Entries by CptNemo

Current Events 03-28-2024

We Need to Send the Groypers Back to the Left Where They Belong The Jewish Problem; When I warned you that the “alt-right” was but a mirror image of the identitarian left, I wasn’t kidding How’s That Workin’ For Ya? The greatest Trumpenfreude of all; They kicked President Trump off Twitter. That’s about to make […]

Current Events 03-26-2024

Remember When We Went to War With England Over a 2% Tax on Tea? You Didn’t Think This Squatter Situation Just Appeared Out of Nowhere, Did You? I’m old fashioned enough to think trespassers should be shot. They Are Abolishing the Bill of Rights If Free Speech Doesn’t Survive Ruling Class Demagoguery, Neither Will Democracy […]

Current Events 03-20-2024

Biden and the Left are Evil Pedo Satanists Biden’s Bloodbath It is no longer possible to co-exist with these people. They are evil. They will not stop until we make them stop. Are You a Classical Liberal? You Are No Longer Welcome on the Left. How the Left Was Left Would you like free speech? […]

Current Events 03-13-2024

Four Years Since the Republic Died – We Are Living in Its Corpse Four Years Ago This Week, Freedom Was Torched America is a Police State The State of Our Nation No One’s Talking About: Tyranny Is Rising as Freedom Falls I love my country. Love its history, the countryside itself, most of its people, […]

Current Events 03-01-2024

GEOTUS Editorial, Via the DailyMail Joe Biden created this illegal migrant invasion – and only I can stop it Black Women Should Not Be Allowed In ANY Positions of Power EVER DMV America: The Regime’s Fani Willis Problem, and Ours We Need the Will to Act, Or Die American Paralysis and Decline Societies do not […]

Current Events 02-27-2024

Big Corn is Killing America The Empire of Corn; Any attempt to break free from the tyranny of American corn is dealt with severely: just ask Mexico Do You Or Someone You Love Suffer From TDS? There Is Help. How To Diagnose Trump Derangement Syndrome; Dr. Bezmenov’s DSM-V diagnostic of the TDS mind virus pandemic […]

Current Events 02-19-2024

NYC is About to Find Out “F**k Around & Find Out”: Truckers Warn Loads To NYC Will Be Rejected Starting Monday Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should Scientists Resurrecting The Woolly Mammoth Are Crazy, Not ‘Cool’ Always Has Been It’s Class Warfare All the Way Down; dressed up as politics Race warfare, gender […]

Current Events 02-15-2024

78% of Democrats Are Traitors Who Want to Abolish Elections Rasmussen Poll: 78% of Dems Back States Removing Trump From Ballot Civil War Is Possible, Even Likely Our Gathering Storm We Are the Baddies What Everyone Is Missing About the Putin/Carlson Talk Oceania Has Always Been at War With East Asia Tucker interview with Putin […]

Current Events 02-14-2024

Everything is a PsyOp Land of Spooks and Shills and Sheeple; Trust is hard to find Everybody Needs Some Old Men In Their Life The Power of Old Men; Teaching in an age-old fashion Communists HATE old people. Why? Because they lived through the past, and thus remember it. You can’t rewrite the past if […]