Whitey Racists Are Poison

Bigots. They Are Bigots. New Yorker To Christians: We Don’t Want Your Kind Around Here; Evidently, Dan Piepenbring can’t understand why Chick-fil-A is so popular with New York City residents, given the city’s progressive political and social leanings.

The Last Acceptable Form of Sexism American Popular Culture Has Portrayed Fathers As Drooling Idiots For WAY TOO LONG

Does No One Care For the Victims of Gun Control? The Invisible Victims of Gun Control

Current Events 04-16-2018

Gun Control Is Racism The Systemic Racism of American Gun Control

There’s no better way to control a population than to keep them disarmed and dependent on the State for their safety.

Republicans Still Have to Fight Showdown in November: Fearsome Blue Wave or Flaccid Democrat Failure?

America Is Multi-Ethnic, Not Multicultural

America is unique among the nations in that we are bound to one another not by ethnic heritage, but by ideology. American culture makes us all American. So, you can celebrate your national heritage, and we can all celebrate with you. Irish, Italian, German, Jewish, Polish, West African, Indian, Indigenous, and so forth, all add their unique characteristics to the nation as a whole. We can enjoy our uniqueness and still be unified to one another because of our common American identity. It’s why our country is so incredible.

Multiculturalism is Marxism with a different label. It starts with the idea that American culture is evil and oppressive, and that all other cultures, no matter how barbaric, backwards, and repressive, are equal to ours. As a matter of fact, our success means we have to endlessly apologize for who we are, and be made ashamed of our superior cultural heritage. Multiculturalism divides American from American, spits on our flag, spits on our history and values, and diminishes the individual in the face of a pervasive identity politics groupthink. America is great because her people are great. America is superior because her culture is superior. We succeed because we’re better. No matter how you got here, if you’re a citizen, either natural born or naturalized, you are my countryman. Thank God that of all the places you could have been birthed, He put you in the United States. And that is a very great blessing indeed. God bless America!

Golden Rule