Current Events 08-02-2018

Atheism Is the Way of Death Would human life be sacred in an atheist world? It’s disturbingly hard to say so

You Can’t Call It Evil If There Is No God New Atheists’ Views Of Murder Prove Jordan Peterson Is Right About Where Atheism Leads. Let us give Steven Pinker and Sam Harris their hearing. Let us follow them into the broad, sunlit uplands of their utopian moral landscape and see what we might find there.

The fool has said in his heart “There is no God.” Why do we continue to show respect or tolerance for fools, especially when, given the chance, they consistently do such terrible things? Atheism is a moral and intellectual sinkhole that inevitably leads to anarchy and death wherever it is tolerated. Atheism exists in the West due to the social order and stability created by Judeo-Christian influences. So in this sense, atheists are like anti-vaxxers who depend on the protection of the vaccinated populace to live, all the while decrying those who utilize vaccines.

Democrats Sure Do Love Violence and Death The Origins of Our Second Civil War

We conservatives will not start this war, but by God we WILL finish it.

The Left IS the Fringe – Their Nuts Are Celebrated, Even Venerated Guess What, Brian Schatz? There’s Plenty Of Crazy To Go Around. The idea that one side has all the nuts is absurd. In many ways, our political insanity is symbiotic.

Tell Me Again How We Are Guilty of Violent Rhetoric Reporters, Celebs Call Trump Supporters ‘Nazis,’ ‘KKK,’ Want Them ‘Euthanized’ After Tampa Rally

Never Distract a Liberal With Facts I’m a director at ICE: Stop putting politics before safety

No More Transplants Grow-your-own organs could be here within five years, as scientists prove they work in pigs

I certainly hope they get a Nobel.

Facepalm No, Jesus Is Not Even Close To A Socialist

As a matter of fact, when Communists take over, the followers of Christ are the first ones they kill.

What Do You Know – Comply With Law Enforcement’s Commands and You Won’t Be Shot Father Grabs Gun to Detain Accused Naked Child Molester Threatening His Family

Thirty Years of Awesome Happy Anniversary, Rush!

Trayvon Was a Violent, Angry, Abandoned Young Man Who Nearly Killed George Zimmerman Paramount Owes America an Apology for Jay-Z’s Trayvon Series

Activist Idiocy, and Society Bears the Cost Polystyrene Bans Are Indefensible; Another example of trendiness based on utter ignorance.

Speech Doesn’t Hurt Anybody Ending Online Outrage Mobs

What they really want is the criminalization of thought.

Current Events 07-26-2018

Rape Is Evil; Defending Rapists Is Also. Central Park Rapists: Trump Was Right

Black Marxism and the Destruction of the Black Family is Making Black Communities Violent and Racist Black Crime Gets Crazier

The Marxists Won’t Be Happy Until They Force a War America’s Next Civil War Will Be Worse Than Our Last

These People Are the Very Definition of Wickedness and Fascism Deliver Us to Evil

The Left is Filled With People Who Do Not Believe in Law James Gunn And Brett Kavanaugh Illustrate The Left’s Disregard For Playing By The Rules; Both offer lessons on the benefit of having a clean paper trail, and insight into how we think about the very concept of rules in our society.

We Elected Trump to Overcome a Cabal of Globalist Oligarchs Determined to Rule Us Like Peasants Why We Never Get Tired of Winning and Never Trumpers Never Get Tired of Losing

We Are Taking Our Party Back From the RINOs and Never Trump Traitors Rand Paul and the New GOP

This Man Tried to Buy Hillary Victory in 2016 Is Bill Browder the Most Dangerous Man in the World? The darling of the war party needs to answer some questions

The Fascist Left Ruins Everything They Touch Cesspool: 5 Ways The Internet Went Totally Wrong

Pro-Perversion Is a Moral and Intellectual Dead-end GOP Bill Seeks To Prevent U.S. Embassies From Raising Gay Pride Flags And Others; Bans any flag that is not the American flag

Current Events 07-23-2018

Do These Things and Live, Moses Said The ‘Protestant Work Ethic’ Really Does Fight Poverty; How Christian discipleship affects household income.

I know the statement “America is a Christian nation” seems to trigger today’s millennial Christians, but it is nevertheless a true statement – America is great because of Christianity. Can you really see us reaching the pinnacle of wealth, science and culture were we Animist or Muslim?

Fatherlessness and the Left’s War on the Black Family Has Wrought This Congressman Jason Lewis Tells the Truth about Black Violence

If You Survive the Womb In a Roe v Wade World, You ARE Privileged White Birth Privilege

Imperial Congress More Sneaky Things Than You Think Take Place Behind the Scenes in Politics

Of Course the Fascists Hate America – What Else Is New? Calling Law Enforcement Terrorists Is Proof That The Left Hates America

Why Should We Give Money to Countries That Despise Us? The EU Has Been America’s “Foe” Since The End Of The Old Cold War

Current Events 07-19-2018

Trump Is Right To Distrust the Intelligence Community/Deep State U.S. President Donald Trump Initially Refused to Acknowledge Manufactured Reality; Why should Trump give any credence to the intelligence agencies who first tried to prevent, and later subvert, his presidency?

Fake Outrage, Fake Crisis, FAKE NEWS The Trump/Putin Summit Is the Worst Thing Ever Until the Next Worse Thing Ever

The Left Are Brownshirt Fascists Who Will Kill Us Before They’ll Let Us Have Our Country This Opinion Just In… No, political mayhem is not a bipartisan thing.

The #AltLeft Are Dangerous – Defend Yourself Accordingly Rap Sheet: ***529*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters

Government Is Force, So People Who Want Government To Solve Everything Are Totalitarian By Nature Of Course, ‘Activists’ Are Thugs

Faux Civility Is A Gag Meant to Silence All Opposition Jumping the New York Times Invisible Fence; A good dog knows his place — or else!

And the New York Times is the fakest of all fake news.

Every Policy, Every Action, Is an Expression of Belief Everybody Has Religious Beliefs, Some People Just Deny It; When politicians argue that we should not ‘legislate morality,’ they are engaging in a theater of the absurd.

We Need Our Past, To Inform Our Present, Prepare Us For Our Futures Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Relative On Librarians’ Dismissal Of Her Work: ‘Trying To Rewrite’ History

Censorship is the Left’s favorite tool of oppression.

If We Lose This Fight, We’ll Never Get Any More Nominations – And the Left Knows It Don’t Let Them Bork Judge Kavanaugh


Current Events 07-13-2018

Roe v Wade Will Go Down in Infamy Alongside Plessy v Ferguson Five Reasons I Think “Roe v. Wade” Should Be Overturned

If Murdering Babies Doesn’t Disturb You, What About the Women? Many Women Are Already Serving Life Because Of Abortion, And Overturning Roe Won’t Change That; Ilyse Hogue recently claimed President Trump ‘is going to put someone on the court who will be the fifth vote to criminalize abortion, punish women and throw them in jail.’

The Judiciary Is NOT the Legislature – Ruling America Through Judicial Fiat Is What The Left is Protecting Democrats Don’t Fear Brett Kavanaugh; They Fear The Constitution

Being “Nice” Only Encourages the Wicked, and Allows Evil to Continue Unchallenged What Christian Leaders Can Learn from Donald Trump

Slavery Was Accepted Universally Until White Christians Ended It Once and For All Slavery: What They Didn’t Teach in My High School

We Were Screwed By the Uniparty. Trump Is the Needed Correction. Generation Trump? Some of the President’s most vociferous supporters are Gen X’ers, and there are good reasons for it.

Slippery Slopes Pedophiles Believe They Should Be A Part Of The LGBT Community

Of course they do. And as the length of the acronym comprising the ever growing list of protected victim classes increases, we will be asked, bullied, then forced to accept an ever increasing list of perversions. This is the very slippery slope Christians were mocked for referencing back in the 1980s when the push to normalize homosexuality picked up steam. When you eliminate all moral absolutes, when you seek to end all controls on human behavior, when you destroy the belief in God, how can a society maintain order? How can we judge anything to be good or evil when the very concept of “good” and “evil” is negated? Social collapse and anarchy will inevitably follow.

Celebrate America Proudly!

Happy 4th of July! 

Today numerous Americans will be grilling tasty animal flesh, waving their American flags, going to picnics and airshows, and of course, blowing stuff up. It’s a great day, a glorious day, and personally, one of my favorite holidays, not the least of which because it also happens to be my Dad’s birthday. And because I’m a pyro. 🔥👍

I have noted a trend among some evangelicals who seem to want to divorce patriotic displays, hymns, or content from the church, out of some misplaced sense of fairness. They claim that we shouldn’t be conflating patriotism with fealty to Jesus Christ. This is certainly true, but I don’t think that’s what patriotism really is, nor are Christianity and patriotism mutually exclusive. They claim it makes people feel bad who are disturbed by our country, to which the only right response, in my mind, is that of Michael Bolton from Office Space: “Why should we change, they’re the ones who suck!” And they seem to have rooted in the trough of Leftism and bought the lie that America isn’t great, was never great, and we should all be humble and apologetic because of all the terrible things our country has done, like abolishing slavery, giving women the vote and defeating the Nazis. There is also the sense that participation in civil government is somehow beneath us as Christians.

I can’t speak for Presbyterians, Catholics, or Episcopalians, but as a Baptist I feel I must point out a few pertinent facts to these apparently anti-American Christians who seem ignorant of history.

Baptists are as American as baseball and apple pie. The European tradition of rebellion against Catholic hegemony began with the Anabaptists, who got their name because they rejected the heretical practice of infant baptism. And suffered for it. And were martyred for it. This took root in the American Colonies, where the Baptists were a persecuted minority. Who was doing the persecuting? That would be the Puritans, separatists from the Church of England who had come to America seeking religious freedom, and proceeded to deny it to everybody not Puritan. Today they are called Episcopalian. The Puritans martyred, flogged, imprisoned, and exiled the Baptists to the wilderness (a death sentence), all because they refused to baptize their babies, and because they insisted on personal faith in Jesus Christ as a prerequisite for both baptism and church membership. They also insisted on democratically electing their leaders, and were guilty of preaching without a license. One man, a preacher named Shubal Stearns, started hundreds of Baptist churches all over the Old South, what we call the Bible Belt today. Long before the Revolution and the Constitution the Baptists were advocating for freedom of conscience and freedom of religion throughout the Colonies, and suffered for it at the hands of the Anglicans, who wanted the Church of England to become the Church of America.

So you know those liberties you love and enjoy, or hate and seek to destroy if you’re a Leftist? You have those because of Baptists. Baptists pressed the government to guarantee religious liberty to all of its citizens, and the First Amendment to the US Constitution was the result. As opposed to entirely fabricated made up rights like abortion or gay marriage, the First Amendment forbids Congress from establishing a state religion like in Europe, and absolutely guarantees that all citizens of the United States have the natural right to worship, or not, as their own consciences dictates. Freedom of conscience has been one of the defining historical characteristics of Baptists from the very beginning. And they managed to get it enshrined in the Constitution to the great benefit of us all.

Now I think that the wording of the 1st amendment is crystal clear, namely that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”, but the Danbury Baptist Association of Connecticut felt it wasn’t strong enough in its wording. They feared it could be interpreted to mean that the right to freedom of religion was granted by government and could therefore be denied by that government, rather than being a natural right, granted by God, and recognized by government. In other words, an inalienable right.

So, they wrote the newly elected President Thomas Jefferson a letter in 1801, which stated that “Our sentiments are uniformly on the side of religious liberty: that Religion is at all times and places a matter between God and individuals, that no man ought to suffer in name, person, or effects on account of his religious opinions, [and] that the legitimate power of civil government extends no further than to punish the man who works ill to his neighbor. But sir, our constitution of government is not specific. Our ancient charter, together with the laws made coincident therewith, were adapted as the basis of our government at the time of our revolution. And such has been our laws and usages, and such still are, [so] that Religion is considered as the first object of Legislation, and therefore what religious privileges we enjoy (as a minor part of the State) we enjoy as favors granted, and not as inalienable rights. And these favors we receive at the expense of such degrading acknowledgments, as are inconsistent with the rights of freemen. It is not to be wondered at therefore, if those who seek after power and gain, under the pretense of government and Religion, should reproach their fellow men, [or] should reproach their Chief Magistrate, as an enemy of religion, law, and good order, because he will not, dares not, assume the prerogative of Jehovah and make laws to govern the Kingdom of Christ.”

To this, Thomas Jefferson penned perhaps one of the most influential private letters ever written, in which he responded “Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature would “make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” thus building a wall of separation between Church and State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.”

We have then the reverent enshrining of freedom of conscience and Separation of Church and State in American legal precedent and tradition. And we have it because of Baptists.

When we celebrate Independence as a nation, it is therefore entirely appropriate that American Christians participate fully and enthusiastically, seeing as how the nation we love and defend would not exist in its present form with its rights and liberties were it not for the ever present influence of its Christian citizens. As our sixth President, John Quincey Adams once said, “The highest, the transcendent glory of the American Revolution was this — it connected, in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the precepts of Christianity.” Far from staying out of American politics, Christians have been involved in every major change every step of the way. It was Christians that fought and died to finally end the barbaric practice of human slavery, and other Christians who fought to end segregation and Jim Crow. It was Christians who worked and marched to get women the vote. It was Christians who built hospitals, and schools, and orphanages to give shelter, aid, and education to the poor and the needy. It was Christians who worked to bring temperance to America so women and children wouldn’t have to be abused by drunken men. It was Christians who have stood with Israel, and Christians who stood against Marxism and Fascism and Progressivism. And most recently, it was Christians who put Donald Trump in the White House where he will appoint perhaps as many as three strict constructionist Supreme Court Justices who will, in due time, overturn Roe v Wade and end the horrific practice of infanticide/abortion. America may not be a Christian nation, but it has been a country that favors Christianity, one where the concept of inalienable rights and religious freedom allows those Christians to work to make and maintain a free country we can all be proud of.

Frankly, I cannot see how any American Christian, let alone a Baptist, can fail to celebrate his country, be grateful to God for his heritage, and rejoice in the freedoms he enjoys as a direct result of the labors and sacrifices of multiple prior generations of American Christians. It is disrespectful and ungrateful to do any less. So I say, go all in! Wave those flags! Sing that National Anthem! Preach about freedom and liberty, from the pulpit, in the truest and finest tradition of American preachers! Have that barbecue! Blow up those firecrackers! And above all, enjoy being American, and a citizen of the greatest country on Earth since Israel. Never be ashamed of this great gift that God has given you! God bless America! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Current Events 07-03-2018

The Second English Civil War Stop Calling It the ‘Revolutionary War; ’How happy for us July 4 is not July 14.

God Is All About Building Walls Why Building a Border Wall Is a Morally Good Action

The Left Is Against the Rule of Law The Liberal Stampede to ‘Abolish ICE’

As totalitarians typically are.

Current Events 06-26-2018

This Is Who The Left Always Were Unmasked: America’s Real Fascists; From the Red Hen to Hollywood, the mask comes off.

It’s Going To End In Violence Why the Left Is Having a Nervous Breakdown

These People Are Dangerous A Fascist Right — or a Hysterical Left?

Read A Book, Idiots The Nazi, Hitler, Holocaust Issue

All Cultures Are Not Equal No, Not All Cultures Are Equivalent

Cultures derived from Judeo-Christian philosophy are superior. Cultures derived from pagan tribalism are not.

Maybe We Should Be Trying to Make Mexico A Country Its Citizens Don’t Want to Leave Make Mexico Great Again

Leftists Care About Children Like Muslims Care About Jews The Big Lie: Leftists Care about Children

Current Events 06-22-2018

They Can’t Legally Censor Speech (Yet), So This Was Plan B Judicial Watch Obtains IRS Documents Revealing McCain’s Subcommittee Staff Director Urged IRS to Engage in “Financially Ruinous” Targeting

The Left Are Literally Fascists The Left’s Most Dangerous Game

They represent a clear and present danger to the safety and liberty of average Americans. We are going to have to arm ourselves and be ready to defend ourselves.

Not Without a Fight America Is Over, But I Won’t See It Go Without An Epic Fight; Barring some unforeseen awakening, America is heading for an eventual socialist abyss. But I’m not letting it go down without a fight.

The Left Hates America and Wants It Gone Has the West the Will to Survive?

How Long Do We Let the Media Lie Day in and Day Out Without Any Repercussions? Crying Honduran Child Who Became The Face Of Border Family Separation Was Never Separated From Family

They Don’t Care About These Children, Only in Flooding Our Country With Undocumented Democrats Here’s All The Proof You Need That Democrats Never Cared About Separation Of Illegal Immigrant Children From Parents

Hypocrites, And Yet Small Businesses Have to Be Destroyed With Ever Climbing Minimum Wages Democracy Dies In Amazon’s Warehouses

To Infinity and Beyond! Trump’s ‘Space Force’ Is No Joke. It Might Even Work.

And once again, America leads the way.