Excerpts from my twisted mind.

Keeping Racism Alive

I was pondering why it is that some racist epithets are still uttered, and others are not, and why people treat some words like they’re radioactive. The word, in case you’re wondering, is nigger. It’s an ugly word. One that should have faded from the public vernacular long ago. But here it is, alive and well in 2020. Then I thought, why don’t you hear any other racist terminology? Seems like when I was a kid, you heard them all the time. Very simply, people stopped using them.

The great George Carlin had some thoughts on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uL2t24Thjk It’s worth a watch.

Words are not capable of evil in and of themselves. They don’t become evil until a human puts intent behind them and makes them evil. Particularly when words produce evil actions. I find the double standard of African-American folks using nigger on a daily basis to be bizarre, considering how hateful that word is. It’s like some kind of crazy Stockholm syndrome, adopting the language of their Democrat oppressors from back in the day. It has kept racism alive, long past its expiration. And now, with hate crimes and speech codes, we are minting a new generation of bigots, by creating more division and resentment between peoples. We shouldn’t let Leftists control our speech or our thoughts.

I think as Christians, we should control our own speech, for no other reason than we wish to please God. “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.” Colossisans 4:6

But never speech codes or government mandates. The people who want to control our speech are the same people who love to call everybody else Nazi, racist, homophobe, bigot and white supremacist. They are the true bigots here. And because they believe that words are capable of evil in and of themselves, they view speech they don’t like as assault, and so feel justified in physically attacking us in response. They believe speech is violence. It’s a recipe for Stalinist purges and genocide.

Useful Idiots

Black Lives Matter has become a Maoist cult. I do not bow to any but God. I will not obey the dictates of a mob.

“Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness.
Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment:”

Exodus 23:1-2

Cops are not hunting black people in the streets. That is a false report. There is no systemic racism. That is a false report. All you people who demand that white people “repent of their whiteness”, you are putting your hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness. All of you spreading the lies of critical race theory, or participating in the rioting, or the looting, or the cancel culture, you are following a multitude to do evil.

Mob rule is synchronized sinfulness.

This is a moral panic, and it will kill this country if we do not act. We must keep our heads and not be pressured into making concessions to the mob, nor shamed into conceding the false premises of critical race theory.

Do not become useful idiots, Christians.

Food For Thought

I think we are reaching the point where voting won’t much matter. Yeah, we should vote for Trump, and he will probably win in a landslide (like Reagan did in 1984). But what difference does it make if the Democrat states or cities secede from the Union? What difference does it make when the Supreme Court can legislate from the bench, or when our means of communication lies firmly in the hands of Leftist technocrats? What difference does it make when an outgoing administration (Obama) and his accomplices in the intelligence community can engage in an ongoing coup and suffer no repercussions whatsoever? What difference does it make when government no longer answers to us in any meaningful way? When the rule of law becomes meaningless? When mobs can burn cities, or seize city blocks and secede without consequence or reprisal? When our enemies persist in using dehumanizing language to describe us, and wish openly for us to die? At some point, very soon, we are going to have to raise our own militias and prepare for the inevitable conflict these fools want to force on us. I will not go to the gulags peaceably, nor accept the rule of tyrants. Neither should you.

Food for thought…


So Dave Chapelle made a video during the pandemic (is that even a thing anymore after all the rioting and protesting?). I confess I like Dave Chapelle. I think his comedy is hilarious and subversive. In his last special, he described how cancel culture is used to destroy people’s lives and careers. He then proceeded to mock the Alphabet People (his words), and talked about gun ownership. It was funny. He got a lot of pushback from the usual fascists in the media who try to control speech and humor. So he puts out this special 8:46.

It emphasizes the social distancing and the mask wearing and the standard fear-mongering stuff you get from the Left. Then he praised the protestors out in the streets doing none of those things. He used the worst word you can use for a woman to describe Candace Owens. I don’t think he should be cancelled for this, but it was still not cool. And it got a lot of laughs from the crowd, the same people who would demand scalps if it was anybody else. But it’s okay to hate a successful African-American woman, if she’s conservative.

He made a very emotional appeal about police violence and his own family history. I get his anger. I think it is misplaced, and I think it panders to the Marxists who are probably threatening his job, but I get his anger. The George Floyd video was very disturbing. But that was the point. Where are the videos for the other 1,000 people killed by police last year? Probably, if such videos exist, this one was the only one that fit the “all police are racist” narrative, so it was useful propaganda to enrage the mob. Which it did.

He made a false dichotomy in reference to the massive response of police when one of theirs is killed. Police respond with overwhelming force to cop killers, because their safety, their ability to do their jobs well, depends on the unshakable faith they have cultivated in the public that if you harm a cop, they will come after you as one. No exceptions. I wonder if he is aware of the 48 cops murdered in 2019, or the 56 murdered on the job the year before that? That’s a lot more than the 9 unarmed black suspects killed by police last year, or the 19 white (if you care about such distinctions).

Police kill people every year. Most of those deaths are justifiable, as the perps are trying to harm the police or harm others. In the very few cases where a cop wrongly kills someone, they need to be prosecuted. And they are. Nobody is killing black people and covering up the crimes. This ain’t Mississippi Burning.

He was factually wrong on Frederick Douglass being the last African-American invited to the White House until Woodrow Wilson’s presidency (who was a monstrous bigot who single-handedly revived the waning KKK and re-segregated the military). I think it was probably meant to slander Republicans as being racist. The truth is, black people, including leaders such as Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth, had been received at the White House by Presidents Lincoln, Grant, Hayes, and Cleveland. At the invitation of First Lady Lucy Hayes, Marie Selika Williams became the first African-American professional musician to appear at the White House. And in 1901, Theodore Roosevelt formally invited Booker T. Washington to dine with him. The Southern Democrats were furious. I won’t repeat their evil words. Teddy Roosevelt was reviled by the Southern Democrat press. You can read it if you want here (if you can stomach it): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booker_T._Washington_dinner_at_the_White_House#:~:text=On%2016%20October%201901%2C%20shortly,from%20southern%20politicians%20and%20press.

Candace Owens was right to condemn the character of George Floyd. Character matters. When cops have to deal with people, it is usually because of crime. So criminals are going to draw the attention of police soonest, because that is what cops do. George Floyd was combative. He was a career criminal and a junkie. He was high on fentanyl and meth at the time of the attempted arrest. He fought the police for 10 minutes before they finally restrained him on the ground. And Derek Chauvin, who had a personal beef with this guy (they knew each other from a security job they both worked), murdered him. That’s tragic. And he, and the rookie cops who stood by and watched it, are facing justice for their crimes.

George Floyd didn’t deserve to die. But neither did David Patrick Underwood. Or Dorian Murell. Or Chris Beaty. Or John Tiggs. Or Myqwon Blanchard. Or Italia Marie Kelly. Or retired police captain David Dorn. All these people were killed by looters. The “streets” you reference in your video. The “streets” speaking up against police violence. You are encouraging anarchy, Dave.

I want to know, what else can possibly be done to reduce police related deaths? Every new reform, every tactic devised by Leftists, every sensitivity training course, every proposal – do they really work? Why is there no discussion of black crime? I know Dave Chapelle knows about black crime, because he talks about it at length in numerous specials and on his defunct show. Do you suppose that the enormous out of control black on black crime in our country might, maybe, just a little bit have something to do with the overwhelming police presence in black neighborhoods? I notice Dave is living on a palatial estate in Ohio farm country. About as far away from the “hood” as you can get. Good for him. But it is very hypocritical to criticize Americans, including Candace Owens, and call us racist for wanting to address the problem of black crime, when you clearly don’t want to be affected by black crime either.

Here is a very wealthy black man who owes his success to an awful lot of white folks who find his humor funny, referring to us as “White America”. He’s a talented man, so it’s no surprise he has done so well. But “White America”, it seems to me, has only helped you, not hurt you. I suspect, in an effort to save your career, instead of just being funny, and irreverent, and subversive, you have chosen to side with the bigots. To take a lot of cheap shots at your neighbors, and the police, and a wide swath of decent folks who have no problem with you at all, so as to get some easy laughs from the white Leftists who put “your people” in their predicament in the first place. Just like every other worthless, woke, SJW “comedian” out there. You’ve sold out.

And that’s not funny at all.

You Can’t Reason With Leftists

Did you know you can talk to liberals? Yep. People who received a classical education, were taught deductive reasoning, can be reasoned with. Both liberals and conservatives believe in using logic, reason, and empirical evidence to examine claims, then draw conclusions. We just disagree on the conclusions. But Leftists are different. They are using Marxist dialectical materialism. So logic and reason are out, because those were espoused by Western colonizers. Feelings are the metric of whether something is true or not. They also don’t believe in true or false. This is why they cannot be reasoned with, because they lack the capacity for reason. You cannot persuade people like this without being drawn into emotional arguments, or remedial education seminars on logical thinking.

Something is not true because it is truth – it is true because I FEEL it is true. I feel police are racist, so it is true, even through it contradicts empirical evidence. I feel a woman should have control over her own body, so abortion is true, even though advances in medical science prove that fetuses are alive and can feel pain. I feel that love conquers all, so it is true, even though homosexuality is wildly unhealthy, mentally and physically. I feel a family should be whatever we want it to be, so it is true, even though children only really prosper when there is a mother and father, married to each other, raising them.

You can’t reason with religious zealots. The touchstones of the religious Left – critical theory, sexual libertarianism, abortion, Marxism, environmentalism – were not arrived at by deductive reasoning. They are articles of faith. And you are a heretic if you reject them, as reason and common sense demands you should.

To All the Bigots

Words matter. Meanings of words matter. Exactitude of speech and writing matters.

You can tell that most of the people throwing the word “racist” around (also homophobe, misogynist, sexist, privilege) don’t really know what the word means.

Critical Theory believes that anybody who is “white”, or who refuses to acknowledge the existence of SYSTEMIC racism (no one is seriously discounting individual examples of prejudice), or who will not disavow or apologize for their “whiteness”, or fully embrace the godless Black Lives Matter political movement, is a racist and a white supremacist. To these people, you are literally evil incarnate, because you were born evil, if you are “white”. They make their hatred of men, and the fair-skinned, and Christians, and heterosexuals very clear.

There is a word for people like this.

bigot: one who is strongly partial to one’s own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.
– American Heritage Dictionary

They are bigots.

So when people start in with their hatred or disdain for “whiteness” or “white people”, or any grouping of people deemed evil by this new religion of critical theory, it is acceptable to call them what they are.

They are bigots.

I Will Shoot You

I will not bow to a mob. BLM is a terrorist organization, with designs on political power. They want the same thing all politicians want – wealth, prestige, and the power to Karen everybody else’s lives.

I don’t doubt that bad things have happened to the melanin-enhanced among us, but bad things happen to lots of people every day. It’s not a racist conspiracy. Most of the time, it’s just jerks being jerks, crooks being crooks, or Karens being Karens.

I am a white supremacist, I am told. Not because I actually believe the tenets of the White Supremacy movement, which isn’t so much a movement anymore – more a disorganized gaggle – but because I won’t swear fealty to a godless, Leftist organization that wants to categorize all whites as racists.

The whole movement is predicated on a lie – cops are not targeting blacks for murder. There is no systemic racism. But there are an awful lot of very bigoted, deeply hateful people on the Left. White and black. And they hate this country enough to try to conquer it and us.

I love everybody. But let me be clear to all you lunatics – you try to overthrow the government, start shipping people off to gulags, or try starting some kind of a race war, I WILL SHOOT YOU. The 1st amendment grants you the right to be the pack of liars and bigots you are. The 2nd amendment means I can resist your revolution, should you actually have the testes to pull it off. Which I doubt.

Just sayin’.

Can You Follow a White Savior?

Did you know Jesus Christ was white? I didn’t. I always thought He was a Middle Eastern Jew. But according to the US Census Bureau, you are classified as white if you are “a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.” The Hebrews invaded Palestine, and are on the whole fair-skinned, so they are, according to the USCB, white. Therefore, according to Critical Race Theory, Jesus is a part of the oppressor class – He is white, male, and heterosexual. His whole religion is racist. Are you really going to follow a religion founded by a member of the oppressor class?

I am being facetious, of course. But this is the kind of rabbit hole CRT takes you down.

Critical Race Theory is a cult, drawn from Marxism. It is the religion of hatred, division, and violence. Similar to the Cultural Revolution in China, you must repent of your whiteness, or face expulsion from society. And possibly genocide itself if these lunatics ever gain enough political power.

Critical Race Theory must be vigorously rejected, Christians. It is not Biblical. It defies the command of Christ to “love your neighbor as yourself.” It segregates people based on blood. Jesus came to make one nation unified in faith and repentance.

“Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

We love him, because he first loved us.

If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.” 1 John 4:17-21


All Black Lives Matter

There is no systemic police racism. There IS systemic murder of African-American babies by Planned Parenthood. There IS high crime in African-American communities. There IS political pressure from Marxists on police departments to not police these areas, so more African-Americans are murdered. African-American males commit more murders against African-Americans than any other demographic.

So I ask you? Don’t these black lives matter?

Not to Democrats. Not to politicians. Not to ANTIFA. Not to Karens. And not to Black Lives Matter, the Leftist non-profit organization.

Well they matter to me.

Defund Planned Parenthood.
Make sure police are properly trained and accountable. Neck choke holds are not safe or appropriate.
Make sure police have the freedom to police high crime areas, including African-American dominant areas. African-Americans deserve safe neighborhoods too.
Address the problem of black on black crime.
Drive the Democrats out of office everywhere. 50 years of Democrat rule in these impoverished cities, 50 years of failed Marxist policies, is the root of all of this.

“My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.
For if there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment;
And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool:
Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts?
Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?
But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats?
Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called?
If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:
But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” James 2:1-10

You Have Been Warned

I know some folks are angry over George Floyd’s death. So am I, but if you’re rioting, if you’re burning and looting businesses which will never come back, if you are attacking police, you are in the wrong. As much in the wrong as the officer who killed George. If you are promoting and repeating the lies being put out by Black Lives Matter and other Leftist/Anarchist groups, you are part of the problem. If you are trying to co-opt Christian theology with critical race theory and the lie of “white privilege” you are part of the problem. You are deceived, and you are deceiving others.

There is no systemic police racism. Police are not targeting blacks to be killed. If there is increased police presence in black neighborhoods, it is due to the high crime in those areas. Whatever your anecdotal evidence may be, the statistics do not support the seditious lie that has been promoted by Marxists, taken up by Progressive Christians (who are not Christian), and used to slander a lot of innocent Americans simply for being white – that is actual racism.

The truth, which nobody wants to state out loud, is that the biggest threat to black people in this country are other black people. Black neighborhoods are committing much higher levels of crime than the rest of the country. So they have to be policed more. If you won’t see that, or you persist in believing that whites are out to get you, or that everybody is racist, then you are a fool. And a bigot.

I will not tolerate lies. If you won’t listen to the facts, if you won’t use reason, and if I see anymore bigoted, Marxist talking points, I am not going to be gentle with you. You are passive aggressively calling me and people like me racists, and impugning a lot of Godly people who truly love their neighbor and want what’s best for them and their communities. The only racist around here is you. You have been warned.

P.S. If you are interested in facts, Heather MacDonald has compiled several crime statistics. The links are in this article she wrote for the Wall Street Journal. You can follow the links, read the crime statistics for yourself. It’s not my opinion. It’s not her opinion. It’s truth – there is no systemic police racism. https://archive.is/XLNh4