Excerpts from my twisted mind.

Brown Out Tuesday

Black out Tuesday, eh? First of all, African-Americans are not black. They are brown. Dark brown. In the same way, white people are not white. We are also brown. Light brown. Black Lives Matter is a Leftist terrorist org. They have perpetuated the lie that cops are targeting African-Americans for murder. That lie caused the riots that burned Ferguson and Baltimore, and got 5 police officers execution murdered in Dallas back in 2016. If you wish to show solidarity with your fellow Americans over the murder of George Floyd, that’s noble. But do not repeat Marxist talking points, nor accept the premise of systemic racism in America, because that is simply not true.

Some Thoughts on This Present Manufactured Media Crisis

Minneapolis’ problem is the problem of all cities and states with Democrats in charge – run down communities, broken down school systems, and incredibly misinformed brainwashed citizens. George Floyd should not have been killed. The cop who did it should be prosecuted. But the media doesn’t care about justice for George, or excessive force by police. If they did, they’d report on all the 100s of people who die in police custody every year. They chose to highlight this one case because of the optics – a white officer kneeling on a black guy’s neck. And now, they are doing what they did after Charlottesville – calling all white people racist. If the suspect had been white, we wouldn’t be hearing about it and Minneapolis wouldn’t be burning.

You know what’s ACTUALLY racist? White leftists assuming all black people are going to vote Democrat as a bloc. White leftists assuming that blacks are going to be dumber or less capable and placing them on permanent government assistance instead of letting them stand on their own feet. White leftists targeting black communities for extermination one baby at a time through abortion. White leftists refusing to hold black students to the same level of accountability as other students. And you persist in voting for these thieves and liars who, in their hearts, view you as inferiors who can reliably be counted on to keep electing them to feign outrage over your poor condition but never do anything to fix it. Notice where these white leftists choose to live. It is certainly not in the black neighborhoods they have neglected and left to rot.

And what about you, African-Americans? Don’t you think it’s time to stop blaming white people for all your problems and take some responsibility? When you elect African-Americans to lead your communities, why do they immediately move out and start a lifelong career of making excuses and robbing the public trust? Why do your neighborhoods look like demilitarized zones? Why are your young men killing each other far out of proportion to your population (13% of the population, 52% of the murders)? Why are you behind every other minority group in every area we measure academically? Whatever happened to black pride? All I see these days is “blame whites” and the same endless parade of lame excuses for your personal failures.

We are sixty years removed from the civil rights movement, and 150 years removed from the end of slavery. White people by the hundreds of thousands have bled and died to end slavery and overcome segregation. Our country elected an African to two terms as President. We have done everything in our power as a nation to atone for the sins of prior generations of Americans. But it is never enough. And it will never be enough. And you folks continue to fail and blame your problems on us. Dr. King would be ashamed of you.

I have no sympathy for rioters and looters. This is no longer about George Floyd, and everything about Communist uprising. Exactly like Ferguson. These are paid Communist agitators bussed in to loot and destroy. And I guarantee when you follow the money, George Soros is funding it. Do you really think George Floyd would want his memory associated with you folks looting and burning businesses, some of which are owned by African-Americans? What does any of this have to do with racial justice?

And finally, to all you stupid, insipid, sanctimonious, virtue signaling heathen white liberals who keep puking your Communist, BLM, ANTIFA talking points all over social media – shut up. You are what’s wrong with this country. You are at least partly responsible for this mess we are in. And, as per usual, you will talk loudly about “social justice” where everybody in your incestuous echo chamber can hear it and pat you on the back for your progressive values, but continue to do absolutely nothing to either live in these communities your policies and philosophy have destroyed, nor do anything at all to fix them, other than rob the rich and throw ever more money at failed systems you created.

Everybody else, for the love of God, stop letting yourselves be Balkanized by a bunch of leftists who hate you, hate your country, hate your God, and want nothing more than to rule you. Emotional, angry people are easier to control, and I see lots of good people getting propagandized by this nonsense. Love you neighbor as yourself.

I have spoken.

An Addendum

I’ve shared my thoughts on the latest media generated racial crisis. Thinking is where I always begin, because feelings do not matter, at least not from a standpoint of truth, law, reality or justice. But this doesn’t mean I do not care. I watched the same video you all did, and it sickens and angers me. That poor man. And that ignorant police officer, kneeling on his neck, ignoring his pleas, and refusing to budge until he was dead. Who does that? It is a clear case of police brutality, and that officer needs to be held fully accountable for his crimes. Mr. Floyd’s family needs to be fully compensated by the city of Minneapolis for the actions of its officer. And we must make sure as a society that our law enforcement, who I still hold in high regard and respect, are receiving the proper training to be able to know that YOU DON’T KNEEL ON A RESTRAINED SUSPECT’S NECK!!

** EDIT: As it later turned out, Derek Chauvin was NOT putting weight on George Floyd’s neck. The two autopsies performed showed no evidence of trauma to the neck, nor death from asphyxiation. George Floyd died of a self-inflicted drug overdose while in police custody. It was impossible to tell this from the original video. The George Soros backed Minneapolis AG withheld the police bodycam footage for four months. The bodycam footage tells the whole story. **

That said, the response of the citizens of Minneapolis to this tragedy is wicked. There is no call for burning down businesses, many of which are owned by African-Americans. There is no call for looting, and stealing, and violence against police, who are not guilty of this crime.

There is also no call for the virtue signaling I am seeing from “white folks”. We are not guilty of any crime here. It’s okay to be white. Just like it is okay to be black. Or male. Or female. Or blind left handed Gypsy. Or however you want to slice it. We are all people, made in the image of God, and I am sick to death of these calculating, lizard-brained, bigoted Leftists who cannot stampede fast enough in their rush to exploit a tragedy such as this for political gain.

You people. There is no racism here, or anywhere. Not for real. Not like there was fifty years ago. Don’t believe me? Go live in Africa. I will show you what real racism looks like. What we have here in America is the freest, most welcoming, most tolerant society on the face of the Earth. Or at least, we did, until about the mid-90s when Identity Politics started teaching Americans to hate each other again. It has to stop. The Republic depends on it.

I for one will not be herded into a groupthink mentality of constant outrage over imaginary offenses by the most miserable bunch of bigoted, unAmerican Leftists/Communists I have ever seen.

Take A Breath

Well, folks. It’s getting close to an election again, and no surprise, a white cop manages to kill a black suspect with the use of excessive force. Just in time to hand the media a racial crisis to beat the drum of “racism in America” now that they no longer have China Virus, which is only making Democrat governors looks bad.

For the record, I do think what the officer did was wrong. It was clearly excessive force. He should be investigated and tried for manslaughter at the very least.

However, it was not motivated by race. It could just as easily have been a white suspect, and the outcome would have been the same, only the media would have been silent and there’d be no rioting in Minneapolis right now.

Because cops killing WHITE suspects doesn’t fit the media narrative of “all white people in general, and all white cops in particular” are racists. So black people should vote Biden. Because “you ain’t black” if you don’t.

More whites than blacks are killed by police, because there are more whites than blacks in America by population. The number of officer involved shootings or killings of suspects has actually decreased in the past five years. There is no “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” conspiracy of police officers targeting black people to be killed.

The media is lying in order to foment violence. Which is called sedition.

13 percent of Americans are black, according to the latest estimates from the US Census Bureau.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. The biggest danger to African-Americans in America is African-American males, not cops.

Also, Black Lives Matter is a Communist front organization funded by George Soros. So is Occupy Wall Street and ANTIFA.

Whelp, that oughtta get anybody who hasn’t already blocked me on Facebook to block me.

Good grief people. Take a breath.

Militant Normals

Allowing people to believe lies is not diplomatic – it is capitulation to the liars. Self-censoring to keep from triggering over sensitive pagans is not compassionate – it is cowardly. Letting a lie stand in your presence only serves to hasten the day when all the lies become the new “truth”. When that day comes, we will be the liars, and the true believers of the new faith will have no further need to preserve the existence of inconvenient people.

In the culture wars, notice who always demands that we be nice, cooperative, understanding, and compassionate, while they remain free to never be.

I for one refuse to play along with all the surrender monkeys around me. I do so secure in the knowledge that I am not the crazy, radical, or extreme one in the room. Rise up, militant normals.

Wise Up, Sheeple

If you are over 65, have underlying health conditions (emphysema, heart disease, diabetes, etc.), or you have a compromised immune system, then yes, Wuhan Flu is a threat. But then, so is any flu of any strain from any year. If you don’t fall into one or more of those categories, then you have nothing to worry about. If you have had it already, you are immune and have nothing to worry about. Live your life like normal. Do not be afraid.

Panicked groupthink, social media censorship, virus shaming, calls for massive expansions of government power to “save us from this disease” are pure totalitarianism. Mob rule is a far bigger threat than any virus. Don’t believe me? Ask the Tutsi of Rwanda, or the Armenians, or the Jews. The butchers behind the Holocaust and the gulags and the killing fields were “scientists” and “experts” too.

Why do you wish to surrender your capacity for logic and independent thought to invisible “scientists” and “policy makers?” Is thinking for yourself too hard? I for one will not be force marched into gulags by any scientists of any discipline, let alone mobs of panicked sheeple who have decided that “Science” is their god.

I Have Spoken

Lockdowns don’t work. They may slow the spread of the virus, but they also lengthen the period of infection. The number of deaths are not going to be reduced in either case. Quarantining the healthy won’t change anything, as it is the sick, old, and immune compromised who need protection. We will never get a vaccine because this, like all viruses, is a rapidly mutating pathogen, which makes meaningful vaccines all but impossible. If this thing had a high mortality rate like Ebola, it would be a different story. But it doesn’t. It’s about the same as seasonal flu. Which kills between 50,000 and 80,000 people every single year. Without fanfare. Without shutdowns. A public health crisis does not give government the right to suspend the Constitution whenever they please. Because if we let them get away with it now, there will be no end to the crises that will materialize to make suspending civil liberties necessary in perpetuity.

The cure is worse than the disease, as it causes a correlative spike in suicides, domestic abuse, job loss, and economic catastrophe. I do not care about hypothetical deaths. The only number that matters is ACTUAL deaths, and recoveries. Those numbers tell a different story. This thing is about the same as seasonal flu. It is highly infectious, but has a very low mortality. Shutdowns made sense when there was little data, and when we were unprepared. That is no longer the case. Government wishes to seize power that the Constitution does not allow, in order to keep us “safe”, based on bad science, flawed models, and the exploitation of human fear.

We have to resist. We are Americans after all. I have spoken.

There Are No Non-Combatants

We have to chart our future. Screaming and crying and casting blame isn’t helping. Who will we vote for in November? We hire politicians to wield power on our behalf as citizens. Who will we choose and how much power do we want them to have? What kind of country do we want to live in when this is all over? These are critical questions.

Not taking a side is the coward’s way, the fool’s way, and is in itself choosing a side. I for one will continue my drive to deny power to Democrats, who when this all blew up, were busy trying to impeach Trump, and then as it developed, turned into the little dictators they always were (Essential: abortions, Not-Essential: churches).

My desires are simple. I want a small, accountable, pro-American government that focuses on secure borders, creating American jobs, and dealing with the threat of China before it’s too late. I want to abort Roe v Wade. I want more protection from crazed Leftists who clearly hate me and want people like me killed or driven onto reservations (think Brave New World). Most of all, I want freedom. Freedom to speak. Freedom to worship. Freedom to congregate. No excuses. I will continue to back the politicians who will deliver those things for me.

Being informed, being political, is something every rational person must do. Otherwise, you are ceding your power to effect change to others who do not have your best interests at heart. In this fight of freedom vs communism, there are no non-combatants now.

Beware the Bolsheviks

WuFlu provides a very interesting teachable moment. What is the difference between the average freedom-loving patriot, and the Leftist hivemind? A patriot knows his rights are inaliable, knows the government cannot make him do anything, and accepts responsibility for himself as the only just arbiter of his actions. A Leftist wants government to tell him, and everybody else what to do.

If we accept the premise that there is such a thing as “hate speech”, then a) some speech is hateful b) hate speech is harmful c) speech can be controlled or banned in the public interest. And so the 1st amendment is effectively abolished in complete defiance of the amendment process to the US Constitution.

We see the same strategy employed with the WuFlu. a) everyone is potentially infected b) WuFlu is lethal for everyone (it isn’t) c) public gatherings can be controlled or banned in the public interest. And so once again the 1st amendment is effectively abolished in complete defiance of the amendment process to the US Constitution.

Do you see the pattern here? Step 1: Declare a fake crisis (climate change, gay bashing, back alley abortions, WuFlu) Step 2: Make government the only solution to the crisis. Step 3: Suspend part or all of the 1st amendment during the “crisis”. Step 4: Shame all opposition into compliance (homophobe, racist, xenophobe, sexist, Nazi, etc.) Step 5: Threaten anybody who refuses to comply as a “danger to the common good.”

It’s how Communists take over free countries, folks…

This Too Shall Pass

How do viruses spread? Viruses are not actually alive. They are rogue strands of RNA (not even a full DNA strand) that need a host body to function. Once they infect you, usually through breathing into the lungs, or blood or other bodily fluid contact, they begin attaching themselves to your cells and effectively reprogramming them. Your cells become virus factories, replicating the virus until the cell explodes, releasing thousands of viruses, who go on to do the same thing to other cells, until the host is full of them. All the while, you are carrying payloads of them everywhere you go and spreading the virus to everyone you contact (think John Carpenter’s The Thing).

There is a sliding scale of infection rates. It is called an R0 or an R naught scale. So for the 1918 Spanish Flu, there was a value of between R1.4 and R2.8, which means every infected person infects 2.8 people (the .8 person gets the short end of the stick). By contrast, AIDS has an R4. Measles has an R18. WuFlu has an infection rate of R5.7, which is why it spread so fast.

There is also a sliding scale of mortality rates. Of the people infected, how many die from it? With Spanish flu, it was 2.5%. 50 million (yes million) died from it worldwide. Ebola is 50%. WuFlu is about like influenza: between 0.1% and 0.2%.

So WuFlu has a high infection rate, but a LOW mortality rate. And the people who politicize fear are incorrectly counting deaths WITH WuFlu alongside deaths FROM WuFlu to pump the low mortality rate up higher so they can claim more government power.

Which brings us to herd immunity. We have very few vaccines for viruses. Because of the nature of how they work (they are not technically alive) and because of how small they are compared to bacteria, we have no effective means to kill them. We had the same problem with bacteria before Alexander Fleming discovered antibiotics. In order to stop a virus like WuFlu that has HIGH infection rates but LOW mortality rates, we need to achieve herd immunity soonest. We need people to become immune in order to deny the virus host bodies in which to replicate and spread.

You can achieve herd immunity two ways. The most common, thanks to medical pioneer Louis Pasteur, is with vaccines. You spread the immunity using a weakened variant of the disease. This triggers your immune system, which creates antibodies, but it does not kill you. And then you don’t get the full blown version and die. I live in a third world country most of the time when not trapped in America by pandemics. So my family has ALL the vaccines. In the case of WuFlu, we have no vaccine, and the mortality rate is low. So that brings us to the second method – getting the disease and recovering from it.

“Flattening the curve” as we have been hearing about endlessly, was never meant to stop people from getting sick. That is impossible. This thing has an R5.7. You are GOING to get it eventually. My family got it back in January in San Francisco, which, as you may have heard, has a substantial Chinese population. Nobody knew what it was then. We just thought it was a nasty cold, with a bad cough. We got it. We got better. We got immunity. So back to flattening the curve. The purpose was to slow the spread, not to stop infections. The reasoning was, if the number of bad cases, the 0.1% that could result in death, was to spike, then our hospitals would be overwhelmed, and more people would die than we would like.

Thanks to the Swine Flu back in 2009, our national stockpile of ventilators and masks had been depleted, and thanks to our useless President Obama, were NEVER REPLENISHED. For years the CDC had been warning about a flu pandemic and the need for stockpiles, but the Obama economy was so bad, that the medical supplies were never replaced (ventilators are expensive to manufacture).

We had to slow the spread to avoid ending up like Italy. We have achieved our goal. We have replenished our supplies of ventilators and masks. We slowed the spread until hospitals could get on a disease fighting footing. Now we need to go outside, get the disease if you haven’t already (chances are you have, but you didn’t know that’s what it was). We keep the most vulnerable, the old and immune compromised, isolated, while the rest of us spread that herd immunity around. In the absence of a vaccine, which we will probably never get (we still don’t have a vaccine for AIDS, for example), this is how we kill this thing off. We fill our society with immune people, deny the virus host bodies in which to replicate, and let it die out naturally. With an R0 of 5.7, we need 82% herd immunity to stop this plague.

Which means, we need to get people out, back to work, back to school, and spread the immunity far and wide.

So for the LOVE OF GOD, stop posting memes comparing the Spanish Flu to WuFlu. They are not remotely the same thing. Stop virus shaming people who want to get back to work. And stop repeating the lies of Chinese state media, which are being repeated by American fake news media, who are themselves often partly owned by Chinese state media.

Our biggest enemy is panic, and a too great willingness to give up our rights for the illusion of security.