Events. Of a current nature.

Current Events 11-12-2019

It Will Be a Referendum on America The Looming ‘1984’ Election
 Like it or not, 2020 is going to be a plebiscite on an American version of Orwell’s Nineteen-Eighty-Four.

Every Republican Is Always a Fascist, According to ACTUAL Fascists Guess Who Was Called a ‘Fascist,’ Back in the Day

Nobody Wants to Pay Anybody Anymore What the digital age means for my music — and my paycheque

You’ve Made Your Bed… 4 Feminist Lies That Are Making Women Miserable
Too many women map out their lives with work at the center and eventually wish they hadn’t. My inbox is loaded with women’s emails saying they wish someone had told them this sooner.

Current Events 11-08-2019

OK Snowflake William Shatner Gets In Twitter Feud With Millennial Who Said ‘Ok Boomer’

They Have Been Very Clear – We Are The Enemy NY Officials Show No Restraint Passing Laws to Attack Christian Values

The Fascist Left Will Kill Us If They Can The War on Religion

Heretics Will Not Be Tolerated Teenage Girl Suspended From School for Refusing to Wear Pro-LGBT Remembrance Day Item

There Is a Cabal of Powerful Pedophiles, and the MSM Protects Them The Jeffrey Epstein Story Is A Giant Rats’ Nest That Needs Dogged Investigation; From the media to government bureaucrats to Epstein himself, powerful people are getting away with execrable behavior. It’s time to investigate the Epstein-media-intelligence agency nexus.

Trump Was Not the First Abuse of Power: When LBJ Spied on Goldwater; When it comes to their heroes’ criminality, liberals reject the idea of knowing anything about it.

The Democrats have spied on and undermined every Republican candidate since Eisenhower, and tried to impeach every Republican President. They are a party of traitors and Communists.

Current Events 11-06-2019

In a Word, Yes Will Gay Rights Trump Religious Freedom?

We cannot dissent. We must all love Big Brother.

The Moment Speech Codes Become Law, Free Speech is Dead Without Free Speech, All Speech Becomes Government Speech; There is no such thing as government regulated free speech.

Libertarianism Is a Fraud How Libertarianism Makes People Susceptible To Huge Government
In the end, the freedom to abandon family, faith, and community is the freedom to be insecure, insignificant, and alone before the Leviathan of government.

Practically, all libertarians accomplish is helping Democrats win close elections. This vaunted “individual freedom” is a sham, because nobody can be trusted with absolute freedom. If everyone was virtuous, it could work. Instead, because this drive for individual freedom destroys all public virtue or social controls, tears down marriage and the church, more government control is needed to protect the rights of the individual against the wickedness of humans exercising their “freedoms”. So Libertarians become useful idiots for the Left, and aid them in creating the chaos and disorder needed to assume totalitarian control.

The Grey Lady Has a History of Covering Up Atrocities The 1932 and 1939 Project: How the New York Times Covered up Murder and Genocide

If Impeachment Somehow (Don’t Think It Will) Succeeds, Then The Social Compact Is Broken and There is No Need to Accept the Rule of This Government Impeaching America’s Future
Moving in the direction of South America.

Nanny State Tyranny Munchausen-by-Proxy Nation; “Safetyism” advancing under the banner of the Left is hazardous to your health.

Stop Wasting Money on Pointless Foreign Wars – Focus on the War on Our Southern Border Mexico’s rampaging drug cartels are a huge problem for the United States

Current Events 11-04-2019

None Dare Call It Treason The Military-Intelligence Complex; Many retired high-ranking military officers have gone beyond legitimately articulating why President Trump may be wrong on foreign policy, and now feel free to smear him personally or speak openly of removing their commander-in-chief from office. And the media and the bipartisan foreign-policy establishment are with them every step of the way.

If There is No Truth, How Can You Believe Anything You Read? This Is Why It’s Nearly All Fake News. The Source of the Media’s Post-Truth Analysis; Our need to discern the truth is and will always be essential to us in the conduct of our daily lives and even for our survival. Reality doesn’t change whether we believe in it or not.

Democrats With Bylines This “Orange Man Bad” Obsession Is Killing Journalism

Assange Has the Goods. Hope He Doesn’t “Hang Himself” Why John Brennan, Peter Strzok and DOJ Needed Julian Assange Arrested – And Why UK Officials Obliged…

Burn It All Down Trump Is Derailing The Elite’s Gravy Train

Fight or Die A Great Awakening to the Fight Is Upon Us; No more compromise, no more calls for bipartisanship.

The War on Men The New Masculinity: Turning Men Into Women

They Are Not a Neutral Public Venue Reddit Must End Politically Motivated Publishing Decisions

Current Events 11-01-2019

Blowing Up the Establishment Media-Democrat Tantrum a Fear Response

The Fake Whistleblower Is a CIA Operative and Democrat Shill The Beltway’s ‘Whistleblower’ Furor Obsesses Over One Name

Build The Scaffold This Is A Seditious Coup – Last Time Democrats Did This They Eventually Hanged for Their Sedition

It All Started With Nixon – Every Republican President Since Has Been Driven Out of Office Or Declared Illegitimate – EVERY ONE 50 Years Ago: The Day Nixon Routed the Establishment

We Have to Stop Allowing Non-Profits to Game the System How Trump Can Declare War on the Homeless-Industrial Complex; An executive order from President Trump declaring a state of emergency, followed by an interagency effort, could get America’s homeless crisis under control. And it could happen in months instead of interminable years.

Missouri – Baby Sanctuary State Last Abortion Clinic in Missouri Could Close Very Soon

New York Is Not Fit For ANY Free American This is President Trump’s ‘Why I’m leaving New York’ essay

High Achievement is Now Racist Activists Want To Abolish Your Kid’s Honors Classes, Cite ‘White Toxicity’ And ‘Supremacist’ Values Of High Achievement

If blacks and latinos want to be more successful, then maybe they should start with not making excuses for their failures.

Imagine That – Illegal Migrant Control Works Border crisis ‘is over,’ Trump ‘is due credit’

Current Events 10-31-2019

Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself Famed Forensic Pathologist: Evidence Points to Homicide Rather Than Suicide in Epstein Case

It’s More Pathological Than Mere Dislike Why Woke Comedy’s ‘Punching Down’ Rule Is A Joke

They hate us, and they will kill us if they can. We must not let them.

Trump Fights Evangelicals Worry About Growing Intolerance, See Trump as Bulwark of Protection

Why should we be expected to vote for milquetoast so-called Evangelical candidates of dubious value? They’re great at making excuses why they cannot act, but they don’t fight. Trump fights.

It’s PsyOps – Always Has Been Anti-Trump Media Is Waging Psychological Warfare Against the American People

Of Course They Have. It’s GOD’S Chicken! Chick-fil-A’s Sales Have Doubled Since LGBT Boycott Began in 2012

Current Events 10-26-2019

Kanye West Got Saved. So He Releases an Album to Tell People About It. And It’s Awesome! Kanye’s new album is explicitly, unabashedly, amazingly Christian

Well done Kanye! 

Come For Kanye, Hear the Gospel Who is Kanye West’s California pastor preaching at Sunday Service?

Ministry of Truth Hey NYT: Why Is The ‘Paper Of Record’ Revising History On The Sly?

Christianity is a Hate Crime Now A ‘Discussion-Free’ America; If you think this generation’s inquisitors will satisfy themselves with mere state censorship, job loss, and contract termination, think again. 

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16-17

Eco-Fascism Is It Climate Socialism – or Eco-Fascism?

What!? Don’t Listen to Those Haters Hillary. You Should Totally Run. Crossing fingers: A Hillary nomination would splinter the Democratic Party forever

Fake Polls How pressure to impeach Trump is created by fake news polls

Right. Because the 1st Amendment is All About Giving Pedophiles the Right to Give Candy to Children. Sex Offenders Sue Police After “No Trick-or-Treat” Signs Placed on Their Lawns
The group of convicted pedophiles claim the move violates their rights to privacy and free speech.

You, Sir, Are Now a Protestant Fed-Up Christian Tears Down Pagan Idols in Vatican, Throws Them in River

Current Events 10-25-2019

The Left/Democrats Are Un-American Where Does the Impulse to Vilify America and the West Come From?

The Future The Progressives Wanted Is Dying Beware Moving Cheese

Everything Depends On It. It’s Why It Is First. Freedom in the Crosshairs: Why Religious Liberty Must Prevail

Perverts America’s Plunge Into Madness Began When Words Lost Their Meaning – It Was Long Ago Warned: ‘When Words Lose Their Meaning, People Will Lose Their Liberty’  

Stop the Coup or Lose the Republic GOP Has A Choice: Fight Anti-Trump Coup Effort Or Surrender Government To Democrats; Republicans have two choices for how to handle the Resistance’s latest attempt to undo the 2016 election through dramatic means. They can sit there and take it, or they can fight.

Slander Joe Biden Says Trump Protects White Supremacists. The Record Tells A Different Story

Current Events 10-24-2019

We Have Already Been Conquered The Real Coup

What Difference Does the Constitution Make, When It Is Routinely and Brazenly Ignored By Those in Power? Freedom of Speech Under Attack

How Can Any Other Outcome Be Possible? Poll: Almost 70% Of Americans Believe Civil War Is Imminent

The government can only continue to exist at the consent of the governed. I do not consent to this unlawful Oligarchy where all laws and Constitutional freedoms are wantonly ignored and abused.

So We Can’t Say Lynch, Even Though Trump Is Totally Being Lynched Of Course President Trump Is Being Lynched

Lots of People Have Been Lynched – Race Has Nothing to Do With It Lynching: It’s Not About Race

It’s about mob vigilantism and denying due process.

Let My People Go Congressman Jim Banks Accuses Reddit Of ‘Election Interference,’ Demands ‘R/The_Donald’ Be Un-Quarantined

Useful Idiots Can Libertarians Be Honest About Immigration and Assimilation?
The libertarian position on everything from “free trade” and  open borders to internet censorship and legalizing hard drugs is the same: It is in lockstep with the agenda of the progressive corporate globalist Left.

You Think They’ll Stop With God’s Chicken? LGBT Activists Hound Chick-fil-A’s First U.K. Store Into Closing Immediately After Opening; For the simple sin of giving away millions of dollars to worthy causes, the popular eatery has fallen victim to the mob of intolerance and will be forced to shutter its doors.

The Alphabet People won’t stop until we’re all dead, or imprisoned, unless we bow the knee.

Having Children Must Return to Being the Sole Purview of Heterosexual, Normal, Married Men and Women Why It’s Probably Not A Coincidence That The Mother Transing Her 7-Year-Old Isn’t Biologically Related; James’s non-biological parent’s willingness to risk her child’s long-term health struggle contrasts sharply with his biological parent’s desire to protect him.

Current Events 10-14-2019

Rise of the Hoi Poloi New status anxiety fuels Trump derangement

Peggy Noonan is an Elitist Never Trumper, But She Happens to Be Right (This Once) Trump and the Rise of the Unprotected; Why political professionals are struggling to make sense of the world they created.

Zero Accountability, Non-Existent Morals, 100% Evil It’s Good To Be A Democrat

The REAL Constitutional Crisis The Strategies of Targeting Trump

Stop Sexualizing Our Kids! 6 Ways The Sexual Revolution Gets Its Hands On American Kids
Technology, the sexual revolution, the breakdown of the family, and human sin have created the perfect storm that is now engulfing America’s kids.

These people are evil. Make no mistake – they very much want to corrupt our kids.